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Idaho 11-12 (outdated) Framework


Standard Description
11-12.AP.01 Analyze the notion of intelligent behavior through programs that learn and adapt, play games, do image recognition, perform text analysis, and control the behavior of robots. Lessons
11-12.AP.02 Create collaborative software projects using version control systems, Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), and collaborative tools. Lessons
11-12.AP.03 Demonstrate an understanding of the software life cycle process (e.g. by participating on a software project team). Lessons
11-12.AP.04 Modify an existing program to add additional functionality and discus the positive and negative implications (e.g., breaking other functionality). Lessons
11-12.AP.05 Explain the value of heuristic algorithms to approximate solutions for intractable problems. Lessons
11-12.AP.06 Decompose a computational problem through data abstraction and modularity. Lessons
11-12.AP.07 Critically examine algorithms and design an original algorithm (e.g. adapt, remix, improve). Lessons
11-12.AP.08 Evaluate efficiency, correctness, and clarity of algorithms. Lessons
11-12.AP.09 Compare and contrast simple data structures and their uses (e.g. arrays, lists, stacks, queues, maps, trees, graphs). Lessons
11-12.AP.10 Decompose a problem by creating functions and classes. Lessons
11-12.AP.11 Use variable scope and encapsulation to design programs with cohesive and decoupled components. Lessons
11-12.AP.12 Classify problems as tractable, intractable, or computationally unsolvable Lessons
11-12.AP.13 Understand and explain the use of concurrency (e.g. separate processes into threads and divide data into parallel streams, have students self sort by height). Lessons
11-12.AP.14 Evaluate the qualities of a program such as correctness, usability, readability, efficiency, portability and scalability through a process such as a code review. Lessons
11-12.CS.01 Identify and describe hardware (e.g. physical layers, logic gates, chips, components). Lessons
11-12.CS.02 Create a model of how embedded systems sense, process, and actuate in a given environment (e.g. ocean, atmosphere, and highway) Lessons
11-12.DA.01 Use data analysis to enhance understanding and gain knowledge of complex systems to show the transformation from data to information to knowledge (e.g. using existing data sets). Lessons
11-12.DA.02 Use various data collection techniques for different types of problems (e.g. mobile device GPS, user surveys, embedded system sensors, open data sets, social media data sets). Lessons
11-12.DA.03 Understand and explain security policies by comparing encryption and authentication strategies (e.g. trapdoor functions and man in the middle attacks). Lessons
11-12.DA.04 Discuss the variety of interpretations of binary sequences (e.g. instructions, numbers, text, sound, image). Lessons
11-12.DA.05 Use models and simulations to help formulate, refine, and test scientific hypotheses. Lessons
11-12.DA.06 Analyze data and identify patterns through modeling and simulation. Lessons
11-12.IC.01 Understand the ecosystem of open source software development and its impact on global collaboration through an open-source software project (e.g. Lessons
11-12.IC.02 Debate laws and regulations that impact the development and use of software. (e.g. compare and contrast licensing versus certification, professional societies, professional code of ethics). Lessons
11-12.IC.03 Research, analyze, and present how computational thinking has revolutionized an aspect of our culture (e.g. agriculture, communication, work, healthcare, music, art). Lessons
11-12.IC.04 Analyze the role and impact of government regulation on privacy and security. Lessons
11-12.IC.05 Debate how the issues of equity, access, and power relate to the distribution of computing resources in a global society. Lessons
11-12.IC.06 Identify and evaluate the beneficial and harmful effects of computing innovations Lessons
11-12.IC.07 Practice responsible digital citizenship (legal and ethical behaviors) in the use of technology systems and software. Lessons
11-12.IC.08 Describe how computer science shares features with creating and designing an artifact such as in music and art. Lessons
11-12.IC.09 Explain the impacts of computing on business, manufacturing, commerce, and society. Lessons
11-12.IC.10 Summarize how computer automation and control is transforming society and the global economy (e.g. financial markets, transactions, predictions). Lessons
11-12.NI.01 Simulate and discuss the issues that impact network functionality (e.g. use ns3 or other free network simulators). Lessons
11-12.NI.02 Examine how encryption is essential to ensuring privacy and security over the internet. Lessons