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PA 2: 2-AP-12

CodeHS Lessons

Design and iteratively develop programs that combine control structures, including nested loops and compound conditionals.

1.12 While Loops
1.14 Control Structures Example
9.1 Functions Challenges
10.3 Collisions
10.4 Mouse Click Events
10.5 More Mouse Events
10.6 Key Events
12.1 Breakout
22.3 Looping Over a Grid
21.4 Iterating Through an Object
22.4 Grid Example: Get a Row
26.1 Tic Tac Toe
27.1 Game Design: Helicopter
19.3 Animation Practice
19.4 Crazy Ball Game
20.1 Intro to Arrays
20.2 Adding & Removing from an Array
20.3 Iterating Through an Array
21.1 Intro to Objects
22.2 Intro to Grids
22.1 Intro to Sets
24.1 Visualizing Music
25.2 Connect Four
25.1 Conway's Game of Life
19.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
19.1 Snake Game
18.1 Prime Numbers
17.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
16.4 Extra Karel Puzzles
16.3 Extra Karel Practice
7.4 Nested Control Structures
7.4 Nested Control Structures
12.2 Lists
12.2 Lists
12.3 For Loops and Lists
12.3 For Loops and Lists
13.1 2d Lists
22.6 Inheritance
20.1 Project: Who Said It?
22.6 Inheritance
20.1 Project: Who Said It?
34.1 2d Lists
34.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
27.6 Inheritance
29.1 Project: Who Said It?
34.1 2d Lists
34.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
27.6 Inheritance
29.1 Project: Who Said It?
9.19 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.20 Indexing Into an Array
9.21 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.22 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.19 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.20 Indexing Into an Array
9.21 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.22 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
13.3 Looping
13.4 Branching
1.12 While Loops
1.14 Control Structures Example
8.1 Functions Challenges
9.3 Collisions
9.4 Mouse Click Events
9.5 More Mouse Events
9.6 Key Events
11.1 Breakout
12.1 Snake Game
13.1 Intro to Arrays
13.2 Adding & Removing from an Array
13.3 Iterating Through an Array
14.1 Intro to Objects
14.4 Iterating Through an Object
15.1 Tic Tac Toe
16.1 Game Design: Helicopter
27.1 Conway's Game of Life
20.1 Connect Four
29.1 Visualizing Music
22.1 Intro to Sets
22.2 Intro to Grids
22.3 Looping Over a Grid
22.4 Grid Example: Get a Row
26.2 Animation Practice
26.3 Crazy Ball Game
26.1 Fun Graphics Challenges
25.1 Prime Numbers
24.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
23.4 Extra Karel Puzzles
23.3 Extra Karel Practice
1.12 While Loops
1.14 Control Structures Example
9.1 Functions Challenges
10.3 Collisions
10.4 Mouse Click Events
10.5 More Mouse Events
10.6 Key Events
12.1 Breakout
13.1 Intro to Arrays
13.2 Adding & Removing from an Array
13.3 Iterating Through an Array
14.1 Intro to Objects
14.4 Iterating Through an Object
15.1 Tic Tac Toe
16.1 Game Design: Helicopter
21.3 Extra Karel Practice
24.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
21.4 Extra Karel Puzzles
22.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
23.1 Prime Numbers
24.1 Snake Game
24.4 Crazy Ball Game
24.3 Animation Practice
20.4 Grid Example: Get a Row
20.3 Looping Over a Grid
20.2 Intro to Grids
20.1 Intro to Sets
26.1 Visualizing Music
27.2 Connect Four
27.1 Conway's Game of Life
1.12 While Loops
1.14 Control Structures Example
9.1 Functions Challenges
21.4 Iterating Through an Object
21.1 Intro to Objects
20.3 Iterating Through an Array
20.2 Adding & Removing from an Array
20.1 Intro to Arrays
17.4 Crazy Ball Game
17.3 Animation Practice
25.1 Game Design: Helicopter
24.1 Tic Tac Toe
22.4 Grid Example: Get a Row
22.3 Looping Over a Grid
22.2 Intro to Grids
22.1 Intro to Sets
18.1 Visualizing Music
23.2 Connect Four
23.1 Conway's Game of Life
17.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
17.1 Snake Game
16.1 Prime Numbers
15.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
14.4 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.3 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Breakout
11.6 Key Events
11.5 More Mouse Events
11.4 Mouse Click Events
11.3 Collisions
8.1 Conditionals and State Change
8.1 Conditionals and State Change
8.2 Conditionals using Parameters
8.2 Conditionals using Parameters
8.1 Conditionals and State Change
8.1 Conditionals and State Change
8.2 Conditionals using Parameters
8.2 Conditionals using Parameters
1.4 Lost in Space
2.1 Quest for the Rosetta Stone
2.2 A Day at the Park
5.7 If/Else Statements
5.8 While Loops
8.8 Mouse Data
8.9 Keyboard Data
1.4 Lost in Space
2.1 Quest for the Rosetta Stone
2.2 A Day at the Park
1.7 If/Else Statements
1.8 While Loops
4.8 Mouse Data
4.9 Keyboard Data
3.2 Mouse Data
3.3 Keyboard Data
5.1 While Loops
6.2 Control Structures Example
10.1 Extra Karel Practice
10.2 Extra Karel Puzzles
2.12 While Loops in Karel
2.12 While Loops in Karel
2.13 Control Structures Example
2.13 Control Structures Example
4.1 Extra Karel Practice
5.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
4.1 Extra Karel Practice
5.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
2.12 While Loops in Karel
2.12 While Loops in Karel
2.13 Control Structures Example
2.13 Control Structures Example
4.1 Extra Karel Practice
5.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
4.1 Extra Karel Practice
5.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.13 Control Structures Example
1.13 Control Structures Example
11.1 Extra Karel Practice
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
11.1 Extra Karel Practice
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Pulling It All Together!
