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NC ICS: 11.01

CodeHS Lessons

Recognize functions in programs as a form of abstration.

1.5 Functions in Karel
1.9 Abstraction
1.10 Super Karel
1.19 Ultra Karel
5.1 Functions and Parameters 1
5.2 Functions and Parameters 2
5.4 Functions and Return Values 1
1.5 Functions in Karel
1.9 Abstraction
1.10 Super Karel
1.19 Ultra Karel
5.1 Functions and Parameters 1
5.2 Functions and Parameters 2
5.4 Functions and Return Values 1
1.4 Functions in Karel
1.8 Abstraction
1.9 Super Karel
1.18 Ultra Karel
5.1 Functions and Parameters 1
5.2 Functions and Parameters 2
5.4 Functions and Return Values 1
1.4 Functions in Karel
1.8 Abstraction
1.9 Super Karel
4.1 Functions and Parameters 1
4.2 Functions and Parameters 2
4.4 Functions and Return Values 1
1.4 Functions in Karel
1.8 Abstraction
1.9 Super Karel
4.1 Functions and Parameters 1
4.2 Functions and Parameters 2
4.4 Functions and Return Values 1
1.4 Functions in Karel
1.8 Abstraction
1.9 Super Karel
1.19 Ultra Karel
1.8 Abstraction