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Standards Mapping

for South Carolina Advanced Web Page Design and Development


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Review school safety policies and procedures.
Review classroom safety rules and procedures.
Review safety procedures for using equipment in the classroom.
Identify major causes of work-related accidents in office environments.
Demonstrate safety skills in an office/work environment.
Identify the purpose and goals of a Career and Technology Student Organization (CTSO).
Explain how CTSOs are integral parts of specific clusters, majors, and/or courses.
Explain the benefits and responsibilities of being a member of a CTSO.
List leadership opportunities that are available to students through participation in CTSO conferences, competitions, community service, philanthropy, and other activities.
Explain how participation in CTSOs can promote lifelong benefits in other professional and civic organizations.
Demonstrate proficiency and skills associated with the use of technologies that are common to a specific occupation.
  1. 4.2 Homepage: Your First Website
  2. 7.3 Interactive Resume Development
  3. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
  4. 14.1 Bootstrap Project
Identify proper netiquette when using e-mail, social media, and other technologies for communication purposes.
Identify potential abuse and unethical uses of laptops, tablets, computers, and/or networks.
  1. 9.5 Optimizing Web Information
  2. 9.7 Web Security
Explain the consequences of social, illegal, and unethical uses of technology (e.g., piracy; cyberbullying; illegal downloading; licensing infringement; inappropriate uses of software, hardware, and mobile devices in the work environment).
  1. 9.5 Optimizing Web Information
  2. 9.7 Web Security
Discuss legal issues and the terms of use related to copyright laws, fair use laws, and ethics pertaining to downloading of images, Creative Commons, photographs, documents, video, sounds, music, trademarks, and other elements for personal use.
  1. 1.6 Copyright
Describe ethical and legal practices of safeguarding the confidentiality of business-related information.
Describe possible threats to a laptop, tablet, computer, and/or network and methods of avoiding attacks.
  1. 9.7 Web Security
  2. 9.8 CIA Triad
Demonstrate creativity and innovation.
  1. 4.2 Homepage: Your First Website
  2. 7.3 Interactive Resume Development
  3. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
  4. 14.1 Bootstrap Project
Demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  1. 5.7 Challenge: Make a Keyboard
  2. 10.2 Planning Your Site
  3. 10.3 Creating Your Site
  4. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
Demonstrate initiative and self-direction.
  1. 10.2 Planning Your Site
  2. 10.3 Creating Your Site
  3. 10.4 Providing Feedback
  4. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
  5. 14.1 Bootstrap Project
  6. 16.4 Collecting User Data
  7. 16.5 Analyzing User Data
  8. 16.6 Making Decisions
Demonstrate integrity.
  1. 7.3 Interactive Resume Development
  2. 10.4 Providing Feedback
  3. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
  4. 16.6 Making Decisions
Demonstrate work ethic.
  1. 7.3 Interactive Resume Development
  2. 10.4 Providing Feedback
  3. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
  4. 16.6 Making Decisions
Demonstrate conflict resolution skills.
  1. 10.4 Providing Feedback
  2. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
  3. 16.6 Making Decisions
Demonstrate listening and speaking skills.
  1. 10.4 Providing Feedback
  2. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
  3. 11.1 Computer Science Careers
Demonstrate respect for diversity.
  1. 9.5 Optimizing Web Information
  2. 9.6 Web Accessibility
  3. 16.4 Collecting User Data
Demonstrate customer service orientation.
Demonstrate teamwork.
  1. 10.1 Project Overview
  2. 10.2 Planning Your Site
  3. 10.3 Creating Your Site
  4. 10.4 Providing Feedback
  5. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
Demonstrate global or “big picture” thinking.
  1. 10.1 Project Overview
  2. 10.2 Planning Your Site
  3. 10.3 Creating Your Site
  4. 10.4 Providing Feedback
  5. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
  6. 16.2 Develop Hypotheses
  7. 16.5 Analyzing User Data
  8. 16.6 Making Decisions
Demonstrate career and life management skills and goal-making.
  1. 7.1 Creating a Resume
  2. 7.3 Interactive Resume Development
  3. 11.1 Computer Science Careers
Demonstrate continuous learning and adaptability skills to changing job requirements.
  1. 7.1 Creating a Resume
  2. 7.3 Interactive Resume Development
  3. 11.1 Computer Science Careers
Demonstrate time and resource management skills.
  1. 10.1 Project Overview
  2. 10.2 Planning Your Site
  3. 10.3 Creating Your Site
  4. 10.4 Providing Feedback
  5. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
Demonstrates information literacy skills.
  1. 3.11 Reading Documentation
  2. 3.12 Using the Inspector
  3. 13.2 Getting Started with Bootstrap
  4. 13.8 Using Bootstrap Examples
Demonstrates information security skills.
