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Standards Mapping

for Illinois 11-12


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Compare the characteristics and uses of traditional and emerging computing devices and systems.
  1. 8.1 Intro to Digital Information
  2. 11.1 Welcome to the Internet
  3. 13.1 Getting Started with Data
Categorize the roles of operating system software.
Illustrate ways computing systems implement logic, input, and output through hardware components.
  1. 3.5 User Input
  2. 11.2 Internet Hardware
Describe the issues that impact network functionality (e.g., bandwidth, load, delay, topology).
  1. 11.5 DNS
  2. 11.6 Routing
  3. 11.7 Packets and Protocols
  4. 11.8 Sequential, Parallel & Distributed Computing
Compare ways software developers protect devices and information from unauthorized access.
  1. 8.10 Cryptography
  2. 11.9 Cybersecurity
Use data analysis tools and techniques to identify patterns in data representing complex systems.
  1. 13.1 Getting Started with Data
  2. 13.2 Visualizing and Interpreting Data
  3. 13.3 Data Collection & Limitations
  4. 13.4 Data Quiz
Select data collection tools and techniques to generate data sets that support a claim or communicate information.
  1. 14.1 Present a Data-Driven Insight
Analyze the ways in which automated data collection is utilized in society.
  1. 13.3 Data Collection & Limitations
Evaluate the ability of models and simulations to test and support the refinement of hypotheses.
  1. 7.5 Simulation
Describe how artificial intelligence drives many software and physical systems.
Implement an artificial intelligence algorithm to play a game against a human opponent or solve a problem.
Use and adapt classic algorithms to solve computational problems.
  1. 1.16 Algorithms
  2. 4.4 If Statements
  3. 4.6 For Loops in Python
  4. 4.7 General For Loops
  5. 4.8 For Loop Practice
  6. 4.10 While Loops
  7. 4.11 Loop and a Half
  8. 33.1 Indexing
  9. 33.2 Slicing
  10. 33.4 Strings and For Loops
  11. 33.5 The in Keyword
  12. 33.6 String Methods
  13. 34.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
Evaluate algorithms in terms of their efficiency, correctness, and clarity.
Compare and contrast fundamental data structures and their uses.
  1. 7.1 Tuples
  2. 7.2 Lists
  3. 7.3 For Loops and Lists
  4. 7.4 List Methods
  5. 27.1 Classes and Objects
  6. 34.1 2d Lists
  7. 34.4 Dictionaries
Illustrate the flow of execution of a recursive algorithm.
Construct solutions to problems using student-created components, such as procedures, modules, or objects.
  1. 1.5 Functions in Karel
  2. 5.1 Functions and Parameters 1
  3. 5.2 Functions and Parameters 2
  4. 5.3 Functions and Parameters 3
  5. 5.4 Functions and Return Values 1
  6. 5.5 Functions and Return Values 2
  7. 27.1 Classes and Objects
  8. 27.9 Modules
Analyze a large-scale computational problem and identify generalizable patterns that can be applied to a solution.
  1. 29.1 Project: Who Said It?
  2. 30.1 Let's Build Mastermind
  3. 31.1 Practice PT: Testing 1, 2, 3 ...
  4. 32.1 Practice PT: The Shopping List
Demonstrate code reuse by creating programming solutions using libraries and application programming interfaces (APIs).
Plan and develop programs for broad audiences using a software life cycle process.
  1. 18.1 Intro to Design Thinking
  2. 18.2 Prototype
  3. 18.3 Test
  4. 18.4 Project Prep and Development
Demonstrate conversion of source code into machine code using compliers or interpreters.
Explain security issues that might lead to compromised computer programs.
  1. 8.8 Data Compression
  2. 8.9 Lossy Compression
  3. 8.10 Cryptography
  4. 11.9 Cybersecurity
Develop programs for multiple computing platforms.
Use version control systems, integrated development environments, and collaborative tools and practices (code documentation) in a group software project.
Develop and use a series of test cases to verify that a program performs according to its design specifications.
Discuss social, economic, and ethical consequences of malfunctional software and software updates.
Modify an existing program to add additional functionality and discuss intended and unintended implications (e.g., breaking other functionality).
Evaluate key qualities of a program through a process such as a code review.
  1. 18.4 Project Prep and Development
  2. 30.1 Let's Build Mastermind
Compare multiple programming languages and discuss how their features make them suitable for solving different types of problems.
  1. 3.1 What is Code
  2. 3.2 Uses of Programs
  3. 5.8 Python vs Karel
Evaluate computational artifacts to maximize their beneficial effects and minimize harmful effects on society.
Evaluate the impact of equity, access, and influence on the distribution of computing resources in a global society.
  1. 11.10 The Impact of the Internet
  2. 12.1 The Effects of the Internet
Predict how computational innovations that have revolutionized aspects of our culture might evolve.
  1. 11.10 The Impact of the Internet
  2. 12.1 The Effects of the Internet
Debate laws and regulations that impact the development and use of software.
  1. 11.9 Cybersecurity
  2. 11.11 Creative Credit & Copyright
  3. 13.3 Data Collection & Limitations
Explain that the field of emerging technologies will be evolving and rapidly growing.
Compare existing and emerging technologies, ideas, and concepts.
  1. 8.10 Cryptography
  2. 11.1 Welcome to the Internet
  3. 11.9 Cybersecurity
Describe how emerging technologies are influencing current events at a local and global scale.
  1. 11.10 The Impact of the Internet
  2. 12.1 The Effects of the Internet
  3. 15.1 The Impacts of Computing
Predict the positive and negative societal, cultural, and economic impacts that emerging and future technologies may generate.
  1. 11.1 Welcome to the Internet
  2. 11.10 The Impact of the Internet
  3. 12.1 The Effects of the Internet
  4. 15.1 The Impacts of Computing
Create new or original work by applying emerging technologies.
  1. 8.10 Cryptography
  2. 11.9 Cybersecurity