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Utah Python 1 Framework


Standard Description
PY1.1.1a Students will understand the history of programming languages. Lessons
PY1.1.1b Students will understand the different levels of programming languages: Binary, Assembly, Compiled, Interpreted Lessons
PY1.1.1c Students will use an editor/IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to compile and run programs Lessons
PY1.1.1d Students will always use best practices to coding tasks: Sequencing algorithms, Indenting, Eliminating redundancy, Commenting, Naming conventions Lessons
PY1.1.2a Students will demonstrate the ability to use variables in a program. Lessons
PY1.1.2b Students will demonstrate the use of different data types: Integer, Float, String, Boolean Lessons
PY1.1.2c Students will use appropriate naming conventions: snake case (first name) Lessons
PY1.1.2d Students will give descriptive names to variables Lessons
PY1.1.3a Students will use arithmetic operators in a program (+, -, *, /) Lessons
PY1.1.3b Students will demonstrate the use of order of operations (PEMDAS) Lessons
PY1.1.3c Students understand the single equal sign performs an assignment Lessons
PY1.1.3d Students understand the += and the -= operators are used for incrementing and decrementing Lessons
PY1.1.4a Students will identify errors and debug a program Lessons
PY1.1.4b Students will identify the three types of errors: Syntax, Logic, Runtime Lessons
PY1.1.5a Students will demonstrate the use or input and print functions: input(), print() Lessons
PY1.1.5b Students will demonstrate the use of formatting methods: Concatenation, Type Casting(Integer, Float, String) Lessons
PY1.1.6 Students will document code by adding #comments to each program: Explain code (function, list), Make code more readable, Attribution Lessons
PY1.2.1 Students will understand the conditional logic of >, <, >=, <=, ==, != operators when comparing Lessons
PY1.2.2 The student will control flow with an it statement in a program Lessons
PY1.2.3 The student will control flow with an Elif statement in a program Lessons
PY1.2.4 The student will control flow with an Else statement in a program Lessons
PY1.3.1a Students will use loops (iteration) to efficiently repeat code Lessons
PY1.3.1b Students will know which type of loop to use in a program: For loop, Nested loops (Indentation conventions) Lessons
PY1.3.2a Students will use a range in a loop Lessons
PY1.3.2b Students will design a loop with a range so they iterate the correct number of times Lessons
PY1.3.3 Students will use variables in the argument of a loop Lessons
PY1.3.4 Students will use incrementing and decrementing (+=. -=) in the body of a loop Lessons
PY1.4.1a Students will understand the difference between predefined and user-defined functions Lessons
PY1.4.1b Students will understand the purpose of using functions for eliminating redundancy and reusability Lessons
PY1.4.2a Students will create user-defined functions (with appropriate naming conventions (snake case) and descriptive names) Lessons
PY1.4.2b Students will understand that a user-defined function will perform a single task Lessons
PY1.4.2c Students will use one or more parameters in a function dennition Lessons
PY1.4.3a Students will call (use) functions Lessons
PY1.4.3b Students will be able to call a function with arguments Lessons