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Standards Mapping

for Utah Python 1


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Students will understand the history of programming languages.
  1. 1.2 Programming with Tracy
Students will understand the different levels of programming languages: Binary, Assembly, Compiled, Interpreted
  1. 1.2 Programming with Tracy
Students will use an editor/IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to compile and run programs
  1. 1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
  2. 1.3 Tracy's Grid World
  3. 2.2 Turning Tracy
  4. 2.3 For Loops
  5. 2.4 Turning Tracy Using Angles
  6. 3.1 Comments
  7. 3.3 Functions
  8. 3.4 Artistic Effects
  9. 3.5 Adding Text
  10. 3.6 Top Down Design
  11. 4.1 Design a Mural
  12. 5.1 Variables
  13. 5.2 Data Types
  14. 5.3 Strings
  15. 5.4 String Methods
  16. 5.5 User Input
  17. 5.6 Parameters
  18. 5.8 Clickable Interaction
  19. 5.9 Using i in For Loops
  20. 5.10 Extended Loop Control
  21. 6.1 Cycle Depiction
  22. 7.1 If Statements
  23. 7.2 If/Else Statements
  24. 7.3 Returning Values from Functions
  25. 7.4 While Loops
  26. 8.1 Putting Together Control Structures
  27. 9.1 On Screen Calculator
Students will always use best practices to coding tasks: Sequencing algorithms, Indenting, Eliminating redundancy, Commenting, Naming conventions
  1. 3.1 Comments
  2. 3.2 Naming Guidelines
  3. 3.3 Functions
  4. 5.6 Parameters
  5. 5.9 Using i in For Loops
Students will demonstrate the ability to use variables in a program.
  1. 5.1 Variables
Students will demonstrate the use of different data types: Integer, Float, String, Boolean
  1. 5.2 Data Types
  2. 5.3 Strings
  3. 7.1 If Statements
Students will use appropriate naming conventions: snake case (first name)
  1. 3.2 Naming Guidelines
Students will give descriptive names to variables
  1. 3.2 Naming Guidelines
  2. 5.1 Variables
Students will use arithmetic operators in a program (+, -, *, /)
  1. 7.1 If Statements
Students will demonstrate the use of order of operations (PEMDAS)
  1. 7.1 If Statements
Students understand the single equal sign performs an assignment
  1. 5.1 Variables
Students understand the += and the -= operators are used for incrementing and decrementing
  1. 5.5 User Input
Students will identify errors and debug a program
  1. 5.7 Debugging Strategies
Students will identify the three types of errors: Syntax, Logic, Runtime
  1. 5.7 Debugging Strategies
Students will demonstrate the use or input and print functions: input(), print()
  1. 5.2 Data Types
  2. 5.5 User Input
Students will demonstrate the use of formatting methods: Concatenation, Type Casting(Integer, Float, String)
  1. 5.2 Data Types
  2. 5.3 Strings
  3. 5.5 User Input
Students will document code by adding #comments to each program: Explain code (function, list), Make code more readable, Attribution
  1. 3.1 Comments
Students will understand the conditional logic of >, <, >=, <=, ==, != operators when comparing
  1. 7.1 If Statements
The student will control flow with an it statement in a program
  1. 7.1 If Statements
The student will control flow with an Elif statement in a program
  1. 7.2 If/Else Statements
The student will control flow with an Else statement in a program
  1. 7.2 If/Else Statements
Students will use loops (iteration) to efficiently repeat code
  1. 2.3 For Loops
  2. 5.9 Using i in For Loops
  3. 5.10 Extended Loop Control
  4. 7.4 While Loops
Students will know which type of loop to use in a program: For loop, Nested loops (Indentation conventions)
  1. 7.4 While Loops
Students will use a range in a loop
  1. 2.3 For Loops
  2. 5.9 Using i in For Loops
  3. 5.10 Extended Loop Control
Students will design a loop with a range so they iterate the correct number of times
  1. 2.3 For Loops
  2. 5.9 Using i in For Loops
  3. 5.10 Extended Loop Control
Students will use variables in the argument of a loop
  1. 5.9 Using i in For Loops
  2. 5.10 Extended Loop Control
  3. 7.4 While Loops
Students will use incrementing and decrementing (+=. -=) in the body of a loop
  1. 5.5 User Input
  2. 7.4 While Loops
Students will understand the difference between predefined and user-defined functions
  1. 3.3 Functions
Students will understand the purpose of using functions for eliminating redundancy and reusability
  1. 3.3 Functions
  2. 5.6 Parameters
Students will create user-defined functions (with appropriate naming conventions (snake case) and descriptive names)
  1. 3.2 Naming Guidelines
  2. 3.3 Functions
  3. 5.6 Parameters
Students will understand that a user-defined function will perform a single task
  1. 3.3 Functions
Students will use one or more parameters in a function dennition
  1. 5.6 Parameters
Students will call (use) functions
  1. 3.3 Functions
  2. 5.6 Parameters
Students will be able to call a function with arguments
  1. 5.6 Parameters