3.3 Making Decisions
3.4 The Formula Solver
7.1 Precision of Pi
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.13 Control Structures Example
1.13 Control Structures Example
3.13 Control Structures Example
3.17 Karel Challenges
5.4 Nested Control Structures
5.4 Nested Control Structures
7.1 Loops
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.3 Arithmetic, Comparison, and Logical Operators
9.2 Lists
9.2 Lists
9.3 For Loops and Lists
9.3 For Loops and Lists
10.1 2d Lists
10.1 2d Lists
10.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
10.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
12.1 Arduino Challenges
14.6 Inheritance
14.6 Inheritance
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.13 Control Structures Example
1.13 Control Structures Example
9.1 Functions Challenges
9.1 Functions Challenges
10.1 Loops
10.2 If/Else Statements
10.3 Arithmetic, Comparison, and Logical Operators
11.3 Random Ghosts
11.3 Random Ghosts
11.4 Bouncing Ball
11.4 Bouncing Ball
11.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
11.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
11.6 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
11.6 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
11.7 Drawing Lines
11.7 Drawing Lines
11.8 Key Events
11.8 Key Events
11.9 Crazy Ball Game
11.9 Crazy Ball Game
13.1 Breakout
13.1 Breakout
14.1 Arduino Challenges
22.1 Game Design: Helicopter
22.1 Game Design: Helicopter
18.1 Extra Karel Practice
19.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
21.1 Tic Tac Toe
20.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
18.1 Extra Karel Practice
19.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
21.1 Tic Tac Toe
20.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
7.1 For Loops
7.2 While Loops
7.4 If/Else Statements
9.1 micro:bit Challenges
7.1 For Loops
7.2 While Loops
7.4 If/Else Statements
8.1 Control Structures Example
9.1 Karel Challenges
10.1 micro:bit Challenges
2.1 For Loops
2.2 While Loops
2.4 If/Else Statements
3.1 micro:bit Challenges
2.1 Loops
2.2 If/Else Statements
2.3 Arithmetic, Comparison, and Logical Operators
3.1 Arduino Challenges
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.14 Control Structures Example
2.14 Control Structures Example
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.3 Key Events
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
15.2 Drawing Lines
15.3 Key Events
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
15.2 Drawing Lines
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.13 Control Structures Example
1.13 Control Structures Example
8.1 Functions Challenges
8.1 Functions Challenges
9.3 Random Ghosts
9.3 Random Ghosts
9.4 Bouncing Ball
9.4 Bouncing Ball
9.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.6 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
