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Standards Mapping

for Nebraska Foundations of Computing


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Identify component parts or subproblems of a simple problem.
Identify subproblems that make up a larger computational problem.
Explain how solutions to multiple subproblems work together to solve a larger problem.
Define the term algorithm and explain its relationship to computational solutions.
Define abstraction in terms of computer science and provide an example of how abstraction is used to manage complexity.
Represent equivalent data using different encoding schemes (e.g., binary, unicode, Morse code, student-created codes).
Use abstraction to manage complexity or avoid duplication of effort.
  1. 9.14 Functions and Parameters 1
Use and extend existing procedures within a program based on their documentation.
Identify repetitive elements of program code and develop functionally equivalent versions that reduce redundant code or hide the complexity of a task.
  1. 9.9 For Loops in JavaScript
Create variables to store data in a program.
  1. 1.8 Challenge: Make a Keyboard
  2. 1.9 Keyboard Interactions
  3. 4.5 Using Input Fields
  4. 9.2 Variables
  5. 9.3 User Input
  6. 9.5 Booleans
Use and update data stored in variables.
  1. 1.8 Challenge: Make a Keyboard
  2. 1.9 Keyboard Interactions
  3. 9.2 Variables
  4. 9.3 User Input
  5. 9.20 Indexing Into an Array
  6. 9.21 Adding/Removing From an Array
Develop programs that use sequences of statements, loops, and conditional statements.
  1. 4.10 For/In Loops
  2. 9.8 If Statements
  3. 9.9 For Loops in JavaScript
  4. 9.10 For Loop Practice
  5. 9.12 While Loops
  6. 9.13 Loop and a Half
  7. 9.22 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
Design and develop computational artifacts that address personally- or socially relevant concerns.
  1. 3.1 Creating a Resume
  2. 3.3 Interactive Resume Development
  3. 7.2 Planning Your Site
  4. 7.3 Creating Your Site
  5. 7.4 Providing Feedback
  6. 7.5 Presenting Your Innovation
Filter or transform data using a computational tool.
  1. 2.2 Iterating with jQuery
  2. 4.7 Storing Data with Firebase
  3. 4.8 Traversing Data with Firebase
  4. 4.9 Challenge: Collecting User Clicks
  5. 10.1 Visualizing Weather Data
  6. 10.2 Visualizing Movie Data
Explain the results of a data-driven investigation and a reproducible process for computing the results.
  1. 10.1 Visualizing Weather Data
  2. 10.2 Visualizing Movie Data
Use and modify a computer simulation to understand a real-world system.
  1. 10.1 Visualizing Weather Data
  2. 10.2 Visualizing Movie Data
Adjust inputs to an existing simulation to gain additional insights.
  1. 10.1 Visualizing Weather Data
  2. 10.2 Visualizing Movie Data
Describe an iterative design process used in creating computational artifacts.
  1. 7.1 Project Overview
  2. 7.2 Planning Your Site
  3. 7.3 Creating Your Site
  4. 7.4 Providing Feedback
  5. 7.5 Presenting Your Innovation
Apply an iterative design process to solve problems, both independently and collaboratively.
  1. 7.1 Project Overview
  2. 7.2 Planning Your Site
  3. 7.3 Creating Your Site
  4. 7.4 Providing Feedback
  5. 7.5 Presenting Your Innovation