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CA SSD: C4.6

CodeHS Lessons

Use proper programming language syntax.

3.1 Printing in Python
3.2 Variables and Types
3.4 Mathematical Operators
3.5 String Operators
5.1 Booleans
5.3 Comparison Operators
5.4 Logical Operators
5.5 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
7.2 For Loops
7.3 Break and Continue
7.4 Nested Control Structures
9.1 Functions
9.2 Functions and Parameters
9.3 Namespaces in Functions
9.4 Functions and Return Values
9.5 Exceptions
10.1 Indexing
10.2 Slicing
10.3 Immutability
10.4 Strings and For Loops
10.5 The in Keyword
10.6 String Methods
25.21 Putting Together Control Structures
25.7 Functions
25.20 While Loops
25.19 If/Else Statements
25.18 If Statements
25.17 Extended Loop Control
25.16 Using i in For Loops
25.14 Parameters
25.13 User Input
25.10 Variables
25.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
25.4 For Loops
25.3 Turning Tracy
25.2 Tracy's Grid World
25.1 Meet Tracy the Turtle
1.1 Why Programming? Why Java?
1.2 Variables and Data Types
1.3 Expressions and Assignment Statements
1.4 Compound Assignment Operators
1.5 User Input
1.6 Casting and Ranges of Variables
1.2 Introduction to Programming With Karel
1.3 More Basic Karel
1.4 Karel Can't Turn Right
1.5 Functions in Karel
1.6 The Start Function
1.7 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
1.8 Commenting Your Code
1.9 Abstraction
1.10 Super Karel
1.11 For Loops
1.12 If Statements
1.13 If/Else Statements
1.14 While Loops in Karel
1.15 Control Structures Example
1.16 Debugging Strategies
1.17 Karel Algorithms
1.18 How to Indent Your Code
1.19 Ultra Karel
1.20 Karel Challenges
3.3 Hello World
3.4 Variables
3.5 User Input
3.6 Basic Math in JavaScript
3.7 Using Graphics in JavaScript
3.8 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
4.1 Booleans
4.2 Logical Operators
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.4 If Statements
4.5 Key Events
4.6 For Loops in JavaScript
4.7 General For Loops
4.8 For Loop Practice
4.9 Random Numbers
4.10 While Loops
4.11 Loop and a Half
33.1 Indexing
33.2 Slicing
33.3 Immutability
33.4 Strings and For Loops
33.5 The in Keyword
33.6 String Methods
1.2 The Script Tag
1.7 This Keyword
1.10 JavaScript Animations
5.1 The Script Tag
5.6 This Keyword
5.9 JavaScript Animations
1.2 Introduction to Programming With Karel
1.3 More Basic Karel
1.4 Karel Can't Turn Right
1.5 Functions in Karel
1.6 The Start Function
1.7 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
1.8 Commenting Your Code
1.9 Abstraction
1.10 Super Karel
1.11 For Loops
1.12 If Statements
1.13 If/Else Statements
1.14 While Loops in Karel
1.15 Control Structures Example
1.16 Debugging Strategies
1.17 Karel Algorithms
1.18 How to Indent Your Code
1.19 Ultra Karel
1.20 Karel Challenges
3.3 Hello World
3.4 Variables
3.5 User Input
3.6 Basic Math in JavaScript
3.7 Using Graphics in JavaScript
3.8 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
4.1 Booleans
4.2 Logical Operators
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.4 If Statements
4.6 Key Events
4.7 For Loops in JavaScript
4.8 General For Loops
4.9 For Loop Practice
4.10 Random Numbers
4.11 While Loops
4.12 Loop and a Half
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.3 Tracy's Grid World
2.2 Turning Tracy
2.3 For Loops
2.4 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
5.1 Variables
5.5 User Input
5.6 Parameters
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.3 Tracy's Grid World
2.2 Turning Tracy
2.3 For Loops
2.4 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
5.1 Variables
5.5 User Input
5.6 Parameters
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
3.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
3.2 Tracy's Grid World
3.3 Turning Tracy
3.4 For Loops
