Standards in this Framework
Standard | Description |
PCEP-30-02 1.1 | Understand fundamental terms and definitions: interpreting and the interpreter, compilation and the compiler; lexis, syntax, and semantics. |
PCEP-30-02 1.2 | Understand Python’s logic and structure: keywords; instructions; indentation; comments. |
PCEP-30-02 1.3 | Introduce literals and variables into code and use different numeral systems: Boolean, integers, floating-point numbers; scientific notation; strings; binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal numeral systems; variables; naming conventions; implementing PEP-8 recommendations. |
PCEP-30-02 1.4 | Choose operators and data types adequate to the problem: numeric operators: ** * / % // + –; string operators: * +; assignment and shortcut operators; unary and binary operators; priorities and binding; bitwise operators: ~ & ^ | << >>; Boolean operators: not, and, or; Boolean expressions; relational operators ( == != > >= < <= ); the accuracy of floating-point numbers; type casting; |
PCEP-30-02 1.5 | Perform Input/Output console operations: the print() and input() functions; the sep= and end= keyword parameters; the int() and float() functions. |
PCEP-30-02 2.1 | Make decisions and branch the flow with the if instruction: conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif, if-elif-else; multiple conditional statements; nesting conditional statements |
PCEP-30-02 2.2 | Perform different types of iterations: the pass instruction; building loops with while, for, range(), and in; iterating through sequences; expanding loops with while-else and for-else; nesting loops and conditional statements; controlling loop execution with break and continue |
PCEP-30-02 3.1 | Collect and process data using lists: constructing vectors; indexing and slicing; the len() function; list methods: append(), insert(), index(); functions: len(), sorted(); the del instruction; iterating through lists with the for loop; initializing loops; the in and not in operators; list comprehensions; copying and cloning; lists in lists: matrices and cubes |
PCEP-30-02 3.2 | Collect and process data using tuples: tuples: indexing, slicing, building, immutability; tuples vs. lists: similarities and differences; lists inside tuples and tuples inside lists. |
PCEP-30-02 3.3 | Collect and process data using dictionaries: dictionaries: building, indexing, adding and removing keys; iterating through dictionaries and their keys and values; checking the existence of keys; methods: keys(), items(), and values(). |
PCEP-30-02 3.4 | Operate with strings: constructing strings; indexing, slicing, immutability; escaping using the \ character; escaping using the \ character; multi-line strings; basic string functions and methods. |
PCEP-30-02 4.1 | Decompose the code using functions: defining and invoking user-defined functions and generators; the return keyword, returning results; the None keyword; recursion. |
PCEP-30-02 4.2 | Organize interaction between the function and its environment: parameters vs. arguments; positional, keyword, and mixed argument passing; default parameter values; name scopes, name hiding (shadowing), and the global keyword. |
PCEP-30-02 4.3 | Python Built-In Exceptions Hierarchy: BaseException, Exceptions, SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt, abstract exceptions, ArithmeticError, LookupError, IndexError, KeyError, TypeError, ValueError |
PCEP-30-02 4.4 | Basics of Python Exception Handling: try-except / the try-except Exception; ordering the except branches; propagating exceptions through function boundaries; delegating responsibility for handling exceptions. |