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IN 6-8: 6-8.PA.1

CodeHS Lessons

Design and iteratively develop programs that combine the following: sequencing, looping (including nested loops), conditionals (including compound conditionals), expressions, variables, functions, and parameters.

25.21 Putting Together Control Structures
1.4 Lost in Space
2.1 Quest for the Rosetta Stone
2.2 A Day at the Park
3.3 A Day at the Carnival
3.4 Under the Sea
3.5 Tracy Adventures 1: Evaluation
5.3 Functions
5.4 Multiple Functions
5.5 For Loops
5.6 Conditional Statements
5.7 If/Else Statements
5.8 While Loops
8.5 Color Transitions
8.6 Shape Transformations
8.7 Direction
8.8 Mouse Data
8.9 Keyboard Data
8.10 Project: Animate an Emoji
1.4 Lost in Space
2.1 Quest for the Rosetta Stone
2.2 A Day at the Park
4.3 A Day at the Carnival
4.4 Under the Sea
4.5 Tracy Adventures 1: Evaluation
1.3 Functions
1.4 Multiple Functions
1.5 For Loops
1.6 Conditional Statements
1.7 If/Else Statements
1.8 While Loops
4.5 Color Transitions
4.6 Shape Transformations
4.7 Direction
4.8 Mouse Data
4.9 Keyboard Data
4.10 Project: Animate an Emoji
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
9.1 On Screen Calculator
10.1 Refresher: Challenges with Tracy
10.2 [Partner Project] Digital Art Platform
13.1 Project: Ticketing System
15.1 Project: Timeline
22.1 A Day at the Carnival
22.2 Under the Sea
22.3 Tracy Adventures 1: Evaluation
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
9.1 On Screen Calculator
1.1 Refresher: Challenges with Tracy
1.2 [Partner Project] Digital Art Platform
4.1 Project: Ticketing System
6.1 Project: Timeline
2.2 Color Transitions
2.3 Shape Transformations
2.4 Direction
3.2 Mouse Data
3.3 Keyboard Data
2.9 For Loops
2.10 If Statements
2.11 If/Else Statements
2.12 While Loops in Karel
2.13 Control Structures Example
2.9 For Loops
2.10 If Statements
2.11 If/Else Statements
2.12 While Loops in Karel
2.13 Control Structures Example
1.9 For Loops
1.10 If Statements
1.11 If/Else Statements
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.13 Control Structures Example
1.9 For Loops
1.10 If Statements
1.11 If/Else Statements
1.12 While Loops in Karel
1.13 Control Structures Example
7.1 For Loops
7.2 While Loops
7.4 If/Else Statements
7.5 Functions
9.1 micro:bit Challenges
7.1 For Loops
7.2 While Loops
7.4 If/Else Statements
7.5 Functions
10.1 micro:bit Challenges
2.1 For Loops
2.2 While Loops
2.4 If/Else Statements
2.5 Functions
3.1 micro:bit Challenges
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
14.5 Functions
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.9 For Loops
11.10 If Statements
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.11 If/Else Statements
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
14.5 Functions
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.9 For Loops
11.10 If Statements
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.11 If/Else Statements
9.1 For Loops
9.2 While Loops
9.4 If/Else Statements
9.5 Functions
10.1 micro:bit Challenges
6.9 For Loops
6.10 If Statements
6.12 While Loops in Karel
6.13 Control Structures Example
6.11 If/Else Statements
1.4 Lost in Space
2.1 Quest for the Rosetta Stone
2.2 A Day at the Park
1.3 A Day at the Carnival
1.4 Under the Sea
1.5 Tracy Adventures 1: Evaluation
1.3 Functions
1.4 Multiple Functions
1.5 For Loops
1.6 Conditional Statements
1.7 If/Else Statements
1.8 While Loops
3.5 Color Transitions
3.6 Shape Transformations
3.7 Direction
3.8 Mouse Data
3.9 Keyboard Data
3.10 Project: Animate an Emoji
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
14.5 Functions
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.9 For Loops
11.10 If Statements
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.11 If/Else Statements
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
14.5 Functions
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.9 For Loops
11.10 If Statements
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.11 If/Else Statements
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
14.5 Functions
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.9 For Loops
11.10 If Statements
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.11 If/Else Statements
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
14.5 Functions
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.9 For Loops
11.10 If Statements
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.11 If/Else Statements
6.1 For Loops
6.2 While Loops
6.4 If/Else Statements
6.5 Functions
7.1 micro:bit Challenges
14.9 For Loops
14.10 If Statements
14.12 While Loops in Karel
14.13 Control Structures Example
14.11 If/Else Statements
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
14.5 Functions
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.9 For Loops
11.10 If Statements
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.11 If/Else Statements
8.9 For Loops
8.10 If Statements
8.11 If/Else Statements
8.12 While Loops in Karel
8.13 Control Structures Example
2.3 Functions
2.4 Multiple Functions
2.5 For Loops
2.6 Conditional Statements
2.7 If/Else Statements
2.8 While Loops
5.5 Color Transitions
5.6 Shape Transformations
5.7 Direction
5.8 Mouse Data
5.9 Keyboard Data
5.10 Project: Animate an Emoji
11.4 For Loops
11.5 While Loops
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
14.5 Functions
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.9 For Loops
11.10 If Statements
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.11 If/Else Statements
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
14.5 Functions
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
12.9 For Loops
12.10 If Statements
12.12 While Loops in Karel
12.13 Control Structures Example
12.11 If/Else Statements
16.21 Putting Together Control Structures
16.21 Putting Together Control Structures
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
14.5 Functions
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.9 For Loops
11.10 If Statements
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.11 If/Else Statements
1.3 Functions
1.4 Multiple Functions
1.5 For Loops
1.6 Conditional Statements
1.7 If/Else Statements
1.8 While Loops
5.5 Color Transitions
5.6 Shape Transformations
5.7 Direction
5.8 Mouse Data
5.9 Keyboard Data
5.10 Project: Animate an Emoji
1.3 Functions
1.4 Multiple Functions
1.5 For Loops
1.6 Conditional Statements
1.7 If/Else Statements
1.8 While Loops
3.5 For Loops
3.6 While Loops
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.3 Functions
8.1 micro:bit Challenges
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
9.1 On Screen Calculator
1.1 Refresher: Challenges with Tracy
1.2 [Partner Project] Digital Art Platform
4.1 Project: Ticketing System
6.1 Project: Timeline
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
9.1 On Screen Calculator
10.1 Refresher: Challenges with Tracy
10.2 [Partner Project] Digital Art Platform
13.1 Project: Ticketing System
15.1 Project: Timeline
11.21 Putting Together Control Structures
1.4 Lost in Space
2.1 Quest for the Rosetta Stone
2.2 A Day at the Park
4.3 A Day at the Carnival
4.4 Under the Sea
4.5 Tracy Adventures 1: Evaluation
1.3 Functions
1.4 Multiple Functions
1.5 For Loops
1.6 Conditional Statements
1.7 If/Else Statements
1.8 While Loops
4.5 Color Transitions
4.6 Shape Transformations
4.7 Direction
4.8 Mouse Data
4.9 Keyboard Data
4.10 Project: Animate an Emoji
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
9.1 On Screen Calculator
14.1 For Loops
14.2 While Loops
14.4 If/Else Statements
14.5 Functions
15.1 micro:bit Challenges
11.9 For Loops
11.10 If Statements
11.12 While Loops in Karel
11.13 Control Structures Example
11.11 If/Else Statements