9.6 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
9.7 Drawing Lines
9.7 Drawing Lines
9.8 Key Events
9.8 Key Events
9.9 Crazy Ball Game
9.9 Crazy Ball Game
11.1 Breakout
11.1 Breakout
25.10 Iterating Over an Object
25.2 Indexing Into an Array
25.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
25.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
25.5 Iterating Over an Array
25.6 Finding an Element in a List
25.7 Removing an Element From an Array
25.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
25.9 Basics of Objects
16.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
25.2 Indexing Into an Array
18.1 Prime Numbers
19.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
19.1 Fun Snake
20.2 Connect Four
20.1 Conway's Game of Life
21.1 Evolution Simulation
24.1 Visualizing Music
26.1 Tic Tac Toe
17.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.1 Extra Karel Practice
27.1 Game Design: Helicopter
25.16 Data Structures Challenges
25.15 Grid Example: Get a Row
25.14 Looping Over a Grid
25.13 Intro to Grids
25.12 Intro to Sets
25.11 When Do I Use an Object?
25.16 Data Structures Challenges
25.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
25.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
25.5 Iterating Over an Array
25.6 Finding an Element in a List
25.7 Removing an Element From an Array
25.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
25.9 Basics of Objects
25.10 Iterating Over an Object
25.11 When Do I Use an Object?
25.12 Intro to Sets
25.13 Intro to Grids
25.14 Looping Over a Grid
25.15 Grid Example: Get a Row
25.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
27.1 Game Design: Helicopter
15.1 Extra Karel Practice
16.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
26.1 Tic Tac Toe
24.1 Visualizing Music
21.1 Evolution Simulation
20.1 Conway's Game of Life
20.2 Connect Four
19.1 Fun Snake
19.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
18.1 Prime Numbers
17.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
25.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.13 Control Structures Example
1.13 Control Structures Example
8.1 Functions Challenges
8.1 Functions Challenges
9.3 Random Ghosts
9.3 Random Ghosts
9.4 Bouncing Ball
9.4 Bouncing Ball
9.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.6 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
9.6 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
9.7 Drawing Lines
9.7 Drawing Lines
9.8 Key Events
9.8 Key Events
9.9 Crazy Ball Game
9.9 Crazy Ball Game
11.1 Breakout
11.1 Breakout
12.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
12.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
12.2 Indexing Into an Array
12.2 Indexing Into an Array
12.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
12.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
12.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
12.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
12.5 Iterating Over an Array
12.5 Iterating Over an Array
12.6 Finding an Element in a List
12.6 Finding an Element in a List
12.7 Removing an Element From an Array
12.7 Removing an Element From an Array
12.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
12.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
12.9 Basics of Objects
12.9 Basics of Objects
12.10 Iterating Over an Object
12.10 Iterating Over an Object
12.11 When Do I Use an Object?
12.11 When Do I Use an Object?
12.12 Intro to Sets
12.12 Intro to Sets
12.13 Intro to Grids
12.13 Intro to Grids
12.14 Looping Over a Grid
12.14 Looping Over a Grid
12.15 Grid Example: Get a Row
12.15 Grid Example: Get a Row
12.16 Data Structures Challenges
12.16 Data Structures Challenges
13.1 Tic Tac Toe
13.1 Tic Tac Toe
14.1 Game Design: Helicopter
14.1 Game Design: Helicopter
19.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
20.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
28.1 Visualizing Music
24.1 Evolution Simulation
23.1 Conway's Game of Life
23.2 Connect Four
22.1 Fun Snake
22.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
21.1 Prime Numbers
18.1 Extra Karel Practice
18.1 Extra Karel Practice
20.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
21.1 Prime Numbers
22.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
22.1 Fun Snake
23.2 Connect Four
23.1 Conway's Game of Life
24.1 Evolution Simulation
28.1 Visualizing Music
19.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.13 Control Structures Example
