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Game Design in Unity - Semester One


  1. Intro to Game Design

    1. 1.1 Intro to Game Design

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 1.2 History of Video Games

    5. Description
    6. Objective
  2. Exploring the Industry

    1. 2.1 Careers in Game Design

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 2.2 Scavenger Hunt: Careers in Game Design

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 2.3 Game Industry Insights

    8. Description
    9. Objective
  3. Unity Fundamentals

    1. 3.1 Intro to Unity

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 3.2 Unity Setup

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 3.3 Course Management

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 3.4 Unity Basics

    11. Description
    12. Objective
    13. 3.5 Using Prefab Objects

    14. Description
    15. Objective
    16. 3.6 Getting Started with AI

    17. Description
    18. Objective
    19. 3.7 Third Person Game Mechanics

    20. Description
    21. Objective
    22. 3.8 Building a Scene with Prefabs

    23. Description
    24. Objective
  4. Legal and Ethical Consideration

    1. 4.1 Copyright Rules

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 4.2 Ethical Considerations

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 4.3 Security in Game Design

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 4.4 Representation in Technology

    11. Description
    12. Objective
  5. Project: Your First Game

    1. 5.1 What Makes a Good Game?

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 5.2 Planning Your Game

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 5.3 Making Your Game

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 5.4 Publishing and Presenting Your Game

    11. Description
    12. Objective