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Utah CS Investigations: UT.CSI.5.10

CodeHS Lessons

Students will understand that debugging is finding and removing errors from a program so it can operate as intended. Strategies students might learn for debugging could include: Guess and Check; Deactivating sections to identify problematic code; Looking for typos, missing tags, or incorrect syntax; Making the problem smaller - identifying important points (changing variable values, getting input, etc.); Asking a friend or team member for help; Printing, watching, or changing variable values while the program runs; Using a debugging tool; Thinking about when the code last worked and what you have added since then

1.2 Karel Error Messages
3.2 Debugging with Error Messages
5.2 Karel's World
5.4 Multiple Functions
5.6 Conditional Statements
5.7 If/Else Statements
5.8 While Loops
9.4 Intro to JavaScript
9.5 Variables
1.2 Karel Error Messages
4.2 Debugging with Error Messages
1.2 Karel's World
1.4 Multiple Functions
1.6 Conditional Statements
1.7 If/Else Statements
1.8 While Loops
5.4 Intro to JavaScript
5.5 Variables
2.2 Intro to JavaScript
2.3 Variables
1.2 Karel Error Messages
1.2 Debugging with Error Messages
1.2 Karel's World
1.4 Multiple Functions
1.6 Conditional Statements
1.7 If/Else Statements
1.8 While Loops
4.4 Intro to JavaScript
4.5 Variables
2.2 Karel's World
2.4 Multiple Functions
2.6 Conditional Statements
2.7 If/Else Statements
2.8 While Loops
1.2 Karel's World
1.4 Multiple Functions
1.6 Conditional Statements
1.7 If/Else Statements
1.8 While Loops
1.2 Karel's World
1.4 Multiple Functions
1.6 Conditional Statements
1.7 If/Else Statements
1.8 While Loops
2.2 Intro to JavaScript
2.3 Variables
1.2 Karel Error Messages
4.2 Debugging with Error Messages
1.2 Karel's World
1.4 Multiple Functions
1.6 Conditional Statements
1.7 If/Else Statements
1.8 While Loops
5.4 Intro to JavaScript
5.5 Variables