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CA SSD: C6.4

CodeHS Lessons

Develop a presentation or other multimedia project: video, game, or interactive Web sites, from storyboard to production.

27.1 Timers
32.4 Polish
32.3 Improvements
32.2 Basics
32.1 Game Design: Helicopter
31.1 Tic Tac Toe
28.1 Breakout
27.7 Crazy Ball Game
27.6 Drawing Lines
27.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
27.4 Bouncing Ball
27.3 Random Ghosts
27.2 Random Circles
24.1 Introduction to HTML
24.14 Practice PT: Your First Website
24.12 CSS Select by ID
24.11 CSS Select by Class
24.10 CSS Select by Tag
24.9 Introduction to CSS
24.8 HTML Styling
24.7 HTML Tables
24.6 HTML Lists
24.5 Images
24.4 Links
24.3 Formatting Text
24.2 Structure of an HTML Page
3.1 Creating a Resume
3.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
3.3 Interactive Resume Development
7.1 Creating a Resume
7.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
7.3 Interactive Resume Development
29.1 Timers
35.4 Polish
35.3 Improvements
35.2 Basics
35.1 Game Design: Helicopter
34.1 Tic Tac Toe
30.1 Breakout
29.7 Crazy Ball Game
29.6 Drawing Lines
29.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
29.4 Bouncing Ball
29.3 Random Ghosts
29.2 Random Circles
26.1 Introduction to HTML
26.14 Practice PT: Your First Website
26.12 CSS Select by ID
26.11 CSS Select by Class
26.10 CSS Select by Tag
26.9 Introduction to CSS
26.8 HTML Styling
26.7 HTML Tables
26.6 HTML Lists
26.5 Images
26.4 Links
26.3 Formatting Text
26.2 Structure of an HTML Page
9.1 Creating a Resume
9.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
9.3 Interactive Resume Development
26.1 Timers
31.4 Polish
31.3 Improvements
31.2 Basics
31.1 Game Design: Helicopter
30.1 Tic Tac Toe
27.1 Breakout
26.7 Crazy Ball Game
26.6 Drawing Lines
26.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
26.4 Bouncing Ball
26.3 Random Ghosts
26.2 Random Circles
23.1 Introduction to HTML
23.14 Practice PT: Your First Website
23.12 CSS Select by ID
23.11 CSS Select by Class
23.10 CSS Select by Tag
23.9 Introduction to CSS
23.8 HTML Styling
23.7 HTML Tables
23.6 HTML Lists
23.5 Images
23.4 Links
23.3 Formatting Text
23.2 Structure of an HTML Page
7.1 Creating a Resume
7.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
7.3 Interactive Resume Development
21.1 Timers
26.4 Polish
26.3 Improvements
26.2 Basics
26.1 Game Design: Helicopter
25.1 Tic Tac Toe
22.1 Breakout
21.8 Crazy Ball Game
21.7 Drawing Lines
21.6 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
21.4 Bouncing Ball
21.3 Random Ghosts
21.2 Random Circles
18.1 Introduction to HTML
18.14 Practice PT: Your First Website
18.12 CSS Select by ID
18.11 CSS Select by Class
18.10 CSS Select by Tag
18.9 Introduction to CSS
18.8 HTML Styling
18.7 HTML Tables
18.6 HTML Lists
18.5 Images
18.4 Links
18.3 Formatting Text
18.2 Structure of an HTML Page
22.1 Timers
27.4 Polish
27.3 Improvements
27.2 Basics
27.1 Game Design: Helicopter
26.1 Tic Tac Toe
23.1 Breakout
22.8 Crazy Ball Game
22.7 Drawing Lines
22.6 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
22.4 Bouncing Ball
22.3 Random Ghosts
22.2 Random Circles
19.1 Introduction to HTML
19.14 Practice PT: Your First Website
19.12 CSS Select by ID
19.11 CSS Select by Class
19.10 CSS Select by Tag
19.9 Introduction to CSS
19.8 HTML Styling
19.7 HTML Tables
19.6 HTML Lists
19.5 Images
19.4 Links
19.3 Formatting Text
19.2 Structure of an HTML Page
10.11 CSS Select by Class
13.1 Breakout
12.7 Crazy Ball Game
12.6 Drawing Lines
12.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Moved
12.4 Bouncing Ball
12.3 Random Ghosts
12.2 Random Circles
12.1 Timers
10.14 Practice PT: Your First Website
10.12 CSS Select by ID
10.1 Introduction to HTML
10.10 CSS Select by Tag
10.9 Introduction to CSS
10.8 HTML Styling
10.7 HTML Tables
10.6 HTML Lists
10.5 Images
10.4 Links
10.3 Formatting Text
10.2 Structure of an HTML Page