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HI 2: 2-AP-13

CodeHS Lessons

Decompose problems and subproblems into parts to facilitate the design, implementation, and review of programs.

3.1 Printing in Python
3.1 Printing in Python
3.2 Variables and Types
3.2 Variables and Types
3.4 Mathematical Operators
3.4 Mathematical Operators
5.1 Booleans
5.1 Booleans
5.2 If Statements
5.2 If Statements
5.3 Comparison Operators
5.3 Comparison Operators
5.4 Logical Operators
5.4 Logical Operators
7.1 While Loops
7.1 While Loops
7.2 For Loops
7.2 For Loops
7.3 Break and Continue
7.3 Break and Continue
7.4 Nested Control Structures
7.4 Nested Control Structures
9.1 Functions
9.1 Functions
9.5 Exceptions
9.5 Exceptions
10.1 Indexing
10.1 Indexing
10.2 Slicing
10.2 Slicing
10.3 Immutability
10.3 Immutability
10.4 Strings and For Loops
10.4 Strings and For Loops
10.6 String Methods
10.6 String Methods
12.1 Tuples
12.1 Tuples
12.2 Lists
12.2 Lists
12.3 For Loops and Lists
12.3 For Loops and Lists
12.4 List Methods
12.4 List Methods
13.1 2d Lists
13.2 List Comprehensions
13.3 Packing and Unpacking
13.4 Dictionaries
19.1 Project: Who Said It?
22.2 De Morgan's Laws
24.20 While Loops
22.1 Short Circuit Evaluation
24.10 Variables
24.16 Using i in For Loops
24.17 Extended Loop Control
24.18 If Statements
24.19 If/Else Statements
21.6 Inheritance
21.9 Modules
21.6 Inheritance
21.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
21.4 Operator Overloading
21.3 Built-In Methods
21.2 Methods
21.2 Methods
21.3 Built-In Methods
21.4 Operator Overloading
21.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
19.1 Project: Who Said It?
22.2 De Morgan's Laws
22.1 Short Circuit Evaluation
21.9 Modules
27.2 Methods
33.2 Slicing
33.3 Immutability
33.4 Strings and For Loops
33.6 String Methods
34.1 2d Lists
34.2 List Comprehensions
34.3 Packing and Unpacking
34.4 Dictionaries
34.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
33.1 Indexing
27.3 Built-In Methods
27.4 Operator Overloading
27.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
27.6 Inheritance
27.9 Modules
28.1 Short Circuit Evaluation
28.2 De Morgan's Laws
29.1 Project: Who Said It?
27.2 Methods
33.2 Slicing
33.3 Immutability
33.4 Strings and For Loops
33.6 String Methods
34.1 2d Lists
34.2 List Comprehensions
34.3 Packing and Unpacking
34.4 Dictionaries
34.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
33.1 Indexing
27.3 Built-In Methods
27.4 Operator Overloading
27.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
27.6 Inheritance
27.9 Modules
28.1 Short Circuit Evaluation
28.2 De Morgan's Laws
29.1 Project: Who Said It?
5.1 Recreate a Popular App
5.1 Recreate a Popular App
9.1 Currency Converter
9.1 Currency Converter
12.1 Project: Image Feed
12.1 Project: Image Feed
14.1 Build Your Own App
14.1 Build Your Own App
5.1 Recreate a Popular App
5.1 Recreate a Popular App
9.1 Currency Converter
9.1 Currency Converter
14.1 Build Your Own App
14.1 Build Your Own App
5.1 Variables
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
5.1 Variables
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
1.16 Karel Challenges
1.16 Karel Challenges
13.11 Variables
13.14 Using i in For Loops
13.15 Extended Loop Control
13.16 If Statements
13.17 If/ Else Statements
13.18 While Loops
13.11 Variables
13.14 Using i in For Loops
13.15 Extended Loop Control
13.16 If Statements
13.17 If/ Else Statements
13.18 While Loops
2.16 Karel Challenges
2.16 Karel Challenges
3.11 Variables
3.11 Variables
3.14 Using i in For Loops
3.14 Using i in For Loops
3.15 Extended Loop Control
3.15 Extended Loop Control
3.16 If Statements
3.16 If Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.18 While Loops
3.18 While Loops
2.16 Karel Challenges
2.16 Karel Challenges
6.11 Variables
6.14 Using i in For Loops
