FCO.1 |
Demonstrate fundamental technology skills (e.g. turn on and log in to device). |
FCO.2 |
Interact with a device using a pointing tool such as a mouse, tactile sensor, or other input. |
FCO.3 |
Navigate to applications and documents by using desktop icons, windows, and menus. |
FCO.4 |
Use age-appropriate online tools and resources (e.g. tutorial, assessment, web browser). |
FCO.5 |
Demonstrate fundamental keyboarding skills. |
FCO.6 |
Select and use appropriate word processing, spreadsheets, and multimedia applications. |
FCO.7 |
Use menu, tool bar, and editing functions (e.g. font/size/style/line spacing, margins, spell check) to format, edit, save, and print a document. |
FCO.8 |
Identify and solve routine hardware and software problems that occur during routine usage. |
CC.1 |
Interact with peers, experts, and others using a variety of digital tools and devices. |
CC.2 |
Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. (e.g., reports, research papers, presentations, newsletters, Web sites, podcasts, blogs), citing sources. |
CC.3 |
Contribute, individually or as part of a team, to work to identify and solve authentic problems or produce original works using a variety of digital tools and devices. |
AIT.1 |
Identify and define problems and form significant questions for investigation. |
AIT.2 |
Develop a plan to use technology to find a solution and create projects. |
AIT.3 |
Determine the best technology and appropriate tool to address a variety of tasks and problems. |
AIT.4 |
Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions. |
AIT.5 |
Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, and bias of electronic information sources. |
AIT.6 |
Collect, organize, analyze, and interpret data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions. |
AIT.7 |
Infer and predict or propose relationships with data. |
AIT.8 |
Identify that various algorithms can achieve the same result and determine the most efficient sequence. |
DC.1 |
Advocate, demonstrate, and routinely practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. |
DC.2 |
Exhibit a positive mindset toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity. |
DC.3 |
Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship. |
DC.4 |
Recognize and describe the potential risks and dangers associated with various forms of online communications (e.g., cell phones, social media, digital photos). |
DC.5 |
Explain responsible uses of technology and digital information; describe possible consequences of inappropriate use such as copyright infringement and piracy. |
ISA.1 |
Enter, organize, and synthesize information in a variety of platforms (e.g. saving, organizing, and storing word documents and spreadsheets) |
ISA.2 |
Identify and use a variety of storage media and demonstrate an understanding of the rationale for using a certain medium for a specific purpose. |
ISA.3 |
Plan and use strategies to access information and guide inquiry. |
ISA.4 |
Locate information from a variety of sources. |
ISA.5 |
Perform basic searches on databases to locate information. |
ISA.6 |
Select appropriate information sources and digital tools. |
ISA.7 |
Use age appropriate technologies to locate, collect, organize content from media collection(s) for specific purposes, such as citing sources. |
ISA.8 |
Describe the rationale for various security measures when using technology. |
K.CCP.1 |
Identify, using appropriate terminology, common physical components of computing systems (hardware). For example, but not limited to, desktop computers, laptop computers, tablet devices, monitors, keyboards, mice and printers. |
K.CCP.2 |
Use simple trial and error strategies to identify when a computing device is not working as intended. For example but not limited to, if the device does not turn on students can identify if it needs to be charged or is unplugged before saying the device does not work. |
K.CCP.3 |
Define an algorithm as a list of steps that can be followed to finish a task or solve a problem. |
K.CCP.4 |
Decompose an example problem into smaller sub-problems with teacher guidance or independently. |
K.CCP.5 |
Collaboratively, students build independence and sophistication using a simple design process (e.g., Ask, Plan, Do, Reflect) to illustrate a program's sequence and outcomes. |
1.CCP.1 |
Recognize and utilize common physical components of computing systems (hardware) and software concepts using correct terminology. For example, but not limited to, laptop computers, tablets, monitors, keyboards, printers; software concepts such as sign-in requirements, input, output, debug, and program. |
1.CCP.2 |
Use simple trial and error strategies to identify hardware and software problems that occur using appropriate terminology. For example but not limited to an app or program is not working as expected, no sound is coming from a device, or a device will not turn on. |
1.CCP.3 |
Construct an algorithm by arranging sequential events step-by-step in a logical order. |
1.CCP.4 |
Determine that data (numbers, words, colors, and images) can be stored in computer programs. |
1.CCP.5 |
