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Standards Mapping

for South Dakota Computer Programming 1


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
CP 1.1
Demonstrate knowledge of external and internal computer hardware
CP 1.2
Demonstrate knowledge of software concepts
CP 1.3
Demonstrate the ability to compile, debug, and execute programs
  1. 1.1 Why Programming? Why Java?
  2. 1.5 User Input
CP 2.1
Demonstrate the ability to use a standard programming style
  1. 1.2 Variables and Data Types
  2. 5.3 Documentation with Comments
CP 2.2
Recognize software development processes
CP 2.3
Identify the syntactical components of a program
  1. 1.2 Variables and Data Types
  2. 1.3 Expressions and Assignment Statements
  3. 1.6 Casting and Ranges of Variables
  4. 5.3 Documentation with Comments
CP 3.1
Demonstrate the ability to use basic elements of a specific language
  1. 1.2 Variables and Data Types
  2. 1.5 User Input
  3. 1.6 Casting and Ranges of Variables
CP 3.2
Employ basic arithmetic expressions in programs
  1. 1.6 Casting and Ranges of Variables
  2. 2.10 Using the Math Class
CP 3.3
Demonstrate the ability to use data types in programs
  1. 1.2 Variables and Data Types
  2. 2.1 Objects: Instances of Classes
  3. 6.1 Array
CP 3.4
Incorporate functions/methods
  1. 2.4 Calling a Void Method
  2. 2.5 Calling a Void Method with Parameters
  3. 2.6 Calling a Non-void Method
  4. 5.4 Accessor Methods
  5. 5.6 Writing Methods
CP 4.1
Demonstrate the ability to use relational and logical operators in programs
  1. 3.1 Boolean Expressions and if Statements
CP 4.2
Investigate conditional statements
  1. 3.2 if Statements and Control Flow
  2. 3.3 if-else Statements
  3. 3.4 else if Statements
CP 4.3
Implement loops in programs
  1. 4.1 Iteration
  2. 4.2 For Loops
CP 5.1
Identify personal interests and abilities related to Computer Programming/Software Engineering careers
CP 5.2
Investigate career opportunities, trends, and requirements related to computer programming/software engineering careers
CP 5.3
Demonstrate job skills for programming industries