1.13 Control Structures Example
9.1 Functions Challenges
9.1 Functions Challenges
9.1 Functions Challenges
9.1 Functions Challenges
21.13 Intro to Grids
21.2 Indexing Into an Array
21.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
21.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
21.5 Iterating Over an Array
21.6 Finding an Element in a List
21.7 Removing an Element From an Array
21.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
21.9 Basics of Objects
21.10 Iterating Over an Object
21.11 When Do I Use an Object?
21.12 Intro to Sets
12.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
21.14 Looping Over a Grid
21.15 Grid Example: Get a Row
21.16 Data Structures Challenges
23.1 Game Design: Helicopter
10.1 Extra Karel Practice
11.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
22.1 Tic Tac Toe
20.1 Visualizing Music
16.1 Evolution Simulation
15.1 Conway's Game of Life
15.2 Connect Four
14.1 Fun Snake
14.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
13.1 Prime Numbers
21.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
21.15 Grid Example: Get a Row
21.2 Indexing Into an Array
21.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
21.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
21.5 Iterating Over an Array
21.6 Finding an Element in a List
21.7 Removing an Element From an Array
21.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
21.9 Basics of Objects
21.10 Iterating Over an Object
21.11 When Do I Use an Object?
21.12 Intro to Sets
21.13 Intro to Grids
21.14 Looping Over a Grid
21.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
21.16 Data Structures Challenges
23.1 Game Design: Helicopter
10.1 Extra Karel Practice
11.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
22.1 Tic Tac Toe
20.1 Visualizing Music
16.1 Evolution Simulation
15.1 Conway's Game of Life
15.2 Connect Four
14.1 Fun Snake
14.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
13.1 Prime Numbers
12.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
5.4 Nested Control Structures
5.4 Nested Control Structures
8.2 Lists
8.2 Lists
8.3 For Loops and Lists
8.3 For Loops and Lists
9.1 2d Lists
9.1 2d Lists
9.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
9.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
12.6 Inheritance
16.1 Project: Who Said It?
12.6 Inheritance
16.1 Project: Who Said It?
1.16 Challenge Problems
2.12 For Loop Practice
2.14 While Loops
2.15 Loop and a Half
2.22 JavaScript and Graphics Challenges
7.1 Fun Snake
8.14 Looping Over a Grid
9.1 Tic Tac Toe
10.4 Polish
6.1 Control Structures Example
7.1 Karel Challenges
6.13 Intro to Lists/Arrays
6.14 Indexing Into an Array
6.15 Adding/Removing From an Array
6.16 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.14 Control Structures Example
2.14 Control Structures Example
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.3 Key Events
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
15.2 Drawing Lines
15.3 Key Events
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
15.2 Drawing Lines
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.14 Control Structures Example
2.14 Control Structures Example
10.9 Random Ghosts
10.9 Random Ghosts
10.10 Bouncing Ball
10.10 Bouncing Ball
10.11 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
10.11 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
10.12 Intro to Lists/Arrays
10.12 Intro to Lists/Arrays
10.13 Adding/Removing From an Array
10.13 Adding/Removing From an Array
10.14 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
10.14 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
10.15 Iterating Over an Array
10.15 Iterating Over an Array
13.1 Indexing Into an Array
18.4 Crazy Ball Game
17.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
18.3 Key Events
13.2 Finding an Element in a List
13.3 Removing an Element From an Array
14.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
14.2 Basics of Objects
14.3 Iterating Over an Object
14.4 When Do I Use an Object?
14.5 Intro to Sets
14.6 Intro to Grids
14.7 Looping Over a Grid
14.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
14.9 Data Structures Challenges
15.1 Extra Karel Practice
16.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.4 When Do I Use an Object?
18.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
18.2 Drawing Lines
18.3 Key Events
18.4 Crazy Ball Game
13.1 Indexing Into an Array
13.2 Finding an Element in a List
13.3 Removing an Element From an Array
14.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
14.2 Basics of Objects
14.3 Iterating Over an Object
18.2 Drawing Lines
14.5 Intro to Sets
14.6 Intro to Grids
14.7 Looping Over a Grid
14.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
14.9 Data Structures Challenges
15.1 Extra Karel Practice
16.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
17.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
18.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
7.4 Nested Control Structures
7.4 Nested Control Structures
10.2 Lists
10.2 Lists
10.3 For Loops and Lists
10.3 For Loops and Lists
11.1 2d Lists
11.1 2d Lists
11.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
11.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
18.1 Project: Who Said It?
18.1 Project: Who Said It?
3.13 While Loops in Karel
3.13 While Loops in Karel
3.14 Control Structures Example
3.14 Control Structures Example
10.8 Random Ghosts
10.8 Random Ghosts
10.9 Bouncing Ball
10.9 Bouncing Ball
10.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
10.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
10.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
10.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
10.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
10.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
10.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
10.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
10.14 Iterating Over an Array
10.14 Iterating Over an Array
17.1 Indexing Into an Array
16.4 Crazy Ball Game
15.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
16.3 Key Events
17.2 Finding an Element in a List
17.3 Removing an Element From an Array
18.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
18.2 Basics of Objects
18.3 Iterating Over an Object
18.4 When Do I Use an Object?
18.5 Intro to Sets
18.6 Intro to Grids
18.7 Looping Over a Grid
18.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
18.9 Data Structures Challenges
13.1 Extra Karel Practice
14.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
18.4 When Do I Use an Object?
16.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
16.2 Drawing Lines
16.3 Key Events
16.4 Crazy Ball Game
17.1 Indexing Into an Array
17.2 Finding an Element in a List
17.3 Removing an Element From an Array
18.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
18.2 Basics of Objects
18.3 Iterating Over an Object
16.2 Drawing Lines
18.5 Intro to Sets
18.6 Intro to Grids
18.7 Looping Over a Grid
18.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
18.9 Data Structures Challenges
13.1 Extra Karel Practice
14.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
15.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
16.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.14 Control Structures Example
2.14 Control Structures Example
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.3 Key Events
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
15.2 Drawing Lines
15.3 Key Events
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
15.2 Drawing Lines
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.1 For Loops
11.2 While Loops
11.4 If/Else Statements
12.1 micro:bit Challenges
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.14 Control Structures Example
