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Texas Computer Programming I Framework


Standard Description
130.309.C.1.a employ effective reading and writing skills Lessons
130.309.C.1.b employ effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills Lessons
130.309.C.1.c solve problems and think critically Lessons
130.309.C.1.d demonstrate leadership skills and function effectively as a team member Lessons
130.309.C.1.e demonstrate an understanding of legal and ethical responsibilities in relation to the field of IT Lessons
130.309.C.1.f demonstrate planning and time-management skills such as project management, including initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing a project Lessons
130.309.C.1.g identify job opportunities and accompanying job duties and tasks Lessons
130.309.C.2.a define business ethics Lessons
130.309.C.2.b distinguish between honest and dishonest business practices Lessons
130.309.C.2.c examine copyright and licensing issues in the software industry Lessons
130.309.C.2.d analyze the effects of unethical practices on a business Lessons
130.309.C.3.a gather data to identify client and project requirements Lessons
130.309.C.3.b identify input and output requirements Lessons
130.309.C.3.c identify system processing requirements Lessons
130.309.C.3.d develop program requirements and specifications Lessons
130.309.C.4.a define scope of work to meet client-based project needs Lessons
130.309.C.4.b identify software development processes and issues Lessons
130.309.C.4.c explain the software system life cycle approach Lessons
130.309.C.5.a articulate the principles of system design such as procedural, object-oriented, and event-driven processes Lessons
130.309.C.5.b perform a logical design using appropriate software tools Lessons
130.309.C.5.c apply algorithmic and data structure concepts Lessons
130.309.C.5.d identify constraints Lessons
130.309.C.5.e identify modular design concepts Lessons
130.309.C.5.f document the design specification using a defined procedure Lessons
130.309.C.6.g differentiate among the concepts of data such as procedural, object-oriented, and event-driven representation Lessons
130.309.C.6.h identify current programming languages and the environment in which each is used Lessons
130.309.C.6.i produce procedural and object-oriented programs using structured coding with appropriate style and clarity of expression Lessons
130.309.C.6.j demonstrate skill in program testing Lessons
130.309.C.6.k compare computed results with anticipated results to determine the reasonableness of the solutions Lessons
130.309.C.6.l troubleshoot technological problems Lessons
130.309.C.6.m explain the software quality assurance process Lessons
130.309.C.6.n follow established quality assurance procedures for testing, identifying problems, and tracking resolutions Lessons
130.309.C.7.a identify risks to information systems facilities, data communications systems, and applications Lessons
130.309.C.7.b comply with federal and state legislation pertaining to computer crime, fraud, and abuse Lessons
130.309.C.7.c identify and select controls for information systems facilities, data communications, and applications appropriate to specific risks Lessons
130.309.C.7.d apply procedures used to recover from situations such as system failure and computer virus Lessons