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Elementary Standards Mapping

for AL DLCS 5


Standards in this Framework

Standard Lessons
Identify, demonstrate, and apply personal safe use of digital devices.
    Strong Usernames and Passwords Scout's Cybersecurity Adventure: Part 1 Scout's Cybersecurity Adventure: Part 2 Cybersecurity Policies and Laws Scout's Cybersecurity Mission
Recognize and demonstrate age-appropriate responsible use of digital devices and resources as outlined in school/district rules.
    Online Collaboration Ethical and Responsible Use of Generative AI AI Products: Ethical and Responsible Choices
Assess the validity and identify the purpose of digital content.
    Research: Effective Keywords Research: Informational Programs Ethical and Responsible Use of Generative AI
Identify and employ appropriate troubleshooting techniques used to solve computing or connectivity issues.
    Computer Detectives: Hardware and Software Problems
Locate and curate information from digital sources to answer research questions.
    Research: Effective Keywords Research: Informational Programs Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Produce, review, and revise authentic artifacts that include multimedia using appropriate digital tools.
    Creative Storytelling Scratch Digital Greeting Card Animating Poetry Nonfiction Animated Recordings Pair Programming: Create a Band Plan a Quest Multimedia Book Report Introduction to Google Slides™ Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint™ Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Construct a complex system of numbers or letters to represent information.
Create an algorithm to solve a problem while detecting and debugging logical errors within the algorithm.
    Debugging: Events and Loops Debugging: Mazes Debugging: Make a Pizza
Create an algorithm that is defined by simple pseudocode.
    Simple Algorithms Multiple Algorithms Creating Algorithms
Create a simple pseudocode.
    Storytelling with Finch Robot®
Develop and recommend solutions to a given problem and explain the process to an audience.
    Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course Computational Thinking: Design a School Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Create a working program in a block-based visual programming environment using arithmetic operators, conditionals, and repetition in programs.
    Game Mechanics with Comparison Operators Introduction to Comparison Operators Operators: Coin Flip
Identify variables.
    Fractions and Variables Variables Scout's Quest: Variables Variables in Dance Unit Fractions with Variables
Demonstrate that programs require known starting values that may need to be updated appropriately during the execution of programs.
    Fractions and Variables Variables Scout's Quest: Variables Variables in Dance Unit Fractions with Variables
Explain the proper use and operation of security technologies.
    Scout's Cybersecurity Adventure: Part 1 Scout's Cybersecurity Adventure: Part 2 Cybersecurity Policies and Laws Scout's Cybersecurity Mission
Identify appropriate and inappropriate uses of communication technology and discuss the permanence of actions in the digital world.
Explain that laws and tools exist to help ensure that people of varying abilities can access electronic and information technology.
Explain the different forms of web advertising and why websites, digital resources, and artifacts may include advertisements that may collect personal information.
Share knowledge of resources in the community that can give people access to technology.
Analyze the impact of social media on individuals, families, and society.
Explore and predict how advances in computing technologies affect job opportunities and/or processes now and in the future.
Use advanced features of digital tools and media-rich resources to communicate key ideas and details in a way that informs, persuades, and/or entertains.
    Research: Informational Programs Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Publish organized information in different ways to make it more useful or relevant.
    Introduction to Google Sheets™ Introduction to Microsoft Excel™ Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Type 25 words per minute with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.
Conduct advanced keyword searches to produce valid, appropriate results and evaluate results for accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness.
    Research: Effective Keywords
Collaborate locally and globally using online digital tools under teacher supervision.
Manipulate data to answer a question using a variety of computing methods and tools to collect, organize, graph, analyze, and publish the resulting information.
    Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph Inquiry Project: Line Graph Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Identify computing services that may be initially turned on by default.
    Scout's Cybersecurity Adventure: Part 2 Cybersecurity Policies and Laws Scout's Cybersecurity Mission
Identify the key components of a network.
    Networks, Packets, and the Internet Networks Part 2: Network Protocols
Describe the need for authentication of users and devices as it relates to access permissions, privacy, and security.
    Scout's Cybersecurity Adventure: Part 1 Scout's Cybersecurity Adventure: Part 2 Cybersecurity Policies and Laws Scout's Cybersecurity Mission
Analyze the concepts, features, and behaviors illustrated by a simulation.
    How We See: Light Reflection Modeling Life Cycles Atoms and Molecules Scale of Planets in the Solar System Balanced Ecosystems
Connect data from a simulation to real-life events.
    Balanced Ecosystems
Define social engineering and discuss possible defenses.
Develop, test, and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process to solve a complex problem.
    3D Design: Keyboard Accommodations LEGO® SPIKE Essential: Design a Car Sensor Design an App