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SC 6-8: 6.AP.2.1

CodeHS Lessons

Create algorithms that create, assign to, and read from variables.

3.2 Variables
3.3 User Input
3.4 Basic Math
3.6 Random Numbers
6.1 Booleans
6.2 If/Else Statements
6.3 Logical Operators
6.4 Comparison Operators
6.6 While Loops
6.9 For Loops
3.2 Variables and Types
3.3 User Input
5.2 If Statements
7.1 While Loops
9.2 Functions and Parameters
25.10 Variables
25.13 User Input
25.14 Parameters
25.18 If Statements
25.19 If/Else Statements
25.20 While Loops
25.21 Putting Together Control Structures
9.2 Variables
9.3 User Input
9.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
9.5 Booleans
9.6 Logical Operators
9.7 Comparison Operators
9.8 If Statements
9.9 For Loops in JavaScript
9.11 Random Numbers
9.12 While Loops
2.2 Variables
2.3 User Input
2.4 Basic Math
2.6 Random Numbers
5.1 Booleans
5.2 If/Else Statements
5.3 Logical Operators
5.4 Comparison Operators
5.6 While Loops
5.9 For Loops
3.2 Variables
3.3 User Input
3.4 Basic Math
3.6 Random Numbers
6.1 Booleans
6.2 If/Else Statements
6.3 Logical Operators
6.4 Comparison Operators
6.6 While Loops
6.9 For Loops
3.2 Variables
3.3 User Input
3.4 Basic Math
3.6 Random Numbers
6.1 Booleans
6.2 If/Else Statements
6.3 Logical Operators
6.4 Comparison Operators
6.6 While Loops
6.9 For Loops
3.4 Under the Sea
8.3 Variables
8.4 The Draw Loop
8.5 Color Transitions
8.6 Shape Transformations
8.7 Direction
8.8 Mouse Data
8.9 Keyboard Data
8.10 Project: Animate an Emoji
9.5 Variables
9.9 Your First Sprites
4.4 Under the Sea
4.3 Variables
4.4 The Draw Loop
4.5 Color Transitions
4.6 Shape Transformations
4.7 Direction
4.8 Mouse Data
4.9 Keyboard Data
4.10 Project: Animate an Emoji
5.5 Variables
5.9 Your First Sprites
5.1 Variables
5.5 User Input
5.6 Parameters
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
22.2 Under the Sea
5.1 Variables
5.5 User Input
5.6 Parameters
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
1.4 Variables
2.1 The Draw Loop
2.2 Color Transitions
2.3 Shape Transformations
2.4 Direction
3.2 Mouse Data
3.3 Keyboard Data
2.3 Variables
3.4 Your First Sprites
4.3 Booleans
4.4 If/Else Statements
12.6 Random Numbers
12.2 Variables
12.3 User Input
12.4 Basic Math
2.9 For Loops
3.11 Variables
3.12 User Input
3.13 Parameters
3.16 If Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.18 While Loops
3.19 Putting Together Control Structures
2.9 For Loops
3.2 Variables
3.3 User Input
3.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
3.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.11 Variables
6.12 User Input
6.13 Parameters
6.16 If Statements
6.17 If/ Else Statements
6.18 While Loops
6.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.9 For Loops
13.11 Variables
13.12 User Input
13.13 Parameters
13.16 If Statements
13.17 If/ Else Statements
13.18 While Loops
13.19 Putting Together Control Structures
7.15 Functions and Parameters
1.9 For Loops
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
2.2 Variables and Types
2.3 User Input
3.4 Variables
4.2 If Statements
5.1 While Loops
6.2 Functions and Parameters
12.1 Arduino Challenges
3.2 Variables
3.3 User Input
3.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
3.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
5.4 Variables
6.1 Booleans
6.2 Logical Operators
6.3 Comparison Operators
6.4 If Statements
6.5 For Loops in JavaScript
6.8 Random Numbers
6.9 While Loops
14.1 Arduino Challenges
4.1 Variables
4.2 User Input
4.3 Parameters
5.4 Variables
6.1 If Statements
6.2 If/ Else Statements
6.3 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
9.1 micro:bit Challenges
2.4 Variables
10.1 micro:bit Challenges
1.4 Variables
3.1 micro:bit Challenges
1.4 Variables
3.1 Arduino Challenges
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Booleans
7.2 Logical Operators
7.3 Comparison Operators
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.4 Variables
11.9 For Loops
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
3.2 Variables
3.3 User Input
3.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
3.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
5.1 Booleans
5.2 Logical Operators
5.3 Comparison Operators
5.4 If Statements
5.5 For Loops in JavaScript
5.8 Random Numbers
5.9 While Loops
3.2 Variables
3.3 User Input
3.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
3.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
5.1 Booleans
5.2 Logical Operators
5.3 Comparison Operators
5.4 If Statements