6.15 Extended Loop Control
6.16 If Statements
6.17 If/ Else Statements
6.18 While Loops
6.11 Variables
6.14 Using i in For Loops
6.15 Extended Loop Control
6.16 If Statements
6.17 If/ Else Statements
6.18 While Loops
7.4 Mathematical Operators
7.8 Comparison Operators
7.9 Logical Operators
7.11 For Loops
7.12 Break and Continue
7.14 Functions
7.18 Exceptions
7.4 Mathematical Operators
7.8 Comparison Operators
7.9 Logical Operators
7.11 For Loops
7.12 Break and Continue
7.14 Functions
7.18 Exceptions
1.16 Karel Challenges
1.16 Karel Challenges
1.11 Variables
1.11 Variables
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.18 While Loops
2.1 Printing in Python
2.1 Printing in Python
2.2 Variables and Types
2.2 Variables and Types
2.4 Mathematical Operators
2.4 Mathematical Operators
3.3 Comments & Pseudocode
4.1 Booleans
4.1 Booleans
4.2 If Statements
4.2 If Statements
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
5.1 While Loops
5.1 While Loops
5.2 For Loops
5.2 For Loops
5.3 Break and Continue
5.3 Break and Continue
5.4 Nested Control Structures
5.4 Nested Control Structures
6.1 Functions
6.1 Functions
6.5 Exceptions
6.5 Exceptions
8.1 Indexing
8.1 Indexing
8.2 Slicing
8.2 Slicing
8.3 Immutability
8.3 Immutability
8.4 Strings and For Loops
8.4 Strings and For Loops
8.6 String Methods
8.6 String Methods
9.1 Tuples
9.1 Tuples
9.2 Lists
9.2 Lists
9.3 For Loops and Lists
9.3 For Loops and Lists
9.4 List Methods
9.4 List Methods
10.1 2d Lists
10.1 2d Lists
10.2 List Comprehensions
10.2 List Comprehensions
10.3 Packing and Unpacking
10.3 Packing and Unpacking
10.4 Dictionaries
10.4 Dictionaries
10.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
10.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
14.3 Built-In Methods
14.9 Modules
17.2 De Morgan's Laws
17.1 Short Circuit Evaluation
14.9 Modules
14.6 Inheritance
14.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
14.4 Operator Overloading
14.3 Built-In Methods
14.2 Methods
14.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
14.6 Inheritance
14.4 Operator Overloading
14.2 Methods
17.2 De Morgan's Laws
17.1 Short Circuit Evaluation
5.3 Comments & Pseudocode
4.1 Variables
4.1 Variables
4.4 Using i in For Loops
4.4 Using i in For Loops
4.5 Extended Loop Control
4.5 Extended Loop Control
5.3 Comments & Pseudocode
6.1 If Statements
6.1 If Statements
6.2 If/ Else Statements
6.2 If/ Else Statements
6.3 While Loops
6.3 While Loops
2.3 Comments & Pseudocode
1.3 Comments & Pseudocode
1.3 Comments & Pseudocode
1.11 Variables
1.11 Variables
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.18 While Loops
3.3 Comments & Pseudocode
11.16 Karel Challenges
11.16 Karel Challenges
4.1 Variables
4.1 Variables
4.4 Using i in For Loops
4.4 Using i in For Loops
4.5 Extended Loop Control
4.5 Extended Loop Control
5.1 If Statements
5.1 If Statements
5.2 If/ Else Statements
5.2 If/ Else Statements
5.3 While Loops
5.3 While Loops
2.11 Variables
2.11 Variables
2.14 Using i in For Loops
2.14 Using i in For Loops
2.15 Extended Loop Control
2.15 Extended Loop Control
2.16 If Statements
2.16 If Statements
2.17 If/ Else Statements
2.17 If/ Else Statements
2.18 While Loops
2.18 While Loops
3.1 Printing in Python
3.1 Printing in Python
3.2 Variables and Types
3.2 Variables and Types
3.4 Mathematical Operators
3.4 Mathematical Operators
4.1 Booleans
4.1 Booleans
4.2 If Statements
4.2 If Statements
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
5.1 While Loops
5.1 While Loops
5.2 For Loops
5.2 For Loops
5.3 Break and Continue
5.3 Break and Continue
5.4 Nested Control Structures
5.4 Nested Control Structures
6.1 Functions
6.1 Functions
6.5 Exceptions
6.5 Exceptions
7.1 Indexing
7.1 Indexing
7.2 Slicing
7.2 Slicing
7.3 Immutability
7.3 Immutability
7.4 Strings and For Loops
7.4 Strings and For Loops