3.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.7 Naming Guidelines
3.8 Functions
3.11 Variables
3.12 User Input
3.13 Parameters
3.14 Using i in For Loops
3.15 Extended Loop Control
3.16 If Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.18 While Loops
3.19 Putting Together Control Structures
6.11 Variables
6.19 Putting Together Control Structures
6.18 While Loops
6.17 If/ Else Statements
6.16 If Statements
6.15 Extended Loop Control
6.14 Using i in For Loops
6.13 Parameters
6.12 User Input
6.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
6.8 Functions
6.7 Naming Guidelines
6.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
6.4 For Loops
6.3 Turning Tracy
6.2 Tracy's Grid World
13.11 Variables
13.19 Putting Together Control Structures
13.18 While Loops
13.17 If/ Else Statements
13.16 If Statements
13.15 Extended Loop Control
13.14 Using i in For Loops
13.13 Parameters
13.12 User Input
13.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
13.8 Functions
13.7 Naming Guidelines
13.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
13.4 For Loops
13.3 Turning Tracy
13.2 Tracy's Grid World
7.4 Mathematical Operators
7.5 String Operators
7.8 Comparison Operators
7.9 Logical Operators
7.11 For Loops
7.12 Break and Continue
7.14 Functions
7.15 Functions and Parameters
7.16 Namespaces in Functions
7.17 Functions and Return Values
7.18 Exceptions
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
2.1 Printing in Python
2.2 Variables and Types
2.4 Mathematical Operators
2.5 String Operators
4.1 Booleans
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
4.5 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
5.2 For Loops
5.3 Break and Continue
5.4 Nested Control Structures
6.1 Functions
6.2 Functions and Parameters
6.3 Namespaces in Functions
6.4 Functions and Return Values
6.5 Exceptions
8.1 Indexing
8.2 Slicing
8.3 Immutability
8.4 Strings and For Loops
8.5 The in Keyword
8.6 String Methods
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
2.1 Turning Tracy
2.2 For Loops
2.3 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
4.1 Variables
4.2 User Input
4.3 Parameters
4.4 Using i in For Loops
4.5 Extended Loop Control
6.1 If Statements
6.2 If/ Else Statements
6.3 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
2.17 Debugging Strategies
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
2.1 Turning Tracy
2.2 For Loops
2.3 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
4.1 Variables
4.2 User Input
4.3 Parameters
4.4 Using i in For Loops
4.5 Extended Loop Control
5.1 If Statements
5.2 If/ Else Statements
5.3 While Loops
6.1 Putting Together Control Structures
2.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
2.2 Tracy's Grid World
2.3 Turning Tracy
2.4 For Loops
2.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
2.7 Naming Guidelines
2.8 Functions
2.11 Variables
2.12 User Input
2.13 Parameters
2.14 Using i in For Loops
2.15 Extended Loop Control
2.16 If Statements
2.17 If/ Else Statements
2.18 While Loops
2.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.1 Printing in Python
3.2 Variables and Types
3.4 Mathematical Operators
3.5 String Operators
4.1 Booleans
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
4.5 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
5.2 For Loops
5.3 Break and Continue
5.4 Nested Control Structures
6.1 Functions
6.2 Functions and Parameters
6.3 Namespaces in Functions
6.4 Functions and Return Values
6.5 Exceptions
7.1 Indexing
7.2 Slicing
7.3 Immutability
7.4 Strings and For Loops
7.5 The in Keyword
7.6 String Methods
7.1 The Script Tag
7.6 This Keyword
7.9 JavaScript Animations
2.1 Why Programming? Why Java?
2.2 Variables and Data Types
2.3 Expressions and Assignment Statements
2.4 Compound Assignment Operators
2.5 User Input
