In this lesson, students begin to reflect on the variety of games they have played and what actually makes a game a game.
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In this lesson, students explore and learn to identify game elements, mechanics, and components that make up the overall gameplay experience.
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In this lesson, students explore game genres and perspectives that are used to categorize different types of video games.
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In this lesson, students will learn about the aspects of computational thinking that will help them be successful problem solvers.
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In this lesson, students will learn about JavaScript, how to print messages to the console, and about debugging programs.
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functionIn this lesson, students learn how to assign values to variables, manipulate those variable values, and use them in program statements. This is the introductory lesson into how data can be stored in variables.
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In this lesson, students learn how they can allow users to input information into their programs, and use that input accordingly.
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In this lesson, students learn about the different mathematical operators they can use to perform mathematical computations and create useful programs that compute information for the user.
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In this lesson, students will learn how to create basic functions using JavaScript and use them to improve the organization, readability, and flow of their programs.
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functionIn this lesson, students learn about the p5play library and see examples of what can be created with it.
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In this lesson, students will learn about the two main functions in a p5play program, setup() and draw().
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In this lesson, students will learn more about the p5play canvas, including how to set one up and navigate its X-Y coordinate system.
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In this lesson, students will learn about p5play sprites and how to control their appearance with properties like size, position, and color.
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In this lesson, students will learn about more sprite properties and how they relate to p5play’s built-in physics engine.
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In this lesson, students will kick off their mini golf project and learn more about the project design process.
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In this lesson, students will add p5play sprites for their grass, hole, walls, ball, and putter. They also learn how to use a random number function in order to randomize where the hole sprite is placed.
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function to generate random numbers for their gameIn this lesson, students will learn more about boolean values and p5play boolean expressions.
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In this lesson, students learn about if/else statements as a way to make decisions and execute specific code depending on the validity of a condition.
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In this lesson, students will apply their new knowledge of Booleans and if/else statements to create interactions between the player and the sprites.
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In this lesson, students will enhance the player experience by adding background music and a score counter to their mini golf games.
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In this final project lesson, students will design, plan, develop, and test a second custom mini golf hole for their game.
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In this lesson, students will kick off their projectiles project and create the basic structure of their game.
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In this lesson, students are going to create a cannon that players can move and rotate on the canvas.
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In this lesson, students will learn about p5play Groups and Tiles, two features that make it easy to create and manage many sprites in a p5play program.
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In this lesson, students will apply their knowledge of p5play Groups to create cannonballs that fire from the cannon.
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In this lesson, students apply their knowledge of the p5play Groups and Tile system to create the tower in their projectiles game.
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In this lesson, students will implement code that will remove the wood block tiles when struck by an incoming cannonball.
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In this lesson, students will add a win condition and message to their game.
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In this final project lesson, students will design, plan, develop, and test a second custom level for their projectiles game.
Students will be able to: