Standards in this Framework
Standard | Description |
126.18.c.1A | decompose real-world problems into structured parts using flowcharts; |
126.18.c.1B | analyze the patterns and sequences found in flowcharts |
126.18.c.1C | identify abstraction and analyze how an algorithm the student created can be generalized to solve additional problems |
126.18.c.1D | design a plan collaboratively using flowcharts to document a problem, possible solutions, and an expected timeline for the development of a coded solution |
126.18.c.1E | analyze different techniques used in debugging and apply them to an algorithm |
126.18.c.1F | analyze the benefits of using iteration (code and sequence repetition) in algorithms |
126.18.c.2A | manipulate and rename variables and describe different data types |
126.18.c.2B | use a software design process to create text-based programs with nested loops that address different subproblems within a real-world contex |
126.18.c.3A | resolve challenges in design processes independently using goal setting and personal character traits such as demonstrating responsibility and advocating for self appropriately; |
126.18.c.3B | discuss and implement a design process that includes planning and selecting digital tools to develop and refine a prototype or model through trial and error |
126.18.c.3C | identify how the design process is used in various industries |
126.18.c.4A | explain how changes in technology throughout history have impacted various areas of study |
126.18.c.4B | explain how global trends impact the development of technology |
126.18.c.4C | transfer current knowledge to the learning of newly encountered technologies |
126.18.c.5A | demonstrate how data can be represented in a binary number systems |
126.18.c.5B | evaluate advanced search strategies, including keywords, Boolean operators, and limiters |
126.18.c.6 | use digital tools in order to transform data to analyze trends and make inferences and predictions |
126.18.c.7 | use digital tools to communicate and display data from a product or process to inform or persuade an intended audience |
126.18.c.8A | classify actions as having a positive or negative effect on a digital footprint |
126.18.c.8B | create and revise formal and informal communications using a feedback process and appropriate digital etiquette |
126.18.c.8C | collaborate on digital platforms such as recording a video conference presentation using appropriate formal and informal digital etiquette |
126.18.c.9A | adhere to local acceptable use policy (AUP) and practice and model safe, ethical, and positive online behaviors |
126.18.c.9B | explain the importance of intellectual property laws, including the benefits of protection for content owners, and the consequences of violating these laws |
126.18.c.9C | create citations and cite sources for a variety of digital forms of intellectual property |
126.18.c.9D | evaluate how various types of media, including social media, and technology can be used to exaggerate and misrepresent information |
126.18.c.10A | describe and model ways to protect oneself from real-world cybersecurity attacks; |
126.18.c.10B | analyze the negative impacts of cyberbullying on the victim and the bully |
126.18.c.11 | choose a variety of digital tools to create, share, and communicate digital artifacts. |
126.18.c.12A | demonstrate proficiency in the appropriate use of technology terminology in projects through team collaboration and communication |
126.18.c.12B | demonstrate effective file management strategies such as file naming conventions, local and remote locations, backup, hierarchy, folder structure, file conversion, tags, and emerging digital organizational strategies with assistance |
126.18.c.12C | select and use appropriate platform and tools, including selecting and using software or hardware for a defined task |
126.18.c.12D | demonstrate improvement in speed and accuracy as measured by words per minute when applying correct keyboarding techniques |
126.18.c.12E | select and use appropriate shortcuts within applications |
126.18.c.12F | research and test potential solutions to solve hardware and software problems |
126.18.c.12G | use a variety of types of local and remote data storage to store or share data such as cloud architecture or local server |
126.18.c.12H | select and use productivity tools found in spread sheet, word processing, and publication applications to create digital artifacts such as reports, graphs, and charts with increasing complexity |