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Certiport IT Specialist JavaScript Framework


Standard Description
1.1 Complete and debug code that uses assignment and arithmetic operators Lessons
1.2 Apply JavaScript best practices Lessons
1.3 Evaluate the use of internal and external scripts Lessons
1.4 Implement exception handling Lessons
1.5 Complete and debug code that interacts with the Browser Object Model (BOM) Lessons
2.1 Declare and use variables of primitive data types Lessons
2.2 Declare and use arrays Lessons
2.3 Complete and debug code that uses objects Lessons
2.4 Complete and debug code that uses built-in Math functions Lessons
2.5 Complete and debug functions that accept parameters and return values Lessons
3.1 Evaluate expressions that use logical and comparison operators Lessons
3.2 Complete and debug decision statements Lessons
3.3 Complete and debug loops Lessons
4.1 Identify and construct the Document Object Model (DOM) tree Lessons
4.2 Identify and handle document, form, keyboard, and mouse events Lessons
4.3 Complete and debug code that outputs to an HTML document Lessons
4.4 Complete and debug code that locates, modifies, and adds HTML elements and attributes to documents Lessons
4.5 Create events using event handlers and listeners Lessons
5.1 Complete and debug code that retrieves form input and sets form field values Lessons
5.2 Complete and debug code that performs input validation Lessons
5.3 Describe the form submission process Lessons