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Natrona CS in the Physical World: 8.AP.C.01

CodeHS Lessons

Using grade appropriate content and complexity, design and iteratively develop programs that combine control structures, including nested loops and compound conditionals.

1.9 For Loops
1.11 If/Else Statements
1.12 While Loops
6.2 If/Else Statements
6.6 While Loops
6.7 The Break Statement
6.9 For Loops
7.4 Nested Control Structures
25.4 For Loops
25.16 Using i in For Loops
25.17 Extended Loop Control
25.18 If Statements
25.19 If/Else Statements
25.20 While Loops
25.21 Putting Together Control Structures
9.8 If Statements
9.9 For Loops in JavaScript
9.12 While Loops
9.13 Loop and a Half
1.9 For Loops
1.11 If/Else Statements
1.12 While Loops
5.2 If/Else Statements
5.6 While Loops
5.7 The Break Statement
5.9 For Loops
1.9 For Loops
1.11 If/Else Statements
1.12 While Loops
6.2 If/Else Statements
6.6 While Loops
6.7 The Break Statement
6.9 For Loops
1.9 For Loops
1.11 If/Else Statements
1.12 While Loops
6.2 If/Else Statements
6.6 While Loops
6.7 The Break Statement
6.9 For Loops
2.3 For Loops
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
2.3 For Loops
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
4.4 If/Else Statements
3.3 For Loops
4.2 If/Else Statements
5.1 While Loops
2.13 Control Structures Example
2.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
2.16 Karel Challenges
3.4 For Loops
3.14 Using i in For Loops
3.15 Extended Loop Control
3.16 If Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.18 While Loops
3.19 Putting Together Control Structures
2.13 Control Structures Example
2.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
2.16 Karel Challenges
6.19 Putting Together Control Structures
6.4 For Loops
6.14 Using i in For Loops
6.15 Extended Loop Control
6.16 If Statements
6.17 If/ Else Statements
6.18 While Loops
1.13 Control Structures Example
1.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
1.16 Karel Challenges
13.19 Putting Together Control Structures
13.4 For Loops
13.14 Using i in For Loops
13.15 Extended Loop Control
13.16 If Statements
13.17 If/ Else Statements
13.18 While Loops
1.3 Modulus and If Statements
1.4 For Loops
3.3 Making Decisions
3.4 The Formula Solver
1.13 Control Structures Example
1.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
1.16 Karel Challenges
1.4 For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
5.4 Nested Control Structures
12.1 Arduino Challenges
1.9 For Loops
1.11 If/Else Statements
1.12 While Loops in Karel
6.4 If Statements
6.5 For Loops in JavaScript
6.9 While Loops
6.10 Loop and a Half
14.1 Arduino Challenges
2.2 For Loops
4.4 Using i in For Loops
4.5 Extended Loop Control
6.1 If Statements
6.2 If/ Else Statements
6.3 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
9.1 micro:bit Challenges
10.1 micro:bit Challenges
3.1 micro:bit Challenges
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
7.10 Loop and a Half
1.4 For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.20 Using Data to Refine Game Mechanics
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
11.16 Karel Challenges
1.9 For Loops
1.11 If/Else Statements
1.12 While Loops in Karel
5.4 If Statements
5.5 For Loops in JavaScript
5.9 While Loops
5.10 Loop and a Half
1.9 For Loops
1.11 If/Else Statements
1.12 While Loops in Karel
5.4 If Statements
5.5 For Loops in JavaScript
5.9 While Loops
5.10 Loop and a Half
1.9 For Loops
1.11 If/Else Statements
1.12 While Loops in Karel
5.4 If Statements
5.5 For Loops in JavaScript
5.9 While Loops
5.10 Loop and a Half
2.2 For Loops
4.4 Using i in For Loops
4.5 Extended Loop Control
5.1 If Statements
5.2 If/ Else Statements
5.3 While Loops
6.1 Putting Together Control Structures
2.4 For Loops
2.14 Using i in For Loops
2.15 Extended Loop Control
2.16 If Statements
2.17 If/ Else Statements
2.18 While Loops
2.19 Putting Together Control Structures
5.4 Nested Control Structures
6.8 If Statements
6.9 For Loops in JavaScript
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
7.10 Loop and a Half
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
8.4 If Statements
8.5 For Loops in JavaScript
8.9 While Loops
8.10 Loop and a Half
2.4 For Loops
2.16 Using i in For Loops
2.17 Extended Loop Control
2.18 If Statements
2.19 If/ Else Statements
2.20 While Loops
2.22 Putting Together Control Structures
7.4 Nested Control Structures
3.10 For Loops
3.12 If/Else Statements
3.13 While Loops in Karel
8.4 If Statements
8.5 For Loops in JavaScript
8.9 While Loops
8.10 Loop and a Half
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
7.10 Loop and a Half
1.4 For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.20 Using Data to Refine Game Mechanics
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
11.16 Karel Challenges
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
9.4 If Statements
9.5 For Loops in JavaScript
9.9 While Loops
9.10 Loop and a Half
3.4 For Loops
3.14 Using i in For Loops
3.15 Extended Loop Control
3.16 If Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.18 While Loops
3.19 Putting Together Control Structures
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops
14.2 If/Else Statements
14.9 For Loops
14.6 While Loops
14.7 The Break Statement
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
14.4 If Statements
14.5 For Loops in JavaScript
14.9 While Loops
14.10 Loop and a Half
5.4 Nested Control Structures
18.19 Putting Together Control Structures
18.4 For Loops
18.14 Using i in For Loops
18.15 Extended Loop Control
18.16 If Statements
18.17 If/ Else Statements
18.18 While Loops
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
15.4 If Statements
15.5 For Loops in JavaScript
15.9 While Loops
15.10 Loop and a Half
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
7.10 Loop and a Half
1.4 For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.20 Using Data to Refine Game Mechanics
10.1 micro:bit Challenges
6.13 Control Structures Example
6.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
6.16 Karel Challenges
1.9 For Loops
1.11 If/Else Statements
1.12 While Loops
4.2 If/Else Statements
4.6 While Loops
4.7 The Break Statement
4.9 For Loops
1.9 For Loops
1.11 If/Else Statements
1.12 While Loops in Karel
10.4 If Statements
10.5 For Loops in JavaScript
10.9 While Loops
10.10 Loop and a Half
1.9 For Loops
1.11 If/Else Statements
1.12 While Loops in Karel
10.4 If Statements
10.5 For Loops in JavaScript
10.9 While Loops
10.10 Loop and a Half
1.9 For Loops
1.11 If/Else Statements
1.12 While Loops in Karel
6.4 If Statements
6.5 For Loops in JavaScript
6.9 While Loops
6.10 Loop and a Half
1.4 For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.20 Using Data to Refine Game Mechanics
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
11.16 Karel Challenges
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
7.10 Loop and a Half
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
7.10 Loop and a Half
1.4 For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.20 Using Data to Refine Game Mechanics
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
11.16 Karel Challenges
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
7.10 Loop and a Half
1.4 For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.20 Using Data to Refine Game Mechanics
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
11.16 Karel Challenges
6.4 For Loops
6.13 If Statements
6.14 If/ Else Statements
6.15 While Loops
8.11 While Loops
8.12 For Loops
8.8 If/Else Statements
8.4 For Loops
8.13 If Statements
8.14 If/ Else Statements
8.15 While Loops
10.8 If/Else Statements
10.12 For Loops
10.11 While Loops
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
7.10 Loop and a Half
1.4 For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.20 Using Data to Refine Game Mechanics
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
11.16 Karel Challenges
1.4 For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.20 Using Data to Refine Game Mechanics
7.1 micro:bit Challenges
14.13 Control Structures Example
14.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
14.16 Karel Challenges
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
7.10 Loop and a Half
1.4 For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.20 Using Data to Refine Game Mechanics
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
11.16 Karel Challenges
3.4 For Loops
3.14 Using i in For Loops
3.15 Extended Loop Control
3.16 If Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.18 While Loops
3.19 Putting Together Control Structures
8.13 Control Structures Example
8.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
8.16 Karel Challenges
3.4 For Loops
3.15 Using i in For Loops
3.16 Extended Loop Control
3.17 If Statements
3.18 If/ Else Statements
3.19 While Loops
3.20 Putting Together Control Structures
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.6 While Loops
7.7 The Break Statement
7.9 For Loops
5.9 For Loops
5.11 If/Else Statements
5.12 While Loops
9.2 If/Else Statements
9.6 While Loops
9.7 The Break Statement
9.9 For Loops
2.9 For Loops
2.11 If/Else Statements
2.12 While Loops
6.2 If/Else Statements
6.6 While Loops
6.7 The Break Statement
6.9 For Loops
1.5 For Loops
1.15 Using i in For Loops
1.16 Extended Loop Control
1.17 If Statements
1.18 If/ Else Statements
1.19 While Loops
1.20 Putting Together Control Structures
1.21 Using Data to Refine Game Mechanics
1.5 For Loops
1.15 Using i in For Loops
1.16 Extended Loop Control
1.17 If Statements
1.18 If/ Else Statements
1.19 While Loops
1.20 Putting Together Control Structures
1.21 Using Data to Refine Game Mechanics
1.10 For Loops
1.12 If/Else Statements
1.13 While Loops in Karel
5.4 If Statements
5.5 For Loops in JavaScript
5.9 While Loops
5.10 Loop and a Half
1.4 For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.20 Using Data to Refine Game Mechanics
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
11.16 Karel Challenges
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
7.10 Loop and a Half
1.4 For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.20 Using Data to Refine Game Mechanics
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
12.13 Control Structures Example
12.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
12.16 Karel Challenges
7.4 Nested Control Structures
16.4 For Loops
16.16 Using i in For Loops
16.17 Extended Loop Control
16.18 If Statements
16.19 If/Else Statements
16.20 While Loops
16.21 Putting Together Control Structures
7.4 Nested Control Structures
16.4 For Loops
16.16 Using i in For Loops
16.17 Extended Loop Control
16.18 If Statements
16.19 If/Else Statements
16.20 While Loops
16.21 Putting Together Control Structures
3.10 For Loops
3.12 If/Else Statements
3.13 While Loops in Karel
13.4 If Statements
13.5 For Loops in JavaScript
13.9 While Loops
13.10 Loop and a Half
13.8 If Statements
13.9 For Loops in JavaScript
13.12 While Loops
13.13 Loop and a Half
14.8 If Statements
14.9 For Loops in JavaScript
14.12 While Loops
14.13 Loop and a Half
1.9 For Loops
1.11 If/Else Statements
1.12 While Loops in Karel
4.10 For Loops
4.12 If/Else Statements
4.13 While Loops in Karel
6.4 If Statements
6.5 For Loops in JavaScript
6.9 While Loops
6.10 Loop and a Half
2.9 For Loops
2.11 If/Else Statements
2.12 While Loops
8.2 If/Else Statements
8.6 While Loops
8.7 The Break Statement
8.9 For Loops
2.2 For Loops
4.6 Using i in For Loops
4.7 Extended Loop Control
5.1 If Statements
5.2 If/ Else Statements
5.3 While Loops
6.1 Putting Together Control Structures
2.9 For Loops
2.11 If/Else Statements
2.12 While Loops in Karel
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
7.10 Loop and a Half
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
7.10 Loop and a Half
1.4 For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.20 Using Data to Refine Game Mechanics
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
11.16 Karel Challenges
8.1 micro:bit Challenges
6.4 Nested Control Structures
4.4 If/Else Statements
2.3 For Loops
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
2.3 For Loops
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
6.4 Nested Control Structures
6.4 Nested Control Structures
11.4 For Loops
11.16 Using i in For Loops
11.17 Extended Loop Control
11.18 If Statements
11.19 If/Else Statements
11.20 While Loops
11.21 Putting Together Control Structures
8.8 If Statements
8.9 For Loops in JavaScript
8.12 While Loops
8.13 Loop and a Half
12.8 If Statements
12.9 For Loops in JavaScript
12.12 While Loops
12.13 Loop and a Half
22.4 If Statements
22.5 For Loops in JavaScript
22.9 While Loops
22.10 Loop and a Half
2.3 For Loops
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
1.4 For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.20 Using Data to Refine Game Mechanics
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
11.16 Karel Challenges
2.10 For Loops
2.12 If/Else Statements
2.13 While Loops in Karel
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
7.10 Loop and a Half