2.14 Control Structures Example
11.8 Random Ghosts
11.8 Random Ghosts
11.9 Bouncing Ball
11.9 Bouncing Ball
11.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
11.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
11.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
11.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
11.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
11.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
11.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
11.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
11.14 Iterating Over an Array
11.14 Iterating Over an Array
18.1 Indexing Into an Array
17.4 Crazy Ball Game
16.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
17.3 Key Events
18.2 Finding an Element in a List
18.3 Removing an Element From an Array
19.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
19.2 Basics of Objects
19.3 Iterating Over an Object
19.4 When Do I Use an Object?
19.5 Intro to Sets
19.6 Intro to Grids
19.7 Looping Over a Grid
19.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
19.9 Data Structures Challenges
14.1 Extra Karel Practice
15.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
19.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
17.2 Drawing Lines
17.3 Key Events
17.4 Crazy Ball Game
18.1 Indexing Into an Array
18.2 Finding an Element in a List
18.3 Removing an Element From an Array
19.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
19.2 Basics of Objects
19.3 Iterating Over an Object
17.2 Drawing Lines
19.5 Intro to Sets
19.6 Intro to Grids
19.7 Looping Over a Grid
19.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
19.9 Data Structures Challenges
14.1 Extra Karel Practice
15.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
16.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
17.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
6.4 Branching
6.3 Looping
2.13 While Loops
2.16 Control Structures Example
13.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.2 Extra Karel Puzzles
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.14 Control Structures Example
2.14 Control Structures Example
19.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.9 Bouncing Ball
17.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
16.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
16.2 Drawing Lines
16.3 Key Events
16.4 Crazy Ball Game
17.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
19.1 Indexing Into an Array
17.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
17.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
17.14 Iterating Over an Array
19.2 Finding an Element in a List
17.8 Random Ghosts
20.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
20.2 Basics of Objects
20.3 Iterating Over an Object
20.4 When Do I Use an Object?
20.5 Intro to Sets
20.6 Intro to Grids
20.7 Looping Over a Grid
20.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
20.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
18.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
20.2 Basics of Objects
16.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
16.2 Drawing Lines
16.3 Key Events
16.4 Crazy Ball Game
17.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
19.1 Indexing Into an Array
17.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
17.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
17.14 Iterating Over an Array
19.2 Finding an Element in a List
19.3 Removing an Element From an Array
20.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
20.3 Iterating Over an Object
20.4 When Do I Use an Object?
20.5 Intro to Sets
20.6 Intro to Grids
20.7 Looping Over a Grid
20.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
20.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
18.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
17.9 Bouncing Ball
17.8 Random Ghosts
5.4 Nested Control Structures
5.4 Nested Control Structures
9.2 Lists
9.2 Lists
9.3 For Loops and Lists
9.3 For Loops and Lists
9.5 2d Lists
9.5 2d Lists
12.4 Equivalence vs. Identity
15.6 Inheritance
17.1 Project: Who Said It?
12.4 Equivalence vs. Identity
15.6 Inheritance
17.1 Project: Who Said It?
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.14 Control Structures Example
2.14 Control Structures Example
13.1 Extra Karel Practice
14.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
13.1 Extra Karel Practice
14.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.14 Control Structures Example
2.14 Control Structures Example
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.3 Key Events
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
15.2 Drawing Lines
15.3 Key Events
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
15.2 Drawing Lines
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
6.12 While Loops in Karel
6.13 Control Structures Example
7.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
6.12 While Loops in Karel
6.13 Control Structures Example
7.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
9.1 For Loops
9.2 While Loops
9.4 If/Else Statements
10.1 micro:bit Challenges
1.12 While Loops
1.14 Control Structures Example
6.3 Collisions
6.4 Mouse Click Events
6.5 More Mouse Events
6.6 Key Events
29.6 Finding an Element in a List
21.4 Crazy Ball Game
29.7 Removing an Element From an Array
29.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
29.9 Basics of Objects
29.10 Iterating Over an Object
29.11 When Do I Use an Object?
29.12 Intro to Sets
29.13 Intro to Grids
29.14 Looping Over a Grid
29.15 Grid Example: Get a Row
29.16 Data Structures Quiz
31.1 Tic Tac Toe
32.1 Game Design: Helicopter
21.3 Animation Practice
29.5 Iterating Over an Array
29.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
29.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
29.2 Indexing Into an Array
29.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
28.1 Visualizing Music
30.2 Connect Four
30.1 Conway's Game of Life
21.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
21.1 Snake Game
20.1 Prime Numbers
24.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
19.2 Extra Karel Puzzles
19.1 Extra Karel Practice
27.1 Breakout
25.1 Functions Challenges
1.4 Lost in Space
2.1 Quest for the Rosetta Stone
2.2 A Day at the Park
1.7 If/Else Statements
1.8 While Loops
3.8 Mouse Data
3.9 Keyboard Data
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.13 Control Structures Example