5.5 For Loops in JavaScript
5.8 Random Numbers
5.9 While Loops
3.2 Variables
3.3 User Input
3.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
3.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
5.1 Booleans
5.2 Logical Operators
5.3 Comparison Operators
5.4 If Statements
5.5 For Loops in JavaScript
5.8 Random Numbers
5.9 While Loops
4.1 Variables
4.2 User Input
4.3 Parameters
5.1 If Statements
5.2 If/ Else Statements
5.3 While Loops
6.1 Putting Together Control Structures
2.11 Variables
2.12 User Input
2.13 Parameters
2.16 If Statements
2.17 If/ Else Statements
2.18 While Loops
2.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.2 Variables and Types
3.3 User Input
4.2 If Statements
5.1 While Loops
6.2 Functions and Parameters
6.2 Variables
6.3 User Input
6.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
6.5 Booleans
6.6 Logical Operators
6.7 Comparison Operators
6.8 If Statements
6.9 For Loops in JavaScript
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Booleans
7.2 Logical Operators
7.3 Comparison Operators
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.8 Random Numbers
7.9 While Loops
6.3 Variables
6.4 User Input
6.5 Basic Math in JavaScript
6.6 Using Graphics in JavaScript
8.1 Booleans
8.2 Logical Operators
8.3 Comparison Operators
8.4 If Statements
8.5 For Loops in JavaScript
8.8 Random Numbers
8.9 While Loops
2.12 Variables
2.13 User Input
2.14 Parameters
2.18 If Statements
2.19 If/ Else Statements
2.20 While Loops
2.22 Putting Together Control Structures
5.2 Variables and Types
5.3 User Input
6.2 If Statements
7.1 While Loops
8.2 Functions and Parameters
6.2 Variables
6.3 User Input
6.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
6.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
8.1 Booleans
8.2 Logical Operators
8.3 Comparison Operators
8.4 If Statements
8.5 For Loops in JavaScript
8.8 Random Numbers
8.9 While Loops
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Booleans
7.2 Logical Operators
7.3 Comparison Operators
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.4 Variables
11.9 For Loops
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
6.2 Variables
6.3 User Input
6.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
6.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
9.1 Booleans
9.2 Logical Operators
9.3 Comparison Operators
9.4 If Statements
9.5 For Loops in JavaScript
9.8 Random Numbers
9.9 While Loops
3.11 Variables
3.12 User Input
3.13 Parameters
3.16 If Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.18 While Loops
3.19 Putting Together Control Structures
6.1 Programming Concepts
10.3 Variables
10.4 User Input
10.5 Basic Math
10.6 Random Numbers
14.1 Booleans
14.3 Logical Operators
14.4 Comparison Operators
14.2 If/Else Statements
14.9 For Loops
14.6 While Loops
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
14.1 Booleans
14.2 Logical Operators
14.3 Comparison Operators
14.4 If Statements
14.5 For Loops in JavaScript
14.8 Random Numbers
14.9 While Loops
3.3 Variables and Types
3.4 User Input
4.2 If Statements
5.1 While Loops
6.2 Functions and Parameters
18.11 Variables
18.12 User Input
18.13 Parameters
18.16 If Statements
18.17 If/ Else Statements
18.18 While Loops
18.19 Putting Together Control Structures
10.3 Variables
10.4 User Input
10.5 Basic Math in JavaScript
10.6 Using Graphics in JavaScript
15.1 Booleans
15.2 Logical Operators
15.3 Comparison Operators
15.4 If Statements
15.5 For Loops in JavaScript
15.8 Random Numbers
15.9 While Loops
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Booleans
7.2 Logical Operators
7.3 Comparison Operators
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.4 Variables
6.9 For Loops
10.1 micro:bit Challenges
2.2 Variables
2.3 User Input
2.4 Basic Math
2.6 Random Numbers
4.1 Booleans
4.2 If/Else Statements
4.3 Logical Operators
4.4 Comparison Operators
4.6 While Loops
4.9 For Loops
1.4 Under the Sea
3.3 Variables
3.4 The Draw Loop
3.5 Color Transitions
3.6 Shape Transformations
3.7 Direction
3.8 Mouse Data
3.9 Keyboard Data
3.10 Project: Animate an Emoji
4.5 Variables
4.9 Your First Sprites
8.3 Variables
8.4 User Input
8.5 Basic Math in JavaScript
8.6 Using Graphics in JavaScript
10.1 Booleans
10.2 Logical Operators
10.3 Comparison Operators
10.4 If Statements
10.5 For Loops in JavaScript
10.8 Random Numbers
10.9 While Loops
8.3 Variables
8.4 User Input
8.5 Basic Math in JavaScript
8.6 Using Graphics in JavaScript
10.1 Booleans
10.2 Logical Operators
10.3 Comparison Operators
