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Standards Framework

for Microsoft Technology Associate Java Certification


Standards in this Framework

Standard Description
1.1.1 Signature of main, why it is static.
1.1.2 how to consume an instance of your own class
1.1.3 Command-line arguments
1.2.1 Print statements
1.2.2 Importing and using the Scanner class
1.3.1 Evaluate the scope of a variable: Declaring a variable within a block, class, method
2.1.1 Declaring Variables: Data types include boolean
2.1.5 Declaring Variables: Data types include char, int, double, long
2.1.2 Identify when precision is lost
2.1.6 Declaring Variables: Data types include byte, short, float
2.1.3 Initialization of variables
2.1.4 How primitives differ from wrapper object types such as Integer and Boolean
2.2.1 String class and string literals, comparisons, concatenation, case and length
2.2.2 String.format methods
2.2.3 String operators
2.2.4 Converting a primitive data type to a string
2.3.5 The immutable nature of string
2.3.6 String initialization
2.3.7 Null Strings
2.4.1 One- and two-dimensional arrays, including initialization, null, size, iterating elements, accessing elements
2.4.2 Array lists, including adding and removing elements, traversing the list
2.5.1 Implementing code that casts between primitive data types
2.5.2 Implementing code that converts primitive types to equivalent object types
2.5.3 Implement code that parses strings to numbers
2.6.1 Arithmetic operators, assignment, compound assignment operators, operator precedence
3.1.1 Construct and evaluate code that uses If, else, else if
3.1.2 Construct and evaluate code that uses switch
3.1.3 Construct and evaluate code that uses single-line vs. block
3.1.4 Construct and evaluate code that uses nesting
3.1.5 Construct and evaluate code that uses logical and relational operators
3.2.1 Construct and evaluate code that uses while
3.2.2 Construct and evaluate code that uses for
3.2.3 Construct and evaluate code that uses for each
3.2.4 Construct and evaluate code that uses do while
3.2.5 Construct and evaluate code that uses break and continue
3.2.7 Construct and evaluate code that uses nested loops
3.2.8 Construct and evaluate code that uses logical, relational, and unary operators
4.1.1 Constructors; constructor overloading
4.1.2 One class per .java file
4.1.3 this keyword
4.1.4 Inheritance and overriding at a basic level
4.2.1 Declare and implement private, public data members
4.2.2 Declare and implement protected data members
4.2.3 Declare and implement instance data members
4.2.4 Declare and implement static data members
4.2.5 Using static final to create constants
4.2.6 Describe encapsulation
4.3.1 Declare and implement private, public methods
4.3.2 Declare and implement protected methods
4.3.3 Declare, implement, and access method parameters
4.3.4 Return types, including void and return value
4.3.5 Declare and implement instance methods
4.3.6 Declare and implement static methods
4.3.7 Declare and implement method overrides
4.4.1 Instantiate and initialize objects
4.4.2 Instantiate and initialize null objects
4.4.3 Accessing and modifying data members of a class
4.4.4 Accessing methods of a class
4.4.5 Accessing and modifying static members of a class
4.4.6 Importing packages and classes
5.1.1 Print statement debugging
5.1.2 Debugging output from the javac command
5.1.3 Analyzing code for logic errors
5.1.4 Console exceptions after running the program
5.1.5 Evaluating a stack trace
5.2.1 Try catch finally
5.2.2 Exception class
5.2.3 Exception class types
5.2.4 Displaying exception information