  1. 9.5 Optimizing Web Information
  2. 9.7 Web Security
  3. 9.8 CIA Triad
Demonstrates information technology skills.
  1. 10.1 Project Overview
  2. 10.2 Planning Your Site
  3. 10.3 Creating Your Site
  4. 10.4 Providing Feedback
  5. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
  6. 16.1 Define Your Product
  7. 16.2 Develop Hypotheses
  8. 16.3 Creating Your Data Collection Website
  9. 16.4 Collecting User Data
  10. 16.5 Analyzing User Data
  11. 16.6 Making Decisions
Demonstrates knowledge and use of job-specific tools and technologies.
  1. 10.1 Project Overview
  2. 10.2 Planning Your Site
  3. 10.3 Creating Your Site
  4. 10.4 Providing Feedback
  5. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
  6. 16.1 Define Your Product
  7. 16.2 Develop Hypotheses
  8. 16.3 Creating Your Data Collection Website
  9. 16.4 Collecting User Data
  10. 16.5 Analyzing User Data
  11. 16.6 Making Decisions
Demonstrate job-specific mathematics skills.
  1. 5.9 JavaScript Animations
  2. 5.10 Positioning and Animations
  3. 6.2 Iterating with jQuery
  4. 6.3 Animations with jQuery
  5. 6.4 Callback Functions and Synchronization
  6. 8.10 For/In Loops
  7. 13.3 The Bootstrap Grid System
Demonstrates professionalism in the workplace.
  1. 11.1 Computer Science Careers
Demonstrate reading and writing skills.
  1. 3.11 Reading Documentation
  2. 4.2 Homepage: Your First Website
  3. 7.1 Creating a Resume
  4. 7.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
  5. 7.3 Interactive Resume Development
  6. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
  7. 11.1 Computer Science Careers
  8. 16.5 Analyzing User Data
Demonstrates workplace safety.
Compare and contrast web design and web development.
  1. 12.1 Welcome (Duplicate)
Compare and contrast static and dynamic websites.
  1. 12.4 Viewing Websites (Duplicate)
Analyze parent-child relationships as it relates to file management.
  1. 3.2 Multi-file Websites
Research compliance with web standards based on government and industry guidelines (e.g., Section 508, American Disability Act (ADA), and Payment Card Industry (PCI).
Demonstrate copyright adherence.
  1. 1.6 Copyright
  2. 4.2 Homepage: Your First Website
  3. 7.3 Interactive Resume Development
  4. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
Demonstrate best web design and development practices (e.g., planning, design, usability, debugging, validation, and navigation plan).
  1. 3.12 Using the Inspector
  2. 3.13 The Box Model
  3. 4.1 Software Development Life Cycle
  4. 7.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
  5. 10.2 Planning Your Site
  6. 10.3 Creating Your Site
  7. 10.4 Providing Feedback
  8. 10.5 Presenting Your Innovation
Utilize technical documentation as part of the design and development process.
  1. 3.11 Reading Documentation
  2. 3.12 Using the Inspector
  3. 6.1 Introduction to jQuery
Plan for compliance with web standards based on government and industry guidelines (e.g., Section 508, American Disability Act (ADA), and Payment Card Industry (PCI)).
  1. 9.6 Web Accessibility
  2. 9.7 Web Security
Create a functional form with a variety of inputs (e.g., radio, check box, textarea, text) that incorporates JavaScript checking, and interacts with the data provided.
  1. 8.5 Using Input Fields
  2. 8.6 Challenge: Create a Survey
  3. 16.3 Creating Your Data Collection Website
Create tables to organize and display data.
  1. 1.8 HTML Tables
Apply industry standard use of meta-tags (e.g., title, description, keywords).
  1. 1.2 Structure of an HTML Page
  2. 9.4 What is Web Optimization?
  3. 9.5 Optimizing Web Information
Examine best practices for incorporating streaming media (e.g., HTML5 video and audio elements).
  1. 3.3 Embedding iframes
Create websites using advanced CSS design techniques (e.g., Rounded corners, Border images, Gradients, shadows, 2D and 3D transforms, Transitions, animations).
  1. 3.10 Visibility
  2. 3.14 Image Manipulation
  3. 3.15 Animation
  4. 3.16 Interaction
Apply styles using CSS selectors (e.g., first-child, last-child, nth-child, *, >, ::after, ::before).
  1. 2.2 CSS Select by Tag
  2. 2.3 CSS Select by Class
  3. 2.4 CSS Select by ID
  4. 2.5 The Cascade
  5. 3.7 Combining CSS Selectors
  6. 3.8 The Don't Repeat Yourself Principle
  7. 3.9 Special Selectors
Demonstrate effective use of CSS positioning techniques (e.g., float, grid, flexbox) to create websites with different page layouts.
