Teachers can review and grade any student program on CodeHS. It’s easy to provide direct feedback to individual students and mark an assignment as “Finalized” or “Needs Work.”
With our automatic code submission system, students can seamlessly share programs for review. From the Review Dashboard, teachers can view the most recent submission and provide personalized feedback.
Seamlessly manage students grades with the customizable gradebook! Configure point settings, organize assignments, view student programs, assign grades, export grades to an external platform, and much more.
Students receive instant feedback on programs with built-in test cases. Teachers can use CodeHS pre-written tests or create their own.
Work through student submissions quickly and easily with Fast Grade! Filter & sort submissions, compare student code to solution code, send personalized feedback, and assign a grade—all in one spot.
Set the pace of your course and manage late submissions by setting Due Dates for assignments, lessons, and modules. You can also lock and schedule assignments with Access Controls.
Communicate directly with students to share personalized feedback or answer questions on specific assignments through the CodeHS Conversations tool.