7.6 String Methods
7.6 String Methods
8.1 Tuples
8.1 Tuples
8.2 Lists
8.2 Lists
8.3 For Loops and Lists
8.3 For Loops and Lists
8.4 List Methods
8.4 List Methods
9.1 2d Lists
9.1 2d Lists
9.2 List Comprehensions
9.2 List Comprehensions
9.3 Packing and Unpacking
9.3 Packing and Unpacking
9.4 Dictionaries
9.4 Dictionaries
9.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
9.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
16.1 Project: Who Said It?
16.1 Project: Who Said It?
15.2 De Morgan's Laws
15.1 Short Circuit Evaluation
12.9 Modules
12.6 Inheritance
12.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
12.4 Operator Overloading
12.3 Built-In Methods
12.2 Methods
12.2 Methods
12.3 Built-In Methods
12.4 Operator Overloading
12.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
12.6 Inheritance
12.9 Modules
15.1 Short Circuit Evaluation
15.2 De Morgan's Laws
2.12 Variables
2.12 Variables
2.16 Using i in For Loops
2.16 Using i in For Loops
2.17 Extended Loop Control
2.17 Extended Loop Control
2.18 If Statements
2.18 If Statements
2.19 If/ Else Statements
2.19 If/ Else Statements
2.20 While Loops
2.20 While Loops
5.1 Printing in Python
5.1 Printing in Python
5.2 Variables and Types
5.2 Variables and Types
5.4 Mathematical Operators
5.4 Mathematical Operators
6.1 Booleans
6.1 Booleans
6.2 If Statements
6.2 If Statements
6.3 Comparison Operators
6.3 Comparison Operators
6.4 Logical Operators
6.4 Logical Operators
7.1 While Loops
7.1 While Loops
7.2 For Loops
7.2 For Loops
7.3 Break and Continue
7.3 Break and Continue
7.4 Nested Control Structures
7.4 Nested Control Structures
8.1 Functions
8.1 Functions
8.5 Exceptions
8.5 Exceptions
9.1 Indexing
9.1 Indexing
9.2 Slicing
9.2 Slicing
9.3 Immutability
9.3 Immutability
9.4 Strings and For Loops
9.4 Strings and For Loops
9.6 String Methods
9.6 String Methods
10.1 Tuples
10.1 Tuples
10.2 Lists
10.2 Lists
10.3 For Loops and Lists
10.3 For Loops and Lists
10.4 List Methods
10.4 List Methods
11.1 2d Lists
11.1 2d Lists
11.2 List Comprehensions
11.2 List Comprehensions
11.3 Packing and Unpacking
11.3 Packing and Unpacking
11.4 Dictionaries
11.4 Dictionaries
11.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
11.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
18.1 Project: Who Said It?
17.2 De Morgan's Laws
17.1 Short Circuit Evaluation
17.1 Short Circuit Evaluation
17.2 De Morgan's Laws
18.1 Project: Who Said It?
1.11 Variables
1.11 Variables
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.18 While Loops
3.3 Comments & Pseudocode
11.16 Karel Challenges
11.16 Karel Challenges
1.11 Variables
1.11 Variables
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.18 While Loops
3.3 Comments & Pseudocode
11.16 Karel Challenges
11.16 Karel Challenges
3.11 Variables
3.11 Variables
3.14 Using i in For Loops
3.14 Using i in For Loops
3.15 Extended Loop Control
3.15 Extended Loop Control
3.16 If Statements
3.16 If Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.18 While Loops
3.18 While Loops
3.2 Printing in Python
3.2 Printing in Python
3.3 Variables and Types
3.3 Variables and Types
3.5 Mathematical Operators
3.5 Mathematical Operators
4.1 Booleans
4.1 Booleans
4.2 If Statements
4.2 If Statements
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
5.1 While Loops
5.1 While Loops
5.2 For Loops
5.2 For Loops
5.3 Break and Continue
5.3 Break and Continue
5.4 Nested Control Structures
5.4 Nested Control Structures
6.1 Functions
6.1 Functions
6.5 Exceptions
6.5 Exceptions
8.1 Indexing
8.1 Indexing
8.2 Slicing
8.2 Slicing
8.3 Immutability
8.3 Immutability
8.4 Strings and For Loops
8.4 Strings and For Loops
8.6 String Methods
8.6 String Methods
9.1 Tuples
9.1 Tuples
9.2 Lists
9.2 Lists
9.3 For Loops and Lists
9.3 For Loops and Lists
9.4 List Methods
9.4 List Methods
9.5 2d Lists
9.5 2d Lists
