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Mix and Match Middle School Course

The Mix and Match Middle School Course is an easily customizable option for our middle school content. Each module contains 10 hours of content and introduces students to a specific computer science topic. You can choose which modules to teach and the order you teach them in!

Overview & Highlights

Middle School
Contact Hours

Course Overview

To view the entire syllabus, click here or click to explore the full course.

Karel Adventures 1
Students learn the basics of JavaScript as they follow Karel the Dog on two fun-filled adventures. Recommended for early middle school.
Karel Adventures 2
Students learn the basics of JavaScript as they follow Karel the Dog on two fun-filled adventures.
Tracy Adventures
Students will learn how to use basic commands, variables, and functions in their programs using the Python programming language. Recommended for early middle school.
Exploring Computing
Students explore different technologies and the impact they have on our world.
Exploring Code with Karel
Students learn the basics of programming by giving Karel the Dog commands in a grid world.
Exploring the Internet
Students are introduced to network protocols and different strategies used to protect online information.
Exploring Digital Citizenship
Students learn about Internet etiquette and how to stay safe on the world wide web.
Exploring Art with Code
Students explore the intersection of art and technology by creating art programs using p5.js.
Exploring Game Design
Students learn the basics of video game design elements, game mechanics, and sprite and world design. Students will learn foundational programming concepts in JavaScript and its popular p5play library.
Exploring Web Design 1
Students explore HTML and CSS styling as they work to create their homepage.

Offline Handouts

Demo Programs

Explore programs that your students will build throughout this course!

Course Resources

Here are a few examples of teacher resources and materials to use in the Mix and Match Middle School Course course


Mix and Match Middle School Course is aligned with the following standards

Standards Framework View Alignment
CSTA 2 View (100%)
Indiana CS 6-8 View (100%)
Mississippi 6-8 View (100%)

Customizable Assignments

Create and organize Assignments in any CodeHS course that you're teaching. You can even add custom assignments to pre-existing CodeHS courses.

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Actions for Teachers

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