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Standards Framework

for Microsoft Exam 98-381: Introduction to Programming Using Python


Standards in this Framework

Standard Description
A1 Evaluate an expression to identify the data type Python will assign to each variable. Identify str, int, float, and bool data types.
A2 Perform data and data type operations. Convert from one data type to another type; construct data structures; perform indexing and slicing operations.
A3 Determine the sequence of execution based on operator precedence. Assignment; Comparison; Logical; Arithmetic; Identity (is); Containment (in)
A4 Select the appropriate operator to achieve the intended result. Assignment; Comparison; Logical; Arithmetic; Identity (is); Containment (in)
B1 Construct and analyze code segments that use branching statements. if; elif; else; nested and compound conditional expressions
B2 Construct and analyze code segments that perform iteration. while; for; break; continue; pass; nested loops and loops that include compound conditional expressions
C1 Construct and analyze code segments that perform file input and output operations. Open; close; read; write; append; check existence; delete; with statement
C2 Construct and analyze code segments that perform console input and output operations. Read input from console; print formatted text; use of command line arguments.
D1 Document code segments using comments and documentation strings. Use indentation, white space, comments, and documentation strings; generate documentation by using pydoc
D2 Construct and analyze code segments that include function definitions. Call signatures; default values; return; def; pass
E1 Analyze, detect, and fix code segments that have errors. Syntax errors; logic errors; runtime errors
E2 Analyze and construct code segments that handle exceptions. Try; except; else; finally; raise
F1 Perform basic operations using built-in modules. Math; datetime; io; sys; os; os.path; random
F2 Solve complex computing problems by using built-in modules. Math; datetime; random