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Standards Mapping

for Indiana Website and Database Development


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Identify and define important evolutionary changes in modern markup and style languages.
Define and apply essential semantic and logical elements of HTML.
  1. 8.2 Structure of an HTML Page
Use CSS to apply style to a single HTML element, a single Web page, and an entire Web site.
  1. 8.9 Introduction to CSS
  2. 8.10 CSS Select by Tag
  3. 8.11 CSS Select by Class
  4. 8.12 CSS Select by ID
  5. 8.13 The Cascade
Create wireframes for a variety of viewports including mobile and desktop.
  1. 3.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
  2. 7.2 Planning Your Site
Write valid and responsive HTML and CSS code based on a wireframe.
  1. 3.3 Interactive Resume Development
Develop Web pages and sites using current industry and W3C standards without the support of WYSIWYG software.
  1. 3.3 Interactive Resume Development
  2. 7.3 Creating Your Site
Understand appropriate application of Tables to complete web sites.
  1. 8.7 HTML Tables
Develop Web pages and sites that follow the “Mobile First” and “Responsive Web Design” (RWD) approach to Web development.
  1. 3.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
Identify essential ethical and legal issues in developing and maintaining a Web site.
  1. 6.4 What is Web Optimization?
Apply the phases of the SDLC and the principles of project management to design, develop, test, implement, and maintain a Web site.
  1. 7.2 Planning Your Site
  2. 7.3 Creating Your Site
  3. 7.4 Providing Feedback
  4. 7.5 Presenting Your Innovation
Use Creative Commons licensing and attributions to offer usage rights, reserve other rights, and comply with existing copyright licenses for images and multimedia elements on a Web site.
Apply common techniques to improve search engine rankings and enhance the marketing of a Web site.
  1. 6.4 What is Web Optimization?
  2. 6.5 Optimizing Web Information
Trace and explain programs in JavaScript or other client-side scripting languages encoding operators, variables, arrays, control structures, events, and functions.
  1. 9.2 Variables
  2. 9.3 User Input
  3. 9.5 Booleans
  4. 9.6 Logical Operators
  5. 9.7 Comparison Operators
  6. 9.8 If Statements
  7. 9.9 For Loops in JavaScript
  8. 9.12 While Loops
  9. 9.14 Functions and Parameters 1
  10. 9.15 Functions and Parameters 2
  11. 9.16 Functions and Return Values 1
  12. 9.17 Functions and Return Values 2
  13. 9.19 Intro to Lists/Arrays
  14. 9.21 Adding/Removing From an Array
  15. 9.22 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
Explain the behavior of HTTP including GET and POST.
Examine secure programming including HTTPS and languages such as SQL injections.
Define data and evaluate its need for decision-making in a business setting
  1. 4.1 Collecting and Storing Data
Identify, define or describe the types and nature of databases in a business setting.
  1. 4.2 Storing Data with Local Storage
  2. 4.3 Storing Data Structures with Local Storage
  3. 4.7 Storing Data with Firebase
  4. 4.8 Traversing Data with Firebase
Compare and contrast the general structure and organization of relational, hierarchical, and network database structures.
Demonstrate an understanding of the relational data model.
Given a scenario, plan, design, create and modify a database schema.
Document a database by creating entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs), describing the field names, field types, and relationships among tables.
Apply normalization techniques to the design of databases, and define and describe the 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, and BCNF.
Define and describe higher normal forms.
Discover unstructured data techniques including Key-pair and JSON.
Retrieve, insert, update, and manipulate data using SQL commands.
Create and manage tables and data bases using an integrated environment like SQL Management Studio.
Successfully identify and debug errors in SQL queries.
Create and manage user roles on a SQL database server.
Define stored procedures, triggers, views and functions.
  1. 4.2 Storing Data with Local Storage
  2. 4.3 Storing Data Structures with Local Storage
  3. 4.5 Using Input Fields
  4. 4.7 Storing Data with Firebase
  5. 4.8 Traversing Data with Firebase
Identify data integrity and security requirements.
Discuss the concepts and use of big data, data warehousing, and data mining.
Discuss the use and implementation of distributed database systems.