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KY Java 1: 1

CodeHS Lessons

Design, develop, compile, debug, test, run, and document programs in the Java language using a software development kit.

1.1 Why Programming? Why Java?
2.1 Objects: Instances of Classes
3.1 Boolean Expressions and if Statements
4.1 Iteration
5.3 Documentation with Comments
7.1 Writing BlackJack
1.7 Commenting Your Code
2.1 Printing in Java
3.1 Java Methods
6.1 Writing BlackJack
2.1 Why Programming? Why Java?
3.1 Objects: Instances of Classes
4.1 Boolean Expressions and if Statements
6.1 Iteration
7.3 Documentation with Comments
1.7 Commenting Your Code
7.1 Why Programming? Why Java?
8.1 Objects: Instances of Classes
9.1 Boolean Expressions and if Statements
10.1 Iteration
11.3 Documentation with Comments
1.7 Commenting Your Code
6.1 Why Programming? Why Java?
8.1 Objects: Instances of Classes
9.1 Boolean Expressions and if Statements
10.1 Iteration
11.3 Documentation with Comments
3.7 Commenting Your Code
4.2 Printing in Java
5.1 Java Methods