1.13 Control Structures Example
13.1 Functions Challenges
13.1 Functions Challenges
33.9 Basics of Objects
33.10 Iterating Over an Object
33.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
33.7 Removing an Element From an Array
33.6 Finding an Element in a List
33.5 Iterating Over an Array
33.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
33.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
33.2 Indexing Into an Array
33.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
23.1 Breakout
21.9 Crazy Ball Game
21.8 Key Events
21.7 Drawing Lines
21.6 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
21.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
21.4 Bouncing Ball
24.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
21.4 Bouncing Ball
26.1 Prime Numbers
27.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
27.1 Fun Snake
28.2 Connect Four
28.1 Conway's Game of Life
29.1 Evolution Simulation
32.1 Visualizing Music
34.1 Tic Tac Toe
25.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
20.1 Extra Karel Practice
35.1 Game Design: Helicopter
33.16 Data Structures Challenges
33.15 Grid Example: Get a Row
33.14 Looping Over a Grid
33.13 Intro to Grids
33.12 Intro to Sets
33.11 When Do I Use an Object?
33.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
33.11 When Do I Use an Object?
33.10 Iterating Over an Object
33.9 Basics of Objects
33.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
33.7 Removing an Element From an Array
33.6 Finding an Element in a List
33.5 Iterating Over an Array
33.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
33.12 Intro to Sets
33.2 Indexing Into an Array
33.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
23.1 Breakout
21.9 Crazy Ball Game
21.8 Key Events
21.7 Drawing Lines
21.6 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
21.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
32.1 Visualizing Music
21.3 Random Ghosts
25.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
26.1 Prime Numbers
27.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
27.1 Fun Snake
28.2 Connect Four
28.1 Conway's Game of Life
29.1 Evolution Simulation
21.3 Random Ghosts
34.1 Tic Tac Toe
24.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
20.1 Extra Karel Practice
35.1 Game Design: Helicopter
33.16 Data Structures Challenges
33.15 Grid Example: Get a Row
33.14 Looping Over a Grid
33.13 Intro to Grids
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.13 Control Structures Example
1.13 Control Structures Example
13.1 Functions Challenges
13.1 Functions Challenges
33.9 Basics of Objects
33.10 Iterating Over an Object
33.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
33.7 Removing an Element From an Array
33.6 Finding an Element in a List
33.5 Iterating Over an Array
33.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
33.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
33.2 Indexing Into an Array
33.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
23.1 Breakout
21.9 Crazy Ball Game
21.8 Key Events
21.7 Drawing Lines
21.6 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
21.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
21.4 Bouncing Ball
24.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
21.4 Bouncing Ball
26.1 Prime Numbers
27.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
27.1 Fun Snake
28.2 Connect Four
28.1 Conway's Game of Life
29.1 Evolution Simulation
32.1 Visualizing Music
34.1 Tic Tac Toe
25.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
20.1 Extra Karel Practice
35.1 Game Design: Helicopter
33.16 Data Structures Challenges
33.15 Grid Example: Get a Row
33.14 Looping Over a Grid
33.13 Intro to Grids
33.12 Intro to Sets
33.11 When Do I Use an Object?
33.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
33.11 When Do I Use an Object?
33.10 Iterating Over an Object
33.9 Basics of Objects
33.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
33.7 Removing an Element From an Array
33.6 Finding an Element in a List
33.5 Iterating Over an Array
33.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
33.12 Intro to Sets
33.2 Indexing Into an Array
33.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
23.1 Breakout
21.9 Crazy Ball Game
21.8 Key Events
21.7 Drawing Lines
21.6 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
21.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
32.1 Visualizing Music
21.3 Random Ghosts
25.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
26.1 Prime Numbers
27.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
27.1 Fun Snake
28.2 Connect Four
28.1 Conway's Game of Life
29.1 Evolution Simulation
21.3 Random Ghosts
34.1 Tic Tac Toe
24.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
20.1 Extra Karel Practice
35.1 Game Design: Helicopter
33.16 Data Structures Challenges
33.15 Grid Example: Get a Row
33.14 Looping Over a Grid
33.13 Intro to Grids
1.7 Collisions
1.8 Mouse Click Events
1.9 More Mouse Events
1.10 Key Events
6.2 Lists
6.2 Lists
6.3 For Loops and Lists
6.3 For Loops and Lists
6.5 2d Lists
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.13 Control Structures Example