Collaboratively or individually, students use programming to create simple animated stories or solve pre existing problems using a precise sequence of instructions and simple loops. For example but not limited to, if a dialogue is not sequenced correctly, the animated story will not make sense; or using loops in a program to show the life cycle of a butterfly, a loop could be combined with move commands to allow continual but controlled movement of the character. |
1.CCP.6 |
Decompose larger problems or tasks into smaller sub-problems independently. |
1.CCP.7 |
Collaboratively, students build independence and sophistication using a simple design process (e.g., Ask, Plan, Do, Reflect) to illustrate a program's sequence and outcomes. |
1.CCP.8 |
Compare positive and negative effects computer technology has in the lives of people. Identify ways that programs and/or hardware is used by groups within society. For example, touchscreens are used by children differently than they are used by artists. |
2.CCP.1 |
Identify and describe how hardware and software components make up a computing system. |
2.CCP.2 |
Identify, using accurate terminology and debugging strategies, simple hardware and software problems that may occur during use. For example, but not limited to, if an app or program is not working as expected, no sound or device won't turn on. |
2.CCP.3 |
Analyze and improve an algorithm that includes sequencing and simple patterns with or without a computing device. |
2.CCP.4 |
Evaluate how computer programs can manipulate stored data (words, numbers, colors, and images) with support or independently. |
2.CCP.5 |
Create or revise a computational artifact (a visualization, a graphic, a video, a program, or an audio recording), using appropriate attributions for revisions. |
2.CCP.6 |
Define a problem or task, decompose it into smaller sub-problems. |
2.CCP.7 |
Collaboratively, students build independence and sophistication using a simple design process (e.g., Ask, Plan, Do, Reflect) to construct a program's sequence and revise outcomes. |
2.CCP.8 |
Compare positive and negative impacts computer technology has in the lives of people. |
3.CCP.1 |
Recognize and understand that a series of devices and components form a system of interdependent parts with a common purpose. |
3.CCP.2 |
Describe how and why information is broken up and travels in packets (collections of data). |
3.CCP.3 |
Identify and determine the purpose of a variable and the data that it stores in an algorithm. |
3.CCP.4 |
Using a block of code or script from a previous program, identify the control structures in the algorithm such as loops and/or conditionals in the code. |
3.CCP.5 |
Using a block of code or script from a previous program, decompose into sections and/or subprograms to make it easier to read or more manageable. |
3.CCP.6 |
Using a block of code or script from a previous lesson, identify sections for the code that may be reused into a new strand of code. |
3.CCP.7 |
Describe ways that programs and/or hardware are used by groups within society. For example, touchscreens are used by children differently than they are used by artists. |
4.CCP.1 |
Recognize the input and output devices along with the components that form an interdependent system with a common purpose. |
4.CCP.2 |
Demonstrate how information is broken up and can travel in packets through different systems. |
4.CCP.3 |
Using a block of code or script from an existing program, identify the variables in the algorithm to determine if or how these might be manipulated to improve the program. |
4.CCP.4 |
Construct an algorithm to solve a problem that includes control structures such as loops, event handlers, and conditionals collaboratively with or without a computing device. |
4.CCP.5 |
Using a block of code or script that has been used in a previous program or algorithm, identify sections that can be reused into a new block or script of code. |
4.CCP.6 |
Use existing code and identify sections of code that can be used to remix into a new program with proper attributions for efficiency. |
4.CCP.7 |
Describe ways that hardware and software are used by various members of society including accessibility features. For example, voice commands can be used for accessibility or convenience. |
5.CCP.1 |
Identify and describe the role of various input and output devices and components that are within an interdependent system with a common purpose. |
5.CCP.2 |
Investigate and trace a bundle of information through a series of packets and different systems via a protocol. |
5.CCP.3 |
Decompose (break down) complex real-world problems in multiple ways that use variables to develop a solution or procedure based on data. |
5.CCP.4 |
Create an algorithm which includes control structures to solve a problem using visual block-based and/or text based programming language both collaboratively and individually. |
5.CCP.5 |
Decompose complex code into subsections or subprograms for reuse into other programs. |
5.CCP.6 |
Decompose a piece of code with the intent to debug a section of code. |
5.CCP.7 |
Formulate alternative uses for software and hardware for various members of society. |