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Standards Mapping

for Wisconsin 6-8


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Decompose (break down) a computational problem into parts and create solutions for one or more parts.
  1. 4.3 Looping
Identify how sub-problems could be recombined to create something new (e.g., break down the individual parts that would be needed to program a certain type of game and then show how the parts could be reused in other types of games).
Develop programs, both independently and collaboratively, which include sequencing with nested loops and multiple branches [Clarification At this level, students may use block-based and/or text- based languages].
  1. 4.3 Looping
  2. 4.4 Branching
  3. 22.7 For Loop Practice
  4. 22.10 Loop and a Half
Produce computational artifacts with broad accessibility and usability through careful consideration of diverse needs and wants of the community.
Use an iterative design process (e.g., define the problem; generate ideas; build, test, and improve solutions) to solve computational problems, both independently and collaboratively.
Create variables that represent different types of data and manipulate their values.
  1. 4.1 Programming Concepts
Provide proper attribution when code is borrowed or built upon.
Discuss how algorithms have impacted society— both the beneficial and harmful effects.
  1. 9.10 Impact of the Internet
Compare different algorithms that may be used to solve the same problem in terms of their speed, clarity, and size (e.g., different algorithms solve the same problem, but one might be faster than the other). [Clarification Students are not expected to quantify these differences].
  1. 21.1 Challenge Problems
Modify existing code to change its functionality and discuss the variety of ways in which to do this.
Interpret the flow of execution of algorithms and predict their outcomes. [Clarification Algorithms can be expressed using natural language, flow and control diagrams, comments within code, and pseudocode].
  1. 4.6 Organizational Techniques
Use documentation regarding code to modify programs.
Define and use functions/ procedures that hide the complexity of a task and can be reused to solve similar tasks. [Clarification Students use and modify, but do not necessarily create, functions or procedures with parameters].
  1. 4.2 Programming with Karel
  2. 4.3 Looping
Solicit and integrate peer feedback as appropriate to develop or refine a program.
Analyze team members’ strengths and use them to foster an inclusive computing culture.
Use testing and debugging methods to ensure program correctness and completeness.
  1. 4.3 Looping
  2. 4.4 Branching
Apply a rubric to determine if and how well a program meets objectives.
Justify the suitability of hardware and software chosen to accomplish a task (e.g., comparison of the features of a tablet vs. desktop, selecting which sensors and platform to use in building a robot or developing a mobile app).
Use a systematic process to identify the source of a problem within individual and connected devices (e.g., follow a troubleshooting flow diagram, make changes to software to see if hardware will work, restart device, check connections, swap in working components).
  1. 11.1 Methodology
  2. 11.2 Support Practice
Analyze the relationship between a device's computational components and its capabilities. (e.g., computing systems include not only computers, but also cars, microwaves, smartphones, traffic lights, and flash drives).
  1. 7.1 Operating Systems
  2. 10.1 Internal Components
Extend or modify existing programs to add simple features and behaviors using different forms of inputs and outputs (e.g., inputs such as sensors, mouse clicks, data sets; outputs such as text, graphics, sounds).
Represent data using different encoding schemes (e.g., binary, Unicode, Morse code, shorthand, student-created codes).
  1. 9.2 Notational Systems
  2. 9.3 Data Representation
Gather and organize multiple quantitative data elements using a computational tool (e.g., spreadsheet software).
Develop a strategy to answer a question by using a computer to manipulate (e.g., sort, total and/or average, chart, graph) and analyze data that has been collected by the class or student.
Describe how different formats of stored data represent tradeoffs between quality and size. [Clarification compare examples of music, text and/or image formats].
Explain the processes used to collect, transform, and analyze data to solve a problem using computational tools (e.g., use an app or spreadsheet form to collect data, decide which data to use or ignore, and choose a visualization method).
Revise computational models to more accurately reflect real-world systems (e.g., ecosystems, epidemics, spread of ideas).
Modify an existing computational model to emphasize key features and relationships within a system. (A model can be used to simulate events, examine theories and inferences, or make predictions).
Provide examples of how computational artifacts and devices impact health and wellbeing, both positively and negatively, locally and globally (e.g., effects of globalization, and automation).
  1. 9.10 Impact of the Internet
Explain how computer science fosters innovation and can enhance careers and disciplines.
  1. 7.4 Software and Applications
  2. 9.10 Impact of the Internet
Analyze and present beneficial and harmful effects of personal electronic communication and social electronic communication.
  1. 2.1 Digital Footprint and Reputation
  2. 2.2 Cyberbullying
  3. 2.3 Internet Safety
  4. 7.4 Software and Applications
  5. 9.10 Impact of the Internet
Describe ways in which the internet impacts global communication and collaborating.
  1. 9.10 Impact of the Internet
Explain the impact of the digital divide (i.e., uneven access to computing, computing education, and interfaces) on access to critical information.
  1. 9.10 Impact of the Internet
Critically evaluate and redesign a computational artifact to remove barriers to universal access (e.g., using captions on images, high contrast colors, and/or larger font sizes).
Use the internet ethically and safely to work with a group of people who are not physically near to solve a problem or reach a goal.
Understand laws associated with digital information (e.g., intellectual property, fair use, and Creative Commons).
  1. 2.6 Creative Credit & Copyright
  2. 7.5 Software Licenses
Describe ethical issues that relate to computing devices and networks (e.g., equity of access, security, hacking, intellectual property, copyright, Creative Commons licensing, and plagiarism).
  1. 2.6 Creative Credit & Copyright
  2. 2.7 Hacking Ethics
  3. 9.1 Introduction to the Internet
  4. 9.10 Impact of the Internet
Analyze and summarize negative and positive impacts of using data and information to categorize people, predict behavior, and make recommenda- tions based on those predictions (e.g., customizing search results or targeted advertising based on previous browsing history can save search time and limit options at the same time).
Analyze and summarize security risks associated with weak passwords, lack of encryption, insecure transactions, and persistence of data.
  1. 2.4 Privacy & Security
  2. 5.1 Cryptography, Cryptology, Cryptanalysis
  3. 8.9 Common Security Problems
Understand security issues with general computer use.
  1. 2.4 Privacy & Security
  2. 7.6 Application Security
  3. 8.9 Common Security Problems
Understand security issues with general computer use.
  1. 2.4 Privacy & Security
  2. 7.6 Application Security
  3. 8.9 Common Security Problems
Simulate how information is transmitted as packets through multiple devices over the internet and networks.
  1. 9.8 Packets & Protocols
  2. 9.9 Viewing a Webpage
Explain, using basic terms, how a wireless or cellular network allows internet information to be transmitted from a server to a user device.
  1. 8.5 Clients and Servers
  2. 9.4 Internet Hardware and Sending Information
  3. 10.3 Network Devices
  4. 10.5 Network Options
Define the term protocol, provide an example of protocols in daily life, and explain their use on the internet.
  1. 9.8 Packets & Protocols
Explain the hierarchical structure of the Internet Domain Name System (IDNS).
  1. 9.6 Domain Name System (DNS)
Encode and decode text- based messages using basic algorithms (e.g., shift cipher, substitution cipher).
  1. 5.3 Basic Crypto Systems: Caesar Cipher
  2. 5.4 Basic Crypto Systems: Cracking Caesar
  3. 5.5 Basic Crypto Systems: Vigenere Cipher