2.6 Casting and Ranges of Variables
2.17 Debugging Strategies
2.17 Debugging Strategies
2.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
2.2 Tracy's Grid World
2.3 Turning Tracy
2.4 For Loops
2.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
2.7 Naming Guidelines
2.8 Functions
2.12 Variables
2.13 User Input
2.14 Parameters
2.16 Using i in For Loops
2.17 Extended Loop Control
2.18 If Statements
2.19 If/ Else Statements
2.20 While Loops
2.22 Putting Together Control Structures
5.1 Printing in Python
5.2 Variables and Types
5.4 Mathematical Operators
5.5 String Operators
6.1 Booleans
6.3 Comparison Operators
6.4 Logical Operators
6.5 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
7.2 For Loops
7.3 Break and Continue
7.4 Nested Control Structures
8.1 Functions
8.2 Functions and Parameters
8.3 Namespaces in Functions
8.4 Functions and Return Values
8.5 Exceptions
9.1 Indexing
9.2 Slicing
9.3 Immutability
9.4 Strings and For Loops
9.5 The in Keyword
9.6 String Methods
3.17 Debugging Strategies
2.17 Debugging Strategies
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
2.17 Debugging Strategies
3.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
3.2 Tracy's Grid World
3.3 Turning Tracy
3.4 For Loops
3.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.7 Naming Guidelines
3.8 Functions
3.11 Variables
3.12 User Input
3.13 Parameters
3.14 Using i in For Loops
3.15 Extended Loop Control
3.16 If Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.18 While Loops
3.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
1.2 More Basic Karel
1.3 Karel Can't Turn Right
1.4 Functions in Karel
1.5 The Start Function
1.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
1.7 Commenting Your Code
1.8 Abstraction
1.9 Super Karel
1.10 For Loops
1.11 If Statements
1.12 If/Else Statements
1.13 While Loops in Karel
1.14 Control Structures Example
1.15 Debugging Strategies
1.16 Karel Algorithms
1.17 How to Indent Your Code
1.18 Ultra Karel
1.19 Karel Challenges
3.3 Hello World
3.4 Variables
3.5 User Input
3.6 Basic Math in JavaScript
3.7 Using Graphics in JavaScript
3.8 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
4.1 Booleans
4.2 Logical Operators
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.4 If Statements
4.5 Key Events
4.6 For Loops in JavaScript
4.7 General For Loops
4.8 For Loop Practice
4.9 Random Numbers
4.10 While Loops
4.11 Loop and a Half
2.17 Debugging Strategies
3.2 Printing in Python
3.3 Variables and Types
3.5 Mathematical Operators
3.6 String Operators
4.1 Booleans
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
4.5 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
5.2 For Loops
5.3 Break and Continue
5.4 Nested Control Structures
6.1 Functions
6.2 Functions and Parameters
6.3 Namespaces in Functions
6.4 Functions and Return Values
6.5 Exceptions
8.1 Indexing
8.2 Slicing
8.3 Immutability
8.4 Strings and For Loops
8.5 The in Keyword
8.6 String Methods
18.11 Variables
18.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
18.2 Tracy's Grid World
18.3 Turning Tracy
18.4 For Loops
18.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
18.7 Naming Guidelines
18.8 Functions
18.19 Putting Together Control Structures
18.12 User Input
18.13 Parameters
18.14 Using i in For Loops
18.15 Extended Loop Control
18.16 If Statements
18.17 If/ Else Statements
18.18 While Loops
5.1 The Script Tag
5.6 This Keyword
5.9 JavaScript Animations
2.17 Debugging Strategies
11.1 The Script Tag
2.17 Debugging Strategies
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.16 Debugging Strategies
1.16 Debugging Strategies
4.2 Printing in Python
4.3 Variables and Types
4.5 Mathematical Operators
4.6 String Operators
5.1 Functions
5.2 Functions and Parameters
5.3 Namespaces in Functions
5.4 Functions and Return Values
