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Python Basics with Tracy 2


Unit Description
Refresher: Challenges with Tracy: Students refresh the information they should have before beginning this course and work with a partner to complete a project where they will create a digital art platform. (Note: all prior information is taught in the course Python Basics with Tracy 1.)
Lists: Students learn how to create, alter, and use methods with lists.
Lists and Loops: Students learn how to iterate through a list using both index values and list items. They then work with a partner to complete a project where they create an interactive to-do list.
[Project] Ticketing System: Students review all they have learned so far by completing a project where they will create a ticketing system to keep track of a line of patrons.
Strings: Students dive deeper into strings, learning how to access both characters and substrings, loop over strings, and utilize additional string methods. They then work with a partner to complete a project where they parse through text to organize information about game 5 of the 2023 Stanley Cup Final.
[Project] Timeline: Students apply all they have learned so far by completing a project where they will create a timeline of their choosing that includes user interaction.
File I/O: Reading from Files: Students learn how to open and read files in their programs in various ways.
File I/O: Writing to Files: Students learn how to write to files in their programs.
[Project] Poetry Remixer: Students apply all the skills and concepts they've learned in the File I/O modules by completing a project where they will creatively alter a poem saved in a file.
Python in the Real World: Students explore uses of Python in various industries and complete an open-ended project to share this information with others.
Assessment 2: