How to use list and dictionary comprehensions in Python.
When Python was created, Guido van Rossum and the other developers wanted to make the language as programmer-friendly as they could. Fun fact, if you open up a Python shell and type import this
you’ll be met with
One way in which they followed through on these tenets and allowed programmers to write code “pythonically” is through comprehensions. Comprehensions are clear, concise ways to create lists, dictionaries, sets, and other data structures. Today we’ll be discussing list and dictionary comprehensions.
Let's say someone asks you to write a function that takes in a list of ints and outputs a list of the same length, but each number in the list has been squared. Each square in the returned list has to be at the same position as its square root was in the parameter list. One way to solve this problem is as follows:
Without a List Comprehension
With a List Comprehension
Using a list comprehension, we can write the same function in one line, as follows:
Let’s break down that line, as its pretty dense. A list comprehension is broken down into three parts: an expression, a for
loop, and an optional conditional statement. Using these three facets, we can create lists in just one line! Here’s the anatomy of a list comprehension:
[..expression....for loop....(optional) if statement..]
The Optional If Statement
In the example we gave above, of making the list of square roots with a list comprehension, we used 2 of the 3 components of the list comprehension, omitting the optional if
int ** 2
loop: for int in ints
If we wanted to make a list of all squares of even numbers in the input list, we could do the following:
[ int ** 2 for int in ints if int % 2 == 0 ]
Here, we have all three components
int ** 2
loop: `for int in intsif
statement: if int % 2 == 0
More Examples of List Comprehensions
List comprehensions can get even more powerful when applying other functions in your programs. For example, if I had a list of User
objects (User.objects.all()
) and wanted to make a list of the user’s name, only if they’re an admin user, I could do:
[ user.get_name() for user in User.objects.all() is user.is_admin() ]
Concluding List Comprehensions
List comprehensions are a very powerful tool that Python comes with. They can make complex calculations and list constructions simple and more readable. I hope this becomes another tool in your arsenal to make your code more functional and more readable!
Python also allows you to make dictionary comprehensions. They’re similar in construction to list comprehensions, here’s the anatomy of a dictionary comprehension
[..key : value....for (key, value) in collection....(optional) if statement based on (key, value)..]
Reversing a Dictionary Using a Comprehension
A classic example of using a dictionary comprehension is to reverse a dictionary. For this example, note that dict.items()
returns a list of (key, value)
tuples that comprise the dictionary.
Now, let’s try putting everything together by writing a function that takes in a list of string and returns a dictionary that has the keys as letters and values as lists of strings in the input list that start with that letter. This would look something like this without a dictionary comprehension:
Using both list comprehensions and dictionary comprehensions, we can write the function in one line:
Let’s break down what’s going on here. For the dictionary comprehension, we’re looping through the strings in lst
and mapping the first letter of each string to a list comprehension. In that list comprehension, we’re looping through each string in lst
and extracting all strings that start with the current letter we’re on.
Choosing When to Use Comprehensions
Now, it’s worth noting that even though this version of the function is stylistically pleasing, it is not as efficient as the first implementation. The comprehension version if looping through the input list once to get the keys and again to make each inner list. As a result, this version has a runtime complexity of O(n^2)
, while the first implementation makes one pass through the list, resulting in a O(n)
runtime, where n = len(lst)
. As such, I would advise choosing a comprehension when it makes both stylistic and functional sense. However clean it may be, it’s not always the most efficient choice.