1.16 Debugging Strategies
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
2.17 Debugging Strategies
2.17 Debugging Strategies
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
2.17 Debugging Strategies
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
6.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
6.2 Tracy's Grid World
6.3 Turning Tracy
6.4 For Loops
6.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
6.6 Functions
6.10 Variables
6.11 User Input
6.12 Parameters
6.13 If Statements
6.14 If/ Else Statements
6.15 While Loops
7.1 Printing in Python
7.2 Variables and Types
7.4 Mathematical Operators
7.5 String Operators
7.6 Booleans
7.8 Comparison Operators
7.9 Logical Operators
7.10 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
7.12 For Loops
7.13 Functions
8.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
8.2 Tracy's Grid World
8.3 Turning Tracy
8.4 For Loops
8.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
8.6 Functions
8.10 Variables
8.11 User Input
8.12 Parameters
8.13 If Statements
8.14 If/ Else Statements
8.15 While Loops
9.1 Printing in Python
9.2 Variables and Types
9.4 Mathematical Operators
9.5 String Operators
9.6 Booleans
9.8 Comparison Operators
9.9 Logical Operators
9.10 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
9.12 For Loops
9.13 Functions
2.17 Debugging Strategies
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
1.2 More Basic Karel
1.3 Karel Can't Turn Right
1.4 Functions in Karel
1.5 The Start Function
1.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
1.7 Commenting Your Code
1.8 Abstraction
1.9 Super Karel
1.10 For Loops
1.11 If Statements
1.12 If/Else Statements
1.13 While Loops in Karel
1.14 Control Structures Example
1.15 Debugging Strategies
1.16 Karel Algorithms
1.17 How to Indent Your Code
1.18 Karel Challenges
3.1 Booleans
3.2 Logical Operators
3.3 Comparison Operators
3.4 If Statements
3.5 For Loops in JavaScript
3.6 General For Loops
3.7 For Loop Practice
3.8 Random Numbers
3.9 While Loops
3.10 Loop and a Half
21.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
1.2 More Basic Karel
1.3 Karel Can't Turn Right
1.4 Functions in Karel
1.5 The Start Function
1.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
1.7 Commenting Your Code
1.8 Abstraction
1.9 Super Karel
1.10 For Loops
1.11 If Statements
1.12 If/Else Statements
1.13 While Loops in Karel
1.14 Control Structures Example
1.15 Debugging Strategies
1.16 Karel Algorithms
1.17 How to Indent Your Code
1.18 Karel Challenges
3.1 Booleans
3.2 Logical Operators
3.3 Comparison Operators
3.4 If Statements
3.5 For Loops in JavaScript
3.6 General For Loops
3.7 For Loop Practice
3.8 Random Numbers
3.9 While Loops
3.10 Loop and a Half
22.5 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
2.17 Debugging Strategies
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
3.2 Tracy's Grid World
3.3 Turning Tracy
3.4 For Loops
3.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.7 Naming Guidelines
3.8 Functions
3.11 Variables
3.12 User Input
3.13 Parameters
3.14 Using i in For Loops
3.15 Extended Loop Control
3.16 If Statements
3.17 If/ Else Statements
3.18 While Loops
3.19 Putting Together Control Structures
3.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
3.2 Tracy's Grid World
3.3 Turning Tracy
3.4 For Loops
3.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.7 Naming Guidelines
3.8 Functions
3.12 Variables
3.13 User Input
3.14 Parameters
3.15 Using i in For Loops
3.16 Extended Loop Control
3.17 If Statements
3.18 If/ Else Statements
3.19 While Loops
3.20 Putting Together Control Structures
1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
1.2 More Basic Karel
1.3 Karel Can't Turn Right
1.4 Functions in Karel
1.5 The Start Function
1.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