1.13 Control Structures Example
9.1 Functions Challenges
9.1 Functions Challenges
10.3 Random Ghosts
10.3 Random Ghosts
10.4 Bouncing Ball
10.4 Bouncing Ball
10.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
10.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
10.6 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
10.6 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
10.7 Drawing Lines
10.7 Drawing Lines
10.8 Key Events
10.8 Key Events
10.9 Crazy Ball Game
10.9 Crazy Ball Game
12.1 Breakout
12.1 Breakout
26.10 Iterating Over an Object
26.2 Indexing Into an Array
26.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
26.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
26.5 Iterating Over an Array
26.6 Finding an Element in a List
26.7 Removing an Element From an Array
26.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
26.9 Basics of Objects
17.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
26.2 Indexing Into an Array
19.1 Prime Numbers
20.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
20.1 Fun Snake
21.2 Connect Four
21.1 Conway's Game of Life
22.1 Evolution Simulation
25.1 Visualizing Music
27.1 Tic Tac Toe
18.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
16.1 Extra Karel Practice
28.1 Game Design: Helicopter
26.16 Data Structures Challenges
26.15 Grid Example: Get a Row
26.14 Looping Over a Grid
26.13 Intro to Grids
26.12 Intro to Sets
26.11 When Do I Use an Object?
26.16 Data Structures Challenges
26.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
26.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
26.5 Iterating Over an Array
26.6 Finding an Element in a List
26.7 Removing an Element From an Array
26.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
26.9 Basics of Objects
26.10 Iterating Over an Object
26.11 When Do I Use an Object?
26.12 Intro to Sets
26.13 Intro to Grids
26.14 Looping Over a Grid
26.15 Grid Example: Get a Row
26.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
28.1 Game Design: Helicopter
16.1 Extra Karel Practice
17.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
27.1 Tic Tac Toe
25.1 Visualizing Music
22.1 Evolution Simulation
21.1 Conway's Game of Life
21.2 Connect Four
20.1 Fun Snake
20.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
19.1 Prime Numbers
18.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
26.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
23.3 Looping
23.4 Branching
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.14 Control Structures Example
2.14 Control Structures Example
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.3 Key Events
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
15.2 Drawing Lines
15.3 Key Events
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
15.2 Drawing Lines
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.14 Control Structures Example
2.14 Control Structures Example
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.3 Key Events
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
15.2 Drawing Lines
15.3 Key Events
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
15.2 Drawing Lines
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.14 Control Structures Example
2.14 Control Structures Example
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.3 Key Events
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
15.2 Drawing Lines
15.3 Key Events
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
15.2 Drawing Lines
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.14 Control Structures Example
2.14 Control Structures Example
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.3 Key Events
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
15.2 Drawing Lines
15.3 Key Events
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
15.2 Drawing Lines
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
14.12 While Loops in Karel
14.13 Control Structures Example
15.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.12 While Loops in Karel
14.13 Control Structures Example
15.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
6.1 For Loops
6.2 While Loops
6.4 If/Else Statements
7.1 micro:bit Challenges
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.14 Control Structures Example
2.14 Control Structures Example
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.3 Key Events
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
15.2 Drawing Lines
15.3 Key Events
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
15.2 Drawing Lines
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
8.12 While Loops in Karel
8.12 While Loops in Karel
8.13 Control Structures Example
8.13 Control Structures Example
2.13 While Loops
2.15 Control Structures Example
10.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
10.2 Indexing Into an Array
10.3 Adding/Removing From an Array
10.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
10.5 Iterating Over an Array
10.6 Finding an Element in a List
10.7 Removing an Element From an Array
10.9 Data Structures Quiz
11.2 Intro to Sets
11.3 Intro to Grids
11.4 Looping Over a Grid
11.5 Grid Example: Get a Row
13.3 Collisions
13.4 Mouse Click Events
13.5 More Mouse Events
13.6 Key Events
18.3 Animation Practice
18.4 Crazy Ball Game
16.1 Intro to Objects
16.4 Iterating Through an Object
18.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
18.1 Snake Game
17.1 Prime Numbers
15.1 Breakout
2.7 If/Else Statements
2.8 While Loops
5.8 Mouse Data
5.9 Keyboard Data
5.12 While Loops
5.14 Control Structures Example
12.1 Functions Challenges
2.12 While Loops
2.14 Control Structures Example
8.3 Collisions
8.4 Mouse Click Events
8.5 More Mouse Events
8.6 Key Events
11.4 For Loops
11.5 While Loops
17.4 Crazy Ball Game
17.3 Animation Practice
17.2 Fun Graphics Challenges
17.1 Snake Game
16.1 Prime Numbers
20.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.2 Extra Karel Puzzles
15.1 Extra Karel Practice
23.1 Breakout
21.1 Functions Challenges
10.3 Looping
10.4 Branching
1.13 While Loops in Karel
1.13 While Loops in Karel
1.14 Control Structures Example
1.14 Control Structures Example
8.3 Random Ghosts
8.3 Random Ghosts
8.4 Bouncing Ball
8.4 Bouncing Ball
8.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
8.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.2 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.2 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.3 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.3 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.4 Iterating Over an Array
9.4 Iterating Over an Array
9.5 Finding an Element in a List
9.5 Finding an Element in a List
9.6 Removing an Element From an Array
9.6 Removing an Element From an Array
15.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
16.4 Crazy Ball Game
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
13.1 Extra Karel Practice
14.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
17.6 Intro to Grids
16.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
16.2 Drawing Lines
16.3 Key Events
16.4 Crazy Ball Game
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
16.3 Key Events
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
13.1 Extra Karel Practice
14.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
15.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
16.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
16.2 Drawing Lines
13.6 Inheritance
13.6 Inheritance
13.3 Looping
13.4 Branching
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.14 Control Structures Example
