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Fundamentals of Cybersecurity (Middle School)

This is the first course in the cybersecurity pathway and will prepare students for an advanced cybersecurity course and/or cybersecurity certification(s). Students will learn cybersecurity topics such as software security, networking, system administration, and the basics of cryptography and programming.

Overview & Highlights

High School
Contact Hours

Course Overview

To view the entire syllabus, click here or click to explore the full course.

What is Cybersecurity?
Students explore the basics of cybersecurity. Students learn about why cybersecurity is important, recent threats to cybersecurity, and different careers in the field.
Digital Citizenship and Cyber Hygiene
Students learn about Internet etiquette and how to stay safe on the world wide web. Students also look at the potential effects of our digital footprints, how to protect information from online risks, and the implications of cyberbullying.
Project: Public Service Announcement
For this project, students create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) to teach their peers about digital citizenship and cyber hygiene.
The ABCs of Cryptography
Students dive into the history of cryptography systems, the motivation behind using encryption systems, and basic cryptography systems. Additionally, students explore topics on how to use cryptography, cryptology, and cryptanalysis.
Project: Classic Cipher Newscast
In this project, students write, rehearse, and perform a newscast with their team. Each team is given a different **classic cipher** (beyond Caesar and Vigenere) to research and address in their newscast.
What's Next?
Students explore the different pathways available to learn more about cybersecurity upon completing this course.
Web Development
In this unit, students will go through a high level introduction to HTML, CSS, and the processes involved in viewing web pages on the internet. Students will create several simple web pages using the CodeHS online editor to gain practice using the various features of HTML and CSS.

Offline Handouts

Demo Programs

Explore programs that your students will build throughout this course!

Professional Development

Teaching Fundamentals of Cybersecurity

The CodeHS Cybersecurity course prepares students with crucial skills to be responsible citizens in a digital future and protect themselves from the growing threat of cyber attacks. With the CodeHS online Professional Development course, we'll train teachers at your school to teach an excellent Cybersecurity course. No programming experience is required. Teachers will gain the skills, pedagogical knowledge, resources, and confidence to lead a great cybersecurity class with CodeHS.

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