1.7 Commenting Your Code
1.8 Abstraction
1.9 Super Karel
1.10 For Loops
1.11 If Statements
1.12 If/Else Statements
1.13 While Loops in Karel
1.14 Control Structures Example
1.15 Debugging Strategies
1.17 Karel Algorithms
1.18 How to Indent Your Code
1.19 Ultra Karel
1.20 Karel Challenges
2.3 Hello World
2.4 Variables
2.5 User Input
2.6 Basic Math in JavaScript
2.7 Using Graphics in JavaScript
2.8 Mouse Events: Mouse Clicked
3.1 Booleans
3.2 Logical Operators
3.3 Comparison Operators
3.4 If Statements
3.5 Key Events
3.6 For Loops in JavaScript
3.7 General For Loops
3.8 For Loop Practice
3.9 Random Numbers
3.10 While Loops
3.11 Loop and a Half
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.4 Turning Tracy
1.5 For Loops
1.6 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.8 Naming Guidelines
1.9 Functions
1.12 Variables
1.13 User Input
1.14 Parameters
1.15 Using i in For Loops
1.16 Extended Loop Control
1.17 If Statements
1.18 If/ Else Statements
1.19 While Loops
1.20 Putting Together Control Structures
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.4 Turning Tracy
1.5 For Loops
1.6 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.8 Naming Guidelines
1.9 Functions
1.12 Variables
1.13 User Input
1.14 Parameters
1.15 Using i in For Loops
1.16 Extended Loop Control
1.17 If Statements
1.18 If/ Else Statements
1.19 While Loops
1.20 Putting Together Control Structures
1.17 Debugging Strategies
4.1 Indexing
4.2 Slicing
4.3 Immutability
4.4 Strings and For Loops
4.5 The in Keyword
4.6 String Methods
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
2.17 Debugging Strategies
18.1 Indexing
18.2 Slicing
18.3 Immutability
18.4 Strings and For Loops
18.5 The in Keyword
18.6 String Methods
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
4.1 Printing in Python
4.2 Variables and Types
4.4 Mathematical Operators
4.5 String Operators
6.1 Booleans
6.3 Comparison Operators
6.4 Logical Operators
6.5 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
7.2 For Loops
7.3 Break and Continue
7.4 Nested Control Structures
8.1 Functions
8.2 Functions and Parameters
8.3 Namespaces in Functions
8.4 Functions and Return Values
8.5 Exceptions
16.21 Putting Together Control Structures
16.7 Functions
16.20 While Loops
16.19 If/Else Statements
16.18 If Statements
16.17 Extended Loop Control
16.16 Using i in For Loops
16.14 Parameters
16.13 User Input
16.10 Variables
16.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
16.4 For Loops
16.3 Turning Tracy
16.2 Tracy's Grid World
16.1 Meet Tracy the Turtle
15.1 Indexing
15.2 Slicing
15.3 Immutability
15.4 Strings and For Loops
15.5 The in Keyword
15.6 String Methods
4.1 Printing in Python
4.2 Variables and Types
4.4 Mathematical Operators
4.5 String Operators
6.1 Booleans
6.3 Comparison Operators
6.4 Logical Operators
6.5 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
7.2 For Loops
7.3 Break and Continue
7.4 Nested Control Structures
8.1 Functions
8.2 Functions and Parameters
8.3 Namespaces in Functions
8.4 Functions and Return Values
8.5 Exceptions
16.21 Putting Together Control Structures
16.7 Functions
16.20 While Loops
16.19 If/Else Statements
16.18 If Statements
16.17 Extended Loop Control
16.16 Using i in For Loops
16.14 Parameters
16.13 User Input
16.10 Variables
16.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
16.4 For Loops
16.3 Turning Tracy
16.2 Tracy's Grid World
16.1 Meet Tracy the Turtle
15.1 Indexing
15.2 Slicing
15.3 Immutability
15.4 Strings and For Loops
15.5 The in Keyword
15.6 String Methods
3.17 Debugging Strategies
4.17 Debugging Strategies
1.2 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.3 Tracy's Grid World
2.1 Turning Tracy
2.2 For Loops
2.3 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
4.2 Variables
4.3 User Input