2.14 Control Structures Example
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.3 Key Events
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
15.2 Drawing Lines
15.3 Key Events
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
15.2 Drawing Lines
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
12.12 While Loops in Karel
12.13 Control Structures Example
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
12.12 While Loops in Karel
12.13 Control Structures Example
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
7.4 Nested Control Structures
7.4 Nested Control Structures
6.6 Inheritance
6.6 Inheritance
13.1 Project: Who Said It?
13.1 Project: Who Said It?
7.4 Nested Control Structures
7.4 Nested Control Structures
6.6 Inheritance
6.6 Inheritance
13.1 Project: Who Said It?
13.1 Project: Who Said It?
3.13 While Loops in Karel
3.13 While Loops in Karel
3.14 Control Structures Example
3.14 Control Structures Example
20.3 Removing an Element From an Array
15.9 Bouncing Ball
15.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
19.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
19.2 Drawing Lines
19.3 Key Events
19.4 Crazy Ball Game
15.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
20.1 Indexing Into an Array
15.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
15.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
15.14 Iterating Over an Array
20.2 Finding an Element in a List
15.8 Random Ghosts
21.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
21.2 Basics of Objects
21.3 Iterating Over an Object
21.4 When Do I Use an Object?
21.5 Intro to Sets
21.6 Intro to Grids
21.7 Looping Over a Grid
21.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
21.9 Data Structures Challenges
16.1 Extra Karel Practice
17.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
18.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
21.2 Basics of Objects
19.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
19.2 Drawing Lines
19.3 Key Events
19.4 Crazy Ball Game
15.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
20.1 Indexing Into an Array
15.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
15.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
15.14 Iterating Over an Array
20.2 Finding an Element in a List
20.3 Removing an Element From an Array
21.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
15.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
21.3 Iterating Over an Object
21.4 When Do I Use an Object?
21.5 Intro to Sets
21.6 Intro to Grids
21.7 Looping Over a Grid
21.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
21.9 Data Structures Challenges
16.1 Extra Karel Practice
17.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
18.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.9 Bouncing Ball
15.8 Random Ghosts
16.3 Looping
16.4 Branching
13.19 Intro to Lists/Arrays
13.20 Indexing Into an Array
13.21 Adding/Removing From an Array
13.22 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
13.19 Intro to Lists/Arrays
13.20 Indexing Into an Array
13.21 Adding/Removing From an Array
13.22 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
14.19 Intro to Lists/Arrays
14.20 Indexing Into an Array
14.21 Adding/Removing From an Array
14.22 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
14.19 Intro to Lists/Arrays
14.20 Indexing Into an Array
14.21 Adding/Removing From an Array
14.22 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.13 Control Structures Example
1.13 Control Structures Example
4.13 While Loops in Karel
4.13 While Loops in Karel
4.14 Control Structures Example
4.14 Control Structures Example
7.8 Random Ghosts
7.8 Random Ghosts
7.9 Bouncing Ball
7.9 Bouncing Ball
7.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
7.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
7.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
7.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
7.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
7.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
7.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
7.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
7.14 Iterating Over an Array
7.14 Iterating Over an Array
13.1 Extra Karel Practice
14.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
2.12 While Loops
2.15 Control Structures Example
11.3 Collisions
11.4 Mouse Click Events
11.5 More Mouse Events
11.6 Key Events
12.1 Breakout
13.1 Intro to Arrays
13.2 Adding & Removing from an Array
13.3 Iterating Through an Array
20.3 Looping
20.4 Branching
2.12 While Loops in Karel
2.12 While Loops in Karel
2.13 Control Structures Example
2.13 Control Structures Example
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.3 Key Events
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
15.2 Drawing Lines
15.3 Key Events
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
15.2 Drawing Lines
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.13 While Loops in Karel
2.14 Control Structures Example
2.14 Control Structures Example
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.8 Random Ghosts
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.9 Bouncing Ball
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.10 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
9.14 Iterating Over an Array
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.3 Key Events
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
15.2 Drawing Lines
15.3 Key Events
15.4 Crazy Ball Game
16.1 Indexing Into an Array
16.2 Finding an Element in a List
16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.2 Basics of Objects
17.3 Iterating Over an Object
15.2 Drawing Lines
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
17.7 Looping Over a Grid
17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
17.9 Data Structures Challenges
12.1 Extra Karel Practice
13.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 Functions and Parameters Practice
15.1 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
12.1 Extra Karel Puzzles
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
1.7 If/Else Statements
1.8 While Loops
5.8 Mouse Data
5.9 Keyboard Data
1.7 If/Else Statements
1.8 While Loops
3.5 For Loops
3.6 While Loops
7.2 If/Else Statements
8.1 micro:bit Challenges
6.4 Nested Control Structures
6.4 Nested Control Structures
4.2 Lists
4.2 Lists
4.3 For Loops and Lists
4.3 For Loops and Lists
5.1 2d Lists
6.4 Nested Control Structures
6.4 Nested Control Structures