10.4 If Statements
10.5 For Loops in JavaScript
10.8 Random Numbers
10.9 While Loops
4.3 Variables and Types
4.4 User Input
5.2 Functions and Parameters
4.2 Variables
4.3 User Input
4.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
4.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Booleans
6.2 Logical Operators
6.3 Comparison Operators
6.4 If Statements
6.5 For Loops in JavaScript
6.8 Random Numbers
6.9 While Loops
23.1 Programming Concepts
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.4 Variables
11.9 For Loops
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Booleans
7.2 Logical Operators
7.3 Comparison Operators
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Booleans
7.2 Logical Operators
7.3 Comparison Operators
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.8 Random Numbers
7.9 While Loops
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.4 Variables
11.9 For Loops
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Booleans
7.2 Logical Operators
7.3 Comparison Operators
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.4 Variables
11.9 For Loops
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
6.10 Variables
6.11 User Input
6.12 Parameters
6.13 If Statements
6.14 If/ Else Statements
6.15 While Loops
8.8 If/Else Statements
7.11 While Loops
7.7 If Statements
7.3 User Input
7.2 Variables and Types
8.12 For Loops
8.11 While Loops
8.10 Comparison Operators
8.9 Logical Operators
8.7 Booleans
8.5 Random Numbers
8.4 Basic Math
8.3 User Input
8.2 Variables
8.10 Variables
8.11 User Input
8.12 Parameters
8.13 If Statements
8.14 If/ Else Statements
8.15 While Loops
9.2 Variables and Types
9.3 User Input
9.7 If Statements
9.11 While Loops
10.4 Basic Math
10.3 User Input
10.2 Variables
10.11 While Loops
10.5 Random Numbers
10.12 For Loops
10.8 If/Else Statements
10.10 Comparison Operators
10.9 Logical Operators
10.7 Booleans
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Booleans
7.2 Logical Operators
7.3 Comparison Operators
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.4 Variables
11.9 For Loops
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
2.2 Variables
2.3 User Input
2.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
2.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
2.2 Variables
2.3 User Input
2.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
2.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
4.4 Variables
14.9 For Loops
7.1 micro:bit Challenges
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Booleans
7.2 Logical Operators
7.3 Comparison Operators
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.4 Variables
11.9 For Loops
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
3.11 Variables
3.12 User Input
3.13 Parameters
3.16 If Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.18 While Loops
3.19 Putting Together Control Structures
8.9 For Loops
3.12 Variables
3.13 User Input
3.14 Parameters
3.17 If Statements
3.18 If/ Else Statements
3.19 While Loops
3.20 Putting Together Control Structures
3.2 Variables
3.3 User Input
3.4 Basic Math
3.6 Random Numbers
7.1 Booleans
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.3 Logical Operators
7.4 Comparison Operators
7.6 While Loops
7.9 For Loops
5.3 Variables
5.4 The Draw Loop
5.5 Color Transitions
5.6 Shape Transformations
5.7 Direction
5.8 Mouse Data
5.9 Keyboard Data
5.10 Project: Animate an Emoji
4.2 Variables
4.3 User Input
4.4 Basic Math
4.6 Random Numbers
6.1 Booleans
6.2 If/Else Statements
6.3 Logical Operators
6.4 Comparison Operators
6.6 While Loops
6.9 For Loops
11.3 Variables
1.12 Variables
1.13 User Input
1.14 Parameters
1.17 If Statements
1.18 If/ Else Statements
1.19 While Loops
1.20 Putting Together Control Structures
1.12 Variables
1.13 User Input
1.14 Parameters
1.17 If Statements
1.18 If/ Else Statements
1.19 While Loops
1.20 Putting Together Control Structures
10.1 Programming Concepts
3.2 Variables
3.3 User Input
3.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
3.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
5.1 Booleans
5.2 Logical Operators
5.3 Comparison Operators
5.4 If Statements
5.5 For Loops in JavaScript
5.9 While Loops
13.1 Programming Concepts
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.4 Variables
11.9 For Loops
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Booleans
7.2 Logical Operators
7.3 Comparison Operators
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.4 Variables
12.9 For Loops