15.3 Built-In Methods
12.1 List Comprehensions
12.2 Packing and Unpacking
12.3 Dictionaries
12.4 Equivalence vs. Identity
15.2 Methods
18.11 Variables
15.4 Operator Overloading
15.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
15.6 Inheritance
15.9 Modules
17.1 Project: Who Said It?
15.3 Built-In Methods
18.14 Using i in For Loops
18.15 Extended Loop Control
18.16 If Statements
18.17 If/ Else Statements
18.18 While Loops
12.1 List Comprehensions
12.2 Packing and Unpacking
12.3 Dictionaries
12.4 Equivalence vs. Identity
15.2 Methods
18.18 While Loops
15.4 Operator Overloading
15.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
15.6 Inheritance
15.9 Modules
17.1 Project: Who Said It?
18.11 Variables
18.14 Using i in For Loops
18.15 Extended Loop Control
18.16 If Statements
18.17 If/ Else Statements
1.11 Variables
1.11 Variables
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.18 While Loops
3.3 Comments & Pseudocode
6.16 Karel Challenges
6.16 Karel Challenges
4.2 Printing in Python
4.2 Printing in Python
4.3 Variables and Types
4.3 Variables and Types
4.5 Mathematical Operators
4.5 Mathematical Operators
5.1 Functions
5.1 Functions
6.1 Tuples
6.1 Tuples
6.2 Lists
6.2 Lists
6.3 For Loops and Lists
6.3 For Loops and Lists
6.4 List Methods
6.4 List Methods
6.5 2d Lists
6.6 Dictionaries
1.11 Variables
1.11 Variables
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.18 While Loops
3.3 Comments & Pseudocode
11.16 Karel Challenges
11.16 Karel Challenges
1.11 Variables
1.11 Variables
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.18 While Loops
3.3 Comments & Pseudocode
11.16 Karel Challenges
11.16 Karel Challenges
1.11 Variables
1.11 Variables
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.18 While Loops
3.3 Comments & Pseudocode
11.16 Karel Challenges
11.16 Karel Challenges
6.10 Variables
6.13 If Statements
6.14 If/ Else Statements
6.15 While Loops
7.1 Printing in Python
7.2 Variables and Types
7.4 Mathematical Operators
7.6 Booleans
7.7 If Statements
7.8 Comparison Operators
7.9 Logical Operators
7.11 While Loops
7.12 For Loops
7.13 Functions
1.11 Variables
1.11 Variables
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.18 While Loops
3.3 Comments & Pseudocode
11.16 Karel Challenges
11.16 Karel Challenges
1.11 Variables
1.11 Variables
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.18 While Loops
4.3 Comments & Pseudocode
14.16 Karel Challenges
14.16 Karel Challenges
1.11 Variables
1.11 Variables
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.18 While Loops
3.3 Comments & Pseudocode
11.16 Karel Challenges
11.16 Karel Challenges
3.11 Variables
3.11 Variables
3.14 Using i in For Loops
3.14 Using i in For Loops
3.15 Extended Loop Control
3.15 Extended Loop Control
3.16 If Statements
3.16 If Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.18 While Loops
3.18 While Loops
8.16 Karel Challenges
8.16 Karel Challenges
3.12 Variables
3.12 Variables
3.15 Using i in For Loops
3.15 Using i in For Loops
3.16 Extended Loop Control
3.16 Extended Loop Control
3.17 If Statements
3.17 If Statements
3.18 If/ Else Statements
3.18 If/ Else Statements
3.19 While Loops
3.19 While Loops
1.12 Variables
1.12 Variables
1.15 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Using i in For Loops
1.16 Extended Loop Control
1.16 Extended Loop Control
1.17 If Statements
1.17 If Statements
1.18 If/ Else Statements
1.18 If/ Else Statements
1.19 While Loops
1.19 While Loops
1.12 Variables
1.12 Variables
1.15 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Using i in For Loops
1.16 Extended Loop Control
1.16 Extended Loop Control
1.17 If Statements
1.17 If Statements
1.18 If/ Else Statements
1.18 If/ Else Statements
1.19 While Loops
1.19 While Loops
4.1 Indexing
4.1 Indexing
4.2 Slicing
4.2 Slicing
4.3 Immutability
