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Historical Events

In this project, students will research a historical event of their choice and use JavaScript graphics to display their findings.


4 Hours

High School

Project Description

In this project, you’ll get to blend what you know about history with your computer science skills! More specifically, you will be using the Python Graphics library to help teach others about the historical events of your choice. You’ll use a map to show where events took place and also display some information about the event on the canvas.

Before you start programming, you’ll research the historical events for your project. Your historical event should be something that can be plotted on a map in at least 6 different locations. Once you have collected all of the information you want to include in your program, you’ll start programming! In your program, you will use arrays, graphics, and user input to create an interactive map that displays historical information.

Project Demo

Explore this program before assigning it!

Project Overview

Here is an outline of the project activities: