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Standards Mapping

for Virginia Computer Science Principles


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
The student will develop and apply criteria for evaluating a computer system for a given purpose.
The student will illustrate ways computing systems implement logic, input, and output through hardware components.
The student will explain abstractions enabling a) one computer to communicate with another over an Internet connection; and b) different layers of Internet technology to build on one another.
  1. 4.6 Packets and Protocols
The student will explain design principles enabling large-scale operation of the Internet to connect devices and networks all over the world.
  1. 4.2 Internet Hardware
  2. 4.3 Internet Addresses
  3. 4.4 DNS
The student will explain symmetric and asymmetric encryption as they pertain to messages being sent on a network.
The student will discuss the methods and tradeoffs of collecting and analyzing data elements on a large scale.
  1. 1.9 Data Collection & Limitations
The student will select data collection tools and techniques to generate data sets that support a claim or communicate information. Implement a relational database to work with data.
The student will discuss how data representations can be interpreted in a variety of forms, convert between data representations, and analyze the representation tradeoffs among various forms of digital information.
The student will design and implement algorithms with a) compound conditional execution; and b) a variety of loop control structures.
  1. 3.2 Challenge Problems
  2. 7.7 For Loop Practice
  3. 7.9 While Loops
The student will solve a complex problem by decomposing it into subtasks consisting of predefined functions and user-defined functions.
  1. 2.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
  2. 3.2 Challenge Problems
The student will store, process, and manipulate data contained in a data structure.
  1. 9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
  2. 9.12 Adding/Removing From an Array
  3. 9.13 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
  4. 9.14 Iterating Over an Array
  5. 16.1 Indexing Into an Array
  6. 16.2 Finding an Element in a List
  7. 16.3 Removing an Element From an Array
  8. 17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
  9. 17.2 Basics of Objects
  10. 17.3 Iterating Over an Object
  11. 17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
  12. 17.5 Intro to Sets
  13. 17.6 Intro to Grids
  14. 17.7 Looping Over a Grid
  15. 17.8 Grid Example: Get a Row
  16. 17.9 Data Structures Challenges
The student will systematically debug a program using an appropriate set of data.
  1. 2.17 Debugging Strategies
The student will explain how computing has impacted innovations in other fields positively and negatively, and enables collaboration between a variety of people.
  1. 4.7 The Impact of the Internet
The student will evaluate the impact of equity, access, and influence on the distribution of computing resources in a global society, including the impacts of cloud computing.
  1. 4.7 The Impact of the Internet
The student will explain how intellectual property concerns affect the tools for and products of computing, including combining existing content to create new artifacts and the impact of open source and free software.
  1. 1.10 Creative Credit & Copyright
The student will evaluate the social and economic implications of privacy in the context of safety, law or ethics.
  1. 1.3 Digital Footprint and Reputation
  2. 1.6 Privacy & Security
  3. 1.11 Hacking Ethics