4.4 Parameters
4.6 Using i in For Loops
4.7 Extended Loop Control
5.1 If Statements
5.2 If/ Else Statements
5.3 While Loops
6.1 Putting Together Control Structures
2.16 Debugging Strategies
2.17 Debugging Strategies
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
1.8 Abstraction
7.1 Why Programming? Why Java?
7.2 Variables and Data Types
7.3 Expressions and Assignment Statements
7.4 Compound Assignment Operators
7.5 User Input
7.6 Casting and Ranges of Variables
1.8 Abstraction
6.1 Why Programming? Why Java?
6.2 Variables and Data Types
6.3 Expressions and Assignment Statements
6.4 Compound Assignment Operators
6.5 User Input
6.6 Casting and Ranges of Variables
2.1 Printing in Python
2.2 Variables and Types
2.4 Mathematical Operators
2.5 String Operators
4.1 Booleans
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
4.5 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
6.2 For Loops
6.3 Break and Continue
6.4 Nested Control Structures
1.1 Functions
1.2 Functions and Parameters
1.3 Namespaces in Functions
1.4 Functions and Return Values
1.5 Exceptions
2.1 Indexing
2.2 Slicing
2.3 Immutability
2.4 Strings and For Loops
2.5 The in Keyword
2.6 String Methods
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.3 Tracy's Grid World
2.2 Turning Tracy
2.3 For Loops
2.4 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
5.1 Variables
5.5 User Input
5.6 Parameters
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.3 Tracy's Grid World
2.2 Turning Tracy
2.3 For Loops
2.4 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
5.1 Variables
5.5 User Input
5.6 Parameters
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
2.1 Printing in Python
2.2 Variables and Types
2.4 Mathematical Operators
2.5 String Operators
4.1 Booleans
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
4.5 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
6.2 For Loops
6.3 Break and Continue
6.4 Nested Control Structures
9.1 Functions
9.2 Functions and Parameters
9.3 Namespaces in Functions
9.4 Functions and Return Values
9.5 Exceptions
10.1 Indexing
10.2 Slicing
10.3 Immutability
10.4 Strings and For Loops
10.5 The in Keyword
10.6 String Methods
2.1 Printing in Python
2.2 Variables and Types
2.4 Mathematical Operators
2.5 String Operators
4.1 Booleans
4.3 Comparison Operators
4.4 Logical Operators
4.5 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
6.2 For Loops
6.3 Break and Continue
6.4 Nested Control Structures
11.21 Putting Together Control Structures
11.7 Functions
11.20 While Loops
11.19 If/Else Statements
11.18 If Statements
11.17 Extended Loop Control
11.16 Using i in For Loops
11.14 Parameters
11.13 User Input
11.10 Variables
11.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
11.4 For Loops
11.3 Turning Tracy
11.2 Tracy's Grid World
11.1 Meet Tracy the Turtle
1.1 Functions
1.2 Functions and Parameters
1.3 Namespaces in Functions
1.4 Functions and Return Values
1.5 Exceptions
2.1 Indexing
2.2 Slicing
2.3 Immutability
2.4 Strings and For Loops
2.5 The in Keyword
2.6 String Methods
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.3 Tracy's Grid World
2.2 Turning Tracy
2.3 For Loops
2.4 Turning Tracy Using Angles
3.2 Naming Guidelines
3.3 Functions
5.1 Variables
5.5 User Input
5.6 Parameters
5.9 Using i in For Loops
5.10 Extended Loop Control
7.1 If Statements
7.2 If/Else Statements
7.4 While Loops
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
1.2 Tracy's Grid World
1.3 Turning Tracy
1.4 For Loops
1.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
1.7 Naming Guidelines
1.8 Functions
1.11 Variables
1.12 User Input
1.13 Parameters
1.14 Using i in For Loops
1.15 Extended Loop Control
1.16 If Statements
1.17 If/ Else Statements
1.18 While Loops
1.19 Putting Together Control Structures
2.17 Debugging Strategies