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Standards Mapping

for Wyoming L2


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Categorize the roles of operating system software.
  1. 6.6 Operating Systems
Identify how hardware components facilitate logic, input, output, and storage in computing systems, and their common malfunctions.
  1. 5.7 Network Administrator
  2. 6.1 Internal Components
  3. 6.2 Peripheral Devices
Describe the issues that impact network functionality (e.g., bandwidth, load, latency, topology).
  1. 5.5 Private Networks
  2. 6.5 Network Options
Compare ways software developers protect devices and information from unauthorized access.
  1. 5.6 Cybersecurity
Use data analysis tools and techniques to identify patterns in data representing complex systems.
Select data collection tools and techniques, and use them to generate data sets that support a claim or communicate information.
Formulate, refine, and test scientific hypotheses using models and simulations.
Critically examine and trace classic algorithms. Use and adapt classic algorithms to solve computational problems (e.g., selection sort, insertion sort, binary search, linear search).
Develop an artificial intelligence algorithm to play a game against a human opponent or solve a real-world problem.
Evaluate algorithms (e.g., sorting, searching) in terms of their efficiency, correctness, and clarity.
Compare and contrast simple data structures and their uses (e.g., lists, stacks, queues).
  1. 14.1 ArrayList
Trace the execution of recursion, illustrating output and changes in values of named variables.
  1. 17.1 Recursion
Construct solutions to problems using student-created components, such as procedures, modules, and/or objects.
  1. 11.2 Constructors
  2. 11.4 Accessor Methods
  3. 11.5 Mutator Methods
  4. 11.6 Writing Methods
  5. 12.4 Writing Classes
  6. 12.5 Writing Classes and Instance Methods
  7. 12.7 Class Methods and Class Variables
Analyze a large-scale computational problem and identify generalizable patterns that can be applied to a solution.
Demonstrate code reuse by creating programming solutions using libraries and APIs.
  1. 12.3 Using a Class as a Client
  2. 12.8 Wrapper Classes
Plan and develop programs that will provide solutions to a variety of users using a software life cycle process.
Use version control systems, integrated development environments (IDEs), and collaborative tools and practices (e.g., code documentation) in a group software project.
Develop programs for multiple computing platforms.
Evaluate key qualities of a program through a process such as a code review (e.g., qualities could include correctness, usability, readability, efficiency, portability, and scalability).
Develop and use a series of test cases to verify that a program performs according to its design specifications
Explain security issues that might lead to compromised computer programs.
  1. 5.6 Cybersecurity
  2. 6.8 Browser Configuration
Modify an existing program to add additional functionality and discuss intended and unintended implications (e.g., breaking other functionality).
Compare multiple programming languages and discuss how their features make them suitable for solving different types of problems.
Evaluate the beneficial and harmful effects that computational artifacts and innovations have on society.
  1. 5.8 The Impact of the Internet
  2. 6.7 Software and Applications
  3. 11.10 Ethical and Social Implications of Computing
  4. 12.18 Ethical and Social Implications of Computing
Evaluate the impact of equity, access, and influence on the distribution of computing resources in a global society.
  1. 11.10 Ethical and Social Implications of Computing
  2. 12.18 Ethical and Social Implications of Computing
Predict how computational innovations that have revolutionized aspects of our culture might evolve.
  1. 5.8 The Impact of the Internet
Practice grade-level appropriate behavior and responsibilities while participating in an online community. Identify and report inappropriate behavior.
Debate laws and regulations that impact the development and use of software and technology.
  1. 14.7 Ethical Issues Around Data Collection
Using grade level appropriate content and complexity, discuss the legal, social, and ethical impacts associated with software development and use, including both positive and malicious intent.