  1. 3.13 The Box Model
  2. 7.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
  3. 13.3 The Bootstrap Grid System
Describe CSS properties necessary to create responsive websites (e.g., viewport, grid view, media queries, and images).
  1. 13.3 The Bootstrap Grid System
Create websites that function on various device types (responsive design to address screen size, and considerations for touch screen devices).
  1. 13.3 The Bootstrap Grid System
Create a website using an HTML and CSS framework (e.g., HTML5 boilerplate, Bootstrap, and Foundation).
  1. 1.2 Structure of an HTML Page
  2. 13.1 What is Bootstrap?
  3. 13.2 Getting Started with Bootstrap
  4. 13.3 The Bootstrap Grid System
  5. 13.4 Bootstrap Components
  6. 13.5 More Bootstrap Components
  7. 14.1 Bootstrap Project
Differentiate between JavaScript statements, code, blocks, comments, variables, operators, and syntax.
  1. 5.1 The Script Tag
  2. 5.4 Styling Elements Using Javascript
  3. 5.5 Functions in HTML
Create JavaScript that responds to events.
  1. 5.8 Keyboard Interactions
  2. 5.9 JavaScript Animations
  3. 7.3 Interactive Resume Development
  4. 8.5 Using Input Fields
  5. 8.6 Challenge: Create a Survey
  6. 8.9 Challenge: Collecting User Clicks
Use JavaScript to update the content of HTML elements, HTML attributes, and CSS styles.
  1. 5.2 Using the DOM
  2. 5.3 Creating Elements Using the DOM
  3. 5.4 Styling Elements Using Javascript
Implement JavaScript functions that use variables, operators, arrays/lists, and objects.
  1. 5.5 Functions in HTML
  2. 8.4 JavaScript Objects
Design algorithms involving conditionals and loops.
  1. 8.10 For/In Loops
Use JavaScript to perform form processing and validation.
  1. 8.5 Using Input Fields
  2. 8.6 Challenge: Create a Survey
  3. 16.4 Collecting User Data
  4. 16.5 Analyzing User Data
Use code from various JavaScript libraries using appropriate documentation.
  1. 6.1 Introduction to jQuery
Evaluate features and costs of domain name and hosting providers.
  1. 9.1 Choosing a Domain Name
  2. 9.2 Hosting Your Website
Compare and contrast the role of industry standard languages and tools (e.g., PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, Content Management Systems (CMS), frameworks, and APIs).
  1. 6.1 Introduction to jQuery
  2. 8.11 Using APIs
  3. 8.12 Server-side Languages
  4. 9.3 Using a CMS
Differentiate between secure and unsecure web protocols.
  1. 9.7 Web Security
Explain circumstances that would necessitate encryption.
  1. 9.7 Web Security
  2. 9.8 CIA Triad
Research search engine algorithms in regards to crawling, indexing, and ranking of webpages.
  1. 9.4 What is Web Optimization?
  2. 9.5 Optimizing Web Information
Examine basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools and best practices (e.g., webmaster tools, webmaster console, and analytics).
  1. 9.5 Optimizing Web Information
Describe the function of analytics for web site development and web services decision making.
  1. 16.5 Analyzing User Data
  2. 16.6 Making Decisions
Investigate the requirements to obtain a web design/development industry certification.
  1. 11.1 Computer Science Careers
Research current web design and development job postings and analyze responsibilities, tasks, education, and skills.
  1. 11.1 Computer Science Careers
Compare and contrast corporate and freelance web design opportunities.
Explain the role of portfolios in the design industry.
Create a biographical narrative to include on the portfolio website.
  1. 4.2 Homepage: Your First Website
  2. 7.3 Interactive Resume Development
Evaluate sample work for inclusion in an electronic portfolio.
Assemble a portfolio website including a variety of work created in the course.
  1. 4.2 Homepage: Your First Website
Compare and contrast commonly used content management systems (CMS) (e.g., WordPress, Drupal, Joomla).
  1. 9.3 Using a CMS
Install and maintain an instance of a CMS.
Construct a site using a CMS.
Explore available templates, plug-ins, and widgets.
Design or modify CMS templates and style sheets using PHP or CSS.
Create users and assign appropriate roles.
Discuss issues related to website security when using a CMS.
Describe the purpose of a database as it relates to web development.
  1. 8.7 Storing Data with Firebase
  2. 8.8 Traversing Data with Firebase
Identify and describe relational databases.
  1. 8.7 Storing Data with Firebase
  2. 8.8 Traversing Data with Firebase
  3. 8.9 Challenge: Collecting User Clicks
Identify the use of Extensible Markup Language (XML) for the transportation and storage of data.
Incorporate a database into a website using a server-side scripting language such as PHP.