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
4.2 Variables and Types
4.3 User Input
6.2 If Statements
7.1 While Loops
8.2 Functions and Parameters
16.10 Variables
16.13 User Input
16.14 Parameters
16.18 If Statements
16.19 If/Else Statements
16.20 While Loops
16.21 Putting Together Control Structures
4.2 Variables and Types
4.3 User Input
6.2 If Statements
7.1 While Loops
8.2 Functions and Parameters
16.10 Variables
16.13 User Input
16.14 Parameters
16.18 If Statements
16.19 If/Else Statements
16.20 While Loops
16.21 Putting Together Control Structures
6.2 Variables
6.3 User Input
6.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
6.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
13.1 Booleans
13.2 Logical Operators
13.3 Comparison Operators
13.4 If Statements
13.5 For Loops in JavaScript
13.8 Random Numbers
13.9 While Loops
16.1 Programming Concepts
13.2 Variables
13.3 User Input
13.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
13.5 Booleans
13.6 Logical Operators
13.7 Comparison Operators
13.8 If Statements
13.9 For Loops in JavaScript
13.11 Random Numbers
13.12 While Loops
14.2 Variables
14.3 User Input
14.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
14.5 Booleans
14.6 Logical Operators
14.7 Comparison Operators
14.8 If Statements
14.9 For Loops in JavaScript
14.11 Random Numbers
14.12 While Loops
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
6.1 Booleans
6.2 Logical Operators
6.3 Comparison Operators
6.4 If Statements
6.5 For Loops in JavaScript
6.9 While Loops
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math
5.6 Random Numbers
8.2 If/Else Statements
8.3 Logical Operators
8.4 Comparison Operators
8.6 While Loops
8.9 For Loops
20.1 Programming Concepts
4.2 Variables
4.3 User Input
4.4 Parameters
5.1 If Statements
5.2 If/ Else Statements
5.3 While Loops
6.1 Putting Together Control Structures
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Booleans
7.2 Logical Operators
7.3 Comparison Operators
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.8 Random Numbers
7.9 While Loops
5.1 Programming Concepts
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Booleans
7.2 Logical Operators
7.3 Comparison Operators
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.4 Variables
11.9 For Loops
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
5.3 Variables
5.4 The Draw Loop
5.5 Color Transitions
5.6 Shape Transformations
5.7 Direction
5.8 Mouse Data
5.9 Keyboard Data
5.10 Project: Animate an Emoji
3.4 Variables
8.1 micro:bit Challenges
2.2 Variables and Types
2.3 User Input
4.2 If Statements
6.1 While Loops
1.2 Functions and Parameters
2.3 Variables
3.4 Your First Sprites
4.3 Booleans
4.4 If/Else Statements
5.1 Variables
5.5 User Input
5.6 Parameters
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
5.1 Variables
5.5 User Input
5.6 Parameters
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
2.2 Variables and Types
2.3 User Input
4.2 If Statements
6.1 While Loops
9.2 Functions and Parameters
2.2 Variables and Types
2.3 User Input
4.2 If Statements
6.1 While Loops
11.10 Variables
11.13 User Input
11.14 Parameters
11.18 If Statements
11.19 If/Else Statements
11.20 While Loops
11.21 Putting Together Control Structures
1.2 Functions and Parameters
8.2 Variables
8.3 User Input
8.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
8.5 Booleans
8.6 Logical Operators
8.7 Comparison Operators
8.8 If Statements
8.9 For Loops in JavaScript
8.11 Random Numbers
8.12 While Loops
12.2 Variables
12.3 User Input
12.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
12.5 Booleans
12.6 Logical Operators
12.7 Comparison Operators
12.8 If Statements
12.9 For Loops in JavaScript
12.11 Random Numbers
12.12 While Loops
4.1 Programming Concepts
22.1 Booleans
22.2 Logical Operators
22.3 Comparison Operators
22.4 If Statements
22.5 For Loops in JavaScript
22.8 Random Numbers
22.9 While Loops
4.3 Variables
4.4 The Draw Loop
4.5 Color Transitions
4.6 Shape Transformations
4.7 Direction
4.8 Mouse Data
4.9 Keyboard Data
4.10 Project: Animate an Emoji
5.5 Variables
5.9 Your First Sprites
5.1 Variables
5.5 User Input
5.6 Parameters
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.4 Variables
11.9 For Loops
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
5.2 Variables
5.3 User Input
5.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
5.5 Using Graphics in JavaScript
7.1 Booleans
7.2 Logical Operators
7.3 Comparison Operators
7.4 If Statements
7.5 For Loops in JavaScript
7.9 While Loops