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Intro to Programming with Karel the Dog (Ace) (2022)


  1. Introduction to Programming

    1. 1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 1.2 More Basic Karel

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 1.3 Karel Can't Turn Right

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 1.4 What is a Computer?

    11. Description
    12. Objective
  2. Functions

    1. 2.1 Functions in Karel

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 2.2 More Practice with Functions

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 2.3 The Start Function

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 2.4 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel

    11. Description
    12. Objective
  3. Super Karel and For Loops

    1. 3.1 Commenting Your Code

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 3.2 Super Karel

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 3.3 For Loops

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 3.4 More Practice with For Loops

    11. Description
    12. Objective
  4. If Statements

    1. 4.1 If Statements

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 4.2 If/Else Statements

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 4.3 More Practice

    8. Description
    9. Objective
  5. While Loops

    1. 5.1 While Loops in Karel

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 5.2 More Practice with While Loops

    5. Description
    6. Objective
  6. Control Structures

    1. 6.1 Control Structures Example

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 6.2 More Karel Examples and Testing

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 6.3 How to Indent Your Code

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 6.4 Ultra Karel

    11. Description
    12. Objective
  7. Karel Challenges

    1. 7.1 Karel Challenges

    2. Description
    3. Objective
  8. Final Project

    1. 8.1 Final Project

    2. Description
    3. Objective
  9. Extra Karel Practice

    1. 9.1 Extra Karel Practice

    2. Description
    3. Objective
  10. Extra Karel Challenges

    1. 10.1 Extra Karel Puzzles

    2. Description
    3. Objective
  11. Basic Javascript and Graphics

    1. 11.1 Hello World

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 11.2 Variables

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 11.3 User Input

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 11.4 Basic Math in JavaScript

    11. Description
    12. Objective
    13. 11.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript

    14. Description
    15. Objective
    16. 11.6 Booleans

    17. Description
    18. Objective
    19. 11.7 Logical Operators

    20. Description
    21. Objective
    22. 11.8 Comparison Operators

    23. Description
    24. Objective
    25. 11.9 If Statements

    26. Description
    27. Objective
    28. 11.10 For Loops in JavaScript

    29. Description
    30. Objective
    31. 11.11 General For Loops

    32. Description
    33. Objective
    34. 11.12 For Loop Practice

    35. Description
    36. Objective
    37. 11.13 Random Numbers

    38. Description
    39. Objective
    40. 11.14 While Loops

    41. Description
    42. Objective
    43. 11.15 Loop and a Half

    44. Description
    45. Objective
    46. 11.16 Functions and Parameters 1

    47. Description
    48. Objective
    49. 11.17 Functions and Parameters 2

    50. Description
    51. Objective
    52. 11.18 Functions and Parameters 3

    53. Description
    54. Objective
    55. 11.19 Functions and Return Values 1

    56. Description
    57. Objective
    58. 11.20 Functions and Return Values 2

    59. Description
    60. Objective
    61. 11.21 Local Variables and Scope

    62. Description
    63. Objective
    64. 11.22 Basic JavaScript and Graphics Challenges

    65. Description
    66. Objective
  12. Karel Multiple Choice Exam

    1. 12.1 Karel Exam

    2. Description
    3. Objective
  13. Karel Syntax Introduction

    1. 13.1 What is Syntax?

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 13.2 What is an IDE?

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 13.3 Karel Command Syntax

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 13.4 Karel Function Syntax

    11. Description
    12. Objective