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Standards Framework

for Utah Web Development 1


Standards in this Framework

Standard Description
WD1.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of standard copyright rules.
WD1.1.1a Understand copyright for original creations.
WD1.1.1b Understand the creative commons license.
WD1.1.1c Understand when to obtain permission for non-original work.
WD1.1.2 Identify the use and purpose of acceptable use policy (AUP).
WD1.1.2a Understand the AUP for your school.
WD1.1.3 Understand ethical behavior as it relates to an AUP, Intellectual Property, Netiquette, Respecting Privacy, Anti-Spamming Laws, etc.
WD1.2.1 Demonstrate knowledge required to develop an HTML document.
WD1.2.1a Code the foundation for a webpage. Include the element tags DOCTYPE, html, head, title, and body.
WD1.2.1b Structure the page using semantic and structural elements such as: header, nav, main, section, article, aside, footer, div, etc.
WD1.2.1c Use meta tags for page documentation.
WD1.2.1d Use appropriate comments.
WD1.2.2 Explain appropriate file structure and naming conventions.
WD1.2.2a Use logical file structure to build websites.
WD1.2.2b Incorporate appropriate naming conventions for website files.
WD1.2.3 Use the DOCTYPE Declaration
WD1.2.3a Develop pages using the DOCTYPE declaration.
WD1.2.4 Code a website with appropriate HTML structure and according to W3C standards that can be validated.
WD1.2.4a Demonstrate best practice by consistently using lowercase text for all element names
WD1.2.4b Properly nest elements.
WD1.2.4c Use quotes on attribute values.
WD1.2.5 Demonstrate the use of input elements and attributes.
WD1.2.5a Create pages with tags and attributes at the block level. (html, head, body, style, header, nav, main, section, footer, div)
WD1.2.5b Create pages with tags and attributes at the inline level. (DOCTYPE, title, h1, h2, h6, p, br, meta, etc.)
WD1.2.5c Code a website with text formatting, links, images, lists, tables (tabular data), etc.
WD1.2.5d Relative Links are relative to the directory of the website. (images/photo.jpg)
WD1.2.5e Absolute links are the exact location on the internet and contain a protocol. (http, https, ftp)
WD1.2.5f Code special characters such as:   © " < > & —
WD1.2.5g Demonstrate the use of HTML forms, buttons, text fields, checkboxes, and radio buttons. (Form does not need to submit to an actual database or email.)
WD1.3.1 Apply CSS to your website.
WD1.3.1a Apply CSS to an element using an inline style. (An inline style may be used to apply a unique style for a single element.)
WD1.3.1b Apply CSS to a webpage using an internal style. (Internal style rules may be used to uniquely style a single page.)
WD1.3.1c Apply CSS to a website using an external stylesheet. (Best Coding Practice - One file changes the entire website.)
WD1.3.2 Apply essential syntax & CSS box model.
WD1.3.2a Add style rule, declaration, selector, property value pair.
WD1.3.3 Students will format websites using CSS
WD1.3.3a Modify background properties such as: color and image.
WD1.3.3b Modify font properties such as: font-family, size, and color.
WD1.3.3c Link to and use an online font. (i.e.: Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts, etc.)
WD1.3.3d Modify margin and padding size around elements.
WD1.3.3e Code id & class tags within HTML
WD1.3.3f Within CSS use id & class tags to modify a HTML elements.
WD1.3.3g Implement an id selector to modify a single element on the page. (Unique id tags are only used one time per page, "classes" can be used one or more times per page)
WD1.3.3h Implement selectors pseudo class elements (i.e.: a:link, a:visited, a:active a:hover)
WD1.3.3i Use appropriate comments throughout your CSS
WD1.3.4 Format page layout using CSS.
WD1.3.4a Use width, height, or auto to adjust the size.
WD1.3.4b Use CSS Grid to layout the websites.
WD1.4.1 Analyze Project requirements.
WD1.4.1a Identify the purpose and audience for a website.
WD1.4.1b Identify basic principles of website usability, readability, and accessibility. (Usability: Cross browser compatibility. Readability: contrast, size, font, and color. Accessibility standards that address the needs of people with visual and motor impairments, such as using alt tags, strong instead of bold, etc.)
WD1.4.1c Identify and follow steps in the website planning and development process.
WD1.4.2 Users are the focus of all design.
WD1.4.2a Plan a website by using sketches, wireframes, or site maps.
WD1.4.2b Design elements are easy to access, understand, and use.
WD1.4.2c Keep the interface simple, create consistency, use common Ul elements, placement in page layout, strategically use color and texture, use typography to help increase scannability, legibility and readability, and inform your users of location, actions, or errors.
WD1.4.3 Code and design a minimum three-page website. (This is integrated into every Strand.)
WD1.5.1 Open, edit, and save an image for effective use on your website.
WD1.5.1a Crop and resize various images.
WD1.5.1b Optimize an image. (Resize and change resolution for optimal load time.)
WD1.5.1c Enhance an image.
WD1.5.2a Incorporate a logo and header into webpage.
WD1.5.2b Incorporate images into a website.
WD1.6.1 Explore IT web development careers.
WD1.6.1a Identify job roles in the Information Technology (IT) industry as they apply to web development.
WD1.6.1b Understand the responsibilities, tasks, and skills each job requires.
WD1.6.1c UI designer, UX designer, front-end web developer, backend web developer, and full stack developer.