4.3 Immutability
4.4 Strings and For Loops
4.4 Strings and For Loops
4.6 String Methods
4.6 String Methods
5.6 Dictionaries
13.9 Modules
13.6 Inheritance
13.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
13.4 Operator Overloading
13.3 Built-In Methods
13.2 Methods
13.3 Built-In Methods
13.4 Operator Overloading
13.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
13.6 Inheritance
13.9 Modules
13.2 Methods
1.11 Variables
1.11 Variables
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.18 While Loops
3.3 Comments & Pseudocode
11.16 Karel Challenges
11.16 Karel Challenges
18.1 Indexing
18.2 Slicing
18.3 Immutability
18.4 Strings and For Loops
18.6 String Methods
18.1 Indexing
18.2 Slicing
18.3 Immutability
18.4 Strings and For Loops
18.6 String Methods
1.11 Variables
1.11 Variables
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.18 While Loops
3.3 Comments & Pseudocode
12.16 Karel Challenges
12.16 Karel Challenges
4.1 Printing in Python
4.1 Printing in Python
4.2 Variables and Types
4.2 Variables and Types
4.4 Mathematical Operators
4.4 Mathematical Operators
6.1 Booleans
6.1 Booleans
6.2 If Statements
6.2 If Statements
6.3 Comparison Operators
6.3 Comparison Operators
6.4 Logical Operators
6.4 Logical Operators
7.1 While Loops
7.1 While Loops
7.2 For Loops
7.2 For Loops
7.3 Break and Continue
7.3 Break and Continue
7.4 Nested Control Structures
7.4 Nested Control Structures
8.1 Functions
8.1 Functions
8.5 Exceptions
8.5 Exceptions
16.10 Variables
16.16 Using i in For Loops
16.17 Extended Loop Control
16.18 If Statements
16.19 If/Else Statements
16.20 While Loops
6.2 Methods
6.2 Methods
6.3 Built-In Methods
6.3 Built-In Methods
6.4 Operator Overloading
6.4 Operator Overloading
6.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
6.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
6.6 Inheritance
6.6 Inheritance
6.9 Modules
6.9 Modules
15.1 Indexing
13.1 Project: Who Said It?
15.6 String Methods
15.4 Strings and For Loops
15.3 Immutability
15.2 Slicing
15.1 Indexing
13.1 Project: Who Said It?
15.6 String Methods
15.4 Strings and For Loops
15.3 Immutability
15.2 Slicing
4.1 Printing in Python
4.1 Printing in Python
4.2 Variables and Types
4.2 Variables and Types
4.4 Mathematical Operators
4.4 Mathematical Operators
6.1 Booleans
6.1 Booleans
6.2 If Statements
6.2 If Statements
6.3 Comparison Operators
6.3 Comparison Operators
6.4 Logical Operators
6.4 Logical Operators
7.1 While Loops
7.1 While Loops
7.2 For Loops
7.2 For Loops
7.3 Break and Continue
7.3 Break and Continue
7.4 Nested Control Structures
7.4 Nested Control Structures
8.1 Functions
8.1 Functions
8.5 Exceptions
8.5 Exceptions
16.10 Variables
16.16 Using i in For Loops
16.17 Extended Loop Control
16.18 If Statements
16.19 If/Else Statements
16.20 While Loops
6.2 Methods
6.2 Methods
6.3 Built-In Methods
6.3 Built-In Methods
6.4 Operator Overloading
6.4 Operator Overloading
6.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
6.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
6.6 Inheritance
6.6 Inheritance
6.9 Modules
6.9 Modules
15.1 Indexing
13.1 Project: Who Said It?
15.6 String Methods
15.4 Strings and For Loops
15.3 Immutability
15.2 Slicing
15.1 Indexing
13.1 Project: Who Said It?
15.6 String Methods
15.4 Strings and For Loops
15.3 Immutability
15.2 Slicing
4.2 Variables
4.2 Variables
4.6 Using i in For Loops
4.6 Using i in For Loops
4.7 Extended Loop Control
4.7 Extended Loop Control
5.1 If Statements
5.1 If Statements
5.2 If/ Else Statements
5.2 If/ Else Statements
5.3 While Loops
5.3 While Loops
1.11 Variables
1.11 Variables
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.18 While Loops
3.3 Comments & Pseudocode
11.16 Karel Challenges
11.16 Karel Challenges
3.3 Comments & Pseudocode
2.1 Printing in Python
2.1 Printing in Python
2.2 Variables and Types
2.2 Variables and Types
2.4 Mathematical Operators
2.4 Mathematical Operators
4.1 Booleans
4.1 Booleans
4.2 If Statements
4.2 If Statements
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
6.1 While Loops
6.1 While Loops
6.2 For Loops
6.2 For Loops
6.3 Break and Continue
6.3 Break and Continue
6.4 Nested Control Structures
6.4 Nested Control Structures
1.1 Functions
1.1 Functions
1.5 Exceptions
1.5 Exceptions
2.1 Indexing
2.1 Indexing
2.2 Slicing
2.2 Slicing
2.3 Immutability
2.3 Immutability
2.4 Strings and For Loops
2.4 Strings and For Loops
2.6 String Methods
2.6 String Methods
4.1 Tuples
4.1 Tuples
4.2 Lists
4.2 Lists
4.3 For Loops and Lists
4.3 For Loops and Lists
4.4 List Methods
4.4 List Methods
5.1 2d Lists
5.2 List Comprehensions
5.3 Packing and Unpacking
5.4 Dictionaries
8.2 Methods
8.2 Methods
8.3 Built-In Methods
8.3 Built-In Methods
8.4 Operator Overloading
8.4 Operator Overloading
8.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
8.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
5.1 Variables
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
5.1 Variables
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
2.1 Printing in Python
2.1 Printing in Python
2.2 Variables and Types
2.2 Variables and Types
2.4 Mathematical Operators
2.4 Mathematical Operators
4.1 Booleans
4.1 Booleans
4.2 If Statements
4.2 If Statements
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
6.1 While Loops
6.1 While Loops
6.2 For Loops
6.2 For Loops
6.3 Break and Continue
6.3 Break and Continue
6.4 Nested Control Structures
6.4 Nested Control Structures
9.1 Functions
9.1 Functions
9.5 Exceptions
9.5 Exceptions
10.1 Indexing
10.1 Indexing
10.2 Slicing
10.2 Slicing
10.3 Immutability
10.3 Immutability
10.4 Strings and For Loops
10.4 Strings and For Loops
10.6 String Methods
10.6 String Methods
12.1 Tuples
12.1 Tuples
12.2 Lists
12.2 Lists
12.3 For Loops and Lists
12.3 For Loops and Lists
12.4 List Methods
12.4 List Methods
13.1 2d Lists
13.2 List Comprehensions
13.3 Packing and Unpacking
13.4 Dictionaries
16.2 Methods
16.2 Methods
16.3 Built-In Methods
16.3 Built-In Methods
16.4 Operator Overloading
16.4 Operator Overloading
16.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
16.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
2.1 Printing in Python
2.1 Printing in Python
2.2 Variables and Types
2.2 Variables and Types
2.4 Mathematical Operators
2.4 Mathematical Operators
4.1 Booleans
4.1 Booleans
4.2 If Statements
4.2 If Statements
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
6.1 While Loops
6.1 While Loops
6.2 For Loops
6.2 For Loops
6.3 Break and Continue
6.3 Break and Continue
6.4 Nested Control Structures
6.4 Nested Control Structures
11.10 Variables
11.16 Using i in For Loops
11.17 Extended Loop Control
11.18 If Statements
11.19 If/Else Statements
11.20 While Loops
1.1 Functions
1.1 Functions
1.5 Exceptions
1.5 Exceptions
2.1 Indexing
2.1 Indexing
2.2 Slicing
2.2 Slicing
2.3 Immutability
2.3 Immutability
2.4 Strings and For Loops
2.4 Strings and For Loops
2.6 String Methods
2.6 String Methods
4.1 Tuples
4.1 Tuples
4.2 Lists
4.2 Lists
4.3 For Loops and Lists
4.3 For Loops and Lists
4.4 List Methods
4.4 List Methods
5.1 2d Lists
5.2 List Comprehensions
5.3 Packing and Unpacking
5.4 Dictionaries
9.2 Methods
9.3 Built-In Methods
9.4 Operator Overloading
9.2 Methods
9.3 Built-In Methods
9.4 Operator Overloading
9.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
9.6 Inheritance
9.9 Modules
13.1 Project: Who Said It?
13.1 Project: Who Said It?
9.9 Modules
9.6 Inheritance
9.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
6.1 Tuples
6.2 Lists
6.3 For Loops and Lists
6.4 List Methods
6.5 2d Lists
6.6 Dictionaries
6.1 Tuples
6.2 Lists
6.3 For Loops and Lists
6.4 List Methods
6.5 2d Lists
6.6 Dictionaries