Learn about the Pygame Python module and how it can be used to create games in Python. In this tutorial series you'll use some basic Pygame functions to build a mouse-input game where Karel the dog catches falling tennis balls. Prerequisite: Knowledge of basic Python programming constructs including module imports.
Prerequisite: It’s recommended that you complete the CodeHS Introduction to Computer Science in Python 3 course prior to starting this tutorial series.
The Python programming language allows coders to import modules. These modules contain a set of definitions and statements. They can define functions, declare variables, and run snippets of code to make writing programs in Python easier. The Python standard library contains over 200 modules!
Pygame contains multiple Python modules that make it easier to program games. Pygame can even be combined with other imported modules - like math
or random
. Pygame is a free and open source Python module you can use to create platformers, puzzle games, role-playing games (RPG), and various other 2D and 3D games. Most games are distributed on the web, but they can also be played on handhelds and consoles.
Refer to the Pygame Documentation throughout this tutorial series to get more information on Pygame functions and usage.
You’re going to create a basic game using the Pygame module along with a few other modules. In this game, tennis balls will fall from random locations across the top of the screen. Players will use a mouse to move a Karel sprite (character image) side-to-side to catch as many falling tennis balls as possible before the time runs out.
Try out the game before you start writing your program!
Create a new Python 3 project in your CodeHS Sandbox. Before programming the game, you’ll import some modules you’ll use in the program. All modules are imported at the beginning of your program.
Next you’ll define some colors using RGB values and couple of font variations - a regular and large font. The only difference between these two fonts will be the size.
The screen, or display surface, needs to be established. Pygame can get the display’s information, including width and height, and assign those to the width and height of the game world.
In this next code snippet, you’ll set the game world’s width and height based on the screen size, add some variables to keep score, track the state of the game, and run a timer. Lastly, you’ll set the frames per second (FPS) variable to the clock frame rate.
For this game, you’ll use two sprites, an image or animation of a game character or object. You’ll create a player character using a Karel sprite. In Part 2 of this tutorial series, you’ll add the tennis ball sprite. Download each sprite file below and upload them to your project. You’ll link to these image files in your code.
Each game object will be created as a Python class and include three crucial video game programming elements - the initialization, update, and render or draw information for that game object. These will be used later in the program’s game loop to tell the computer how to handle each game object every time the frame or screen refreshes.
Let’s start by adding Karel as a game object to your game!
There’s a lot going on for the Karel game object. Let’s break it down.
Line 1: The class player
is established and uses the Pygame sprite function to set it up.
Lines 2-6: These lines initialize the sprite as an image loaded from your program files. It also constructs an invisible rectangle around the image. This rectangle will be used to reposition Karel whenever the sprite is updated on the screen and check for collisions with falling tennis balls. The invisible rectangle also needs centered with the Karel image. That happens on line 6.
You’ll notice that self
is used to call on the player
object. They’re followed by a method and sometimes a Pygame function.
LInes 8-10: This is the update function for the player
game object. Again, self
refers to the player
object. The update function uses a Pygame function to grab the x-axis position of the player’s mouse cursor on the screen. The x-axis is stored in a Pygame array as index [0]
. Then the invisible rectangle is repositioned to match the x-axis position of the mouse cursor. The y-axis is a constant at 70 pixels above the height of the playing field or screen. This update function lets the player move Karel from side-to-side during gameplay.
Lines 12-13: Finally you need to draw or render the Karel character on the game screen. The draw function passes data from the self
(or the game object) and screen
objects to render the image in the game world. This is done with each iteration of the game loop or each frame. You use Pygame’s blit function in order to draw the image onto the screen or display surface. It passes the arguments for the image that should be used and the position of the invisible rectangle as the image’s destination.
Line 15: To call the Karel game object in the game loop later, let’s make things a little easier by assigning the player
object to the variable karel
Every video game has at least one game loop. This loop checks the program for any updates to game objects and renders the game to the screen each frame.
For this game, you’ll use a while loop that only ends in the event the player quits the game. This will be coded in a for loop at the start of the game loop.
Let’s take a deeper look at what’s going on within the game loop.
Lines 3-5: This is the for loop that checks to see if the player has quit the game. If they do, then Pygame quits the program.
Line 7: Calls on the update function within the karel
game object. Remember this is the same as the player
Lines 9-10: Fills the gameplay screen with the color green and draws or renders the karel
game object to the screen.
Lines 12-13: This calls the Pygame update function in the display
object. Lastly the FPS (frames per second) is set to 60fps using the Pygame tick function.
Now that you’ve established the game world, set up the game loop, and added your first game object, let’s test out the program so far!
Great! Now you have Karel moving side-to-side with the mouse cursor in your game world. To add the tennis ball game object, proceed to Part 2 of the tutorial series.