Project Description
In recent years, many larger amusement parks have started using the concept of virtual queues for some of their more popular rides. The virtual line allows you to put your name into a line and when it is your turn to ride, you can return and get right into the line.
Your Task
You have been hired by Karel’s Karnival, a fun dog-based theme park that is particularly popular with tech-savvy people. Your task is to implement a virtual queue system for their park.
Thinking back to your Data Structures course, you think this will be simple, just implement a queue. Unfortunately, the requirements of the project make a simple queue not practical.
You will build this program in steps, but eventually you will need to meet these requirements:
- A rider enters their name then selects a ride to add their name to the queue
- Riders can only be in one queue at a time. After entering their name, if they are already in a queue, the system will ask if they want to switch queues.
- There should be two ways to print out riders:
- Print out the next rider and remove them from the queue
- Print out the entire queue