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  • Beginners

Hidden In Plain Sight

In this project, students will explore how binary representations have been used for centuries to code secret messages while exploring the life of Elizebeth Smith Friedman.


1 Hour

High School

Middle School

Elementary School

Project Description


Elizebeth Smith Friedman was known as America’s first female cryptanalyst. Her long and distinguished career was highlighted as a code breaker in both World Wars and was a key resource for the Coast Guard during prohibition.

Long before computers, an English philosopher by the name of Francis Bacon created a system of encoding the alphabet using the letters a and b in five-letter patterns. An A would be represented by aaaaa, a B by aaaab, C is aaaba, etc. This was essentially an early binary system to represent letters.

Using Bacon’s system, students will encode one of Elizebeth Smith Friedman’s hidden messages from her 1918 class photos as they learn about Mrs. Friedman’s life and her work in cryptology.

Project Demo

Explore this program before assigning it!