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CIW Site Development Associate Exam: 2.2

CodeHS Lessons

Add images and graphical formatting to HTML files, and create and edit images and audio.

2.5 Images
2.9 HTML Styling
2.10 HTML Colors
5.10 Visibility
5.14 Image Manipulation
5.15 Animation
1.3 Using the DOM
1.4 Creating Elements Using the DOM
1.5 Styling Elements Using Javascript
1.10 JavaScript Animations
1.11 Positioning and Animations
2.3 Animations with jQuery
8.5 Images
8.8 HTML Styling
8.20 Animation
8.19 Visibility
10.1 Visualizing Weather Data
10.2 Visualizing Movie Data
1.5 Images
1.9 HTML Styling
1.10 HTML Colors
3.10 Visibility
3.14 Image Manipulation
3.15 Animation
5.2 Using the DOM
5.3 Creating Elements Using the DOM
5.4 Styling Elements Using Javascript
5.9 JavaScript Animations
5.10 Positioning and Animations
6.3 Animations with jQuery
2.10 HTML Colors
5.7 Visibility
5.9 Image Manipulation
5.10 Animation
2.5 Images
2.9 HTML Styling
2.10 HTML Colors
4.8 Visibility
4.12 Image Manipulation
4.13 Animation
7.2 Using the DOM
7.3 Creating Elements Using the DOM
7.4 Styling Elements Using Javascript
7.9 JavaScript Animations
7.10 Positioning and Animations
8.3 Animations with jQuery
7.5 Images
7.8 HTML Styling
7.9 HTML Colors
11.2 Using the DOM
1.5 Images
1.9 HTML Styling
1.10 HTML Colors
3.8 Visibility
3.12 Image Manipulation
3.13 Animation
5.2 Using the DOM
5.3 Creating Elements Using the DOM
5.4 Styling Elements Using Javascript
5.9 JavaScript Animations
5.10 Positioning and Animations
6.3 Animations with jQuery
7.5 Images
7.8 HTML Styling
7.9 HTML Colors
11.2 Using the DOM
4.10 HTML Colors
10.12 Image Manipulation
10.13 Animation
10.8 Visibility
2.5 Images
2.9 HTML Styling
2.10 HTML Colors
5.10 Visibility
5.14 Image Manipulation
5.15 Animation
24.10 Visibility
24.14 Image Manipulation
24.15 Animation
3.5 Images
3.9 HTML Styling
3.10 HTML Colors
5.9 Visibility
5.13 Image Manipulation
5.14 Animation
7.2 Using the DOM
7.3 Creating Elements Using the DOM
7.4 Styling Elements Using Javascript
7.9 JavaScript Animations
7.10 Positioning and Animations
8.3 Animations with jQuery
3.5 Images
3.9 HTML Styling
3.10 HTML Colors
5.9 Visibility
5.13 Image Manipulation
5.14 Animation
7.2 Using the DOM
7.3 Creating Elements Using the DOM
7.4 Styling Elements Using Javascript
7.9 JavaScript Animations
7.10 Positioning and Animations
8.3 Animations with jQuery
11.4 HTML Colors
11.5 Image Manipulation
2.5 Images
2.9 HTML Styling
2.10 HTML Colors
5.10 Visibility
5.14 Image Manipulation
5.15 Animation
2.5 Images
2.9 HTML Styling
2.10 HTML Colors
5.10 Visibility
5.14 Image Manipulation
5.15 Animation
1.5 Images
1.8 HTML Styling
2.5 Images
2.9 HTML Styling
2.10 HTML Colors
4.9 Visibility
4.13 Image Manipulation
4.14 Animation
1.2 Using the DOM
1.3 Creating Elements Using the DOM
1.4 Styling Elements Using Javascript
1.9 JavaScript Animations
1.10 Positioning and Animations
9.3 Animations with jQuery
2.5 Images
2.9 HTML Styling
2.10 HTML Colors
4.9 Visibility
4.13 Image Manipulation
4.14 Animation
6.2 Using the DOM
6.3 Creating Elements Using the DOM
6.4 Styling Elements Using Javascript
6.9 JavaScript Animations
6.10 Positioning and Animations
13.3 Animations with jQuery