In this lesson, students are introduced to Karel the Dog and how Karel can be given a set of instructions to perform a simple task.
Students will be able to:
, put_ball()
, take_ball()
and turn_left()
.In this lesson, students build on their understanding of how Karel the Dog can be given a set of instructions to perform a simple task.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will learn how to define and call a function using proper syntax.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, functions will be used to teach Karel a new word or command. Using functions allows programs to be broken down into smaller pieces and makes it easier to understand.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students learn top down design and decomposition as the processes of breaking big problems into smaller, manageable pieces. The functions improve the readability of the code and avoid repeated code.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will learn how to utilize comments in their code to explain what their code is doing. Comments should include preconditions and postconditions. Preconditions are assumptions we make about what is true before a function is called in our program. Postconditions are what should be true after a function is called in our program.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will learn about abstraction. Abstraction is the act of managing complexity by dissociating information and details in order to focus on relevant concepts.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will be introduced to SuperKarel and APIs. SuperKarel includes commands like turn_right()
and turn_around()
since they are so commonly used. These commands come prepackaged with the SuperKarel library (API).
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students learn how to use for loops in their programs. The for loop allows you to repeat a specific part of code a fixed number of times.
A for loops is written as follows:
for i in range(4):
# Code to be repeated 4 times
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will learn about conditions and if statements. A condition is a function that returns a true/false answer. Python uses if statements as a way to make decisions and execute specific code. If statements are helpful in writing code that can be used in different situations.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will take a deeper look into conditional statements, more specifically if/else statements. If/else statements allow for one thing to be done if a condition is true, and something else otherwise.
We write if/else statements like this:
if front_is_clear():
# code to execute if front is clear
# code to execute otherwise
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students are introduced to a new type of loop: while loops. While loops allow Karel to repeat code while a certain condition is true. While loops allow for the creation of general solutions to problems that will work on multiple Karel worlds, rather than just one.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students take a look at all of the control structures. Control structures can be selective, like if and if / else statements and are based on a condition. Other control structures are iterative and allow for repeated code like for loops and while loops. Basically, control structures control the way the commands execute.
Students will be able to:
Debugging is a very important part of programming. In this lesson, students learn how to effectively debug their programs.
Students will be able to use debugging strategies to find and fix errors in their code.
In this lesson, students are introduced to algorithms which are step by step instructions that solve a problem. Programs implement algorithms. All algorithms are built using sequencing, selection, and iteration. Karel has control structures for each of these. This lesson is designed to test students’ knowledge of control structures and algorithm design in preparation for upcoming Karel challenges.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students are introduced to Ultra Karel! Ultra Karel has all the abilities of Super Karel, plus two new functions (paint
and color_is
) added to the API.
Students will explore the Ultra Karel API and use Ultra Karel’s ability to paint the grid world to create digital images. Students will create generalized algorithms that solve Ultra Karel problems for multiple worlds.
This lesson is the first time students will use functions that accept parameters as inputs.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students complete a summative assessment of the unit’s learning objectives.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will synthesize all of the skills and concepts learned in the Karel unit to solve increasingly challenging Karel puzzles.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will learn about the basic functions and types of operating systems. Students will also explore the process for upgrading and updating operating systems.
Students will be able to:
This hands-on lab empowers students to personalize their computer experience by exploring display, sound, and storage settings, while also teaching them valuable troubleshooting skills. Students will learn to navigate their operating system and discover resources for further customization.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students delve deeper into the differences between the three main operating systems. They learn how operating systems store and manage files and the differences and similarities in each system’s interface.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students continue to compare and contrast different operating systems. Students learn how operating systems use file extensions to determine how to view different data types and how some extensions are only compatible with specific operating systems. Additionally, students learn about processors and the difference between a 32-bit processor and a 64-bit processor.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will learn how to differentiate between laptops and tablets. Through brainstorming, activities, and discussions, students will explore the functionalities, strengths, and weaknesses of each device to make informed decisions about their own technology needs.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students learn about the different types of software. Through interactive exercises, students explore how different software can be used in the workplace and our every day lives. Students also learn about single and cross-platform software.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students complete a summative assessment of the module’s learning objectives.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will explore the language of computers, including programming languages, variables, and data types.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will explore how computers use the binary number system to store and communicate information. Through hands-on activities, they will learn how sequences of 0s and 1s represent data in a computer, understanding the fundamental concept of binary code. This foundational knowledge will enable students to grasp how computers interpret complex information and the importance of secure data encoding in cybersecurity.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will be introduced to the basic concepts and components of the internet, including its history and the meaning of protocols. Students will discuss internet innovations and reflect on how the internet is used in their everyday lives.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will explore the importance of protocols and relate how they use them in their lives.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students are presented with different ways that the Internet impacts their lives. The Internet affects the way that people communicate (emails, social media, video chat) and collaborate to solve problems.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will learn what is meant by cybersecurity and explore a few news worthy cyber attacks. They will also discuss the Internet of Things and the increase in connected devices.
Cybersecurity is the protection of computer systems, networks, and data from digital attacks. Increased connectivity via the Internet of Things and reliance on computer devices to send and store data makes users more vulnerable to cyber attacks.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will learn about The CIA Triad. The CIA Triad is a widely-accepted security measure that should be guaranteed in every secure system. It stands for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will learn how basic encryption and decryption works. There is a need for secrecy when sending and receiving personal information. Encryption and decryption are used to protect personal information.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students complete a summative assessment of the module’s learning objectives.
In this project, students will learn about steganography and how it is used to encrypt data. Students will develop their own encryption algorithm to hide a message in an image by manipulating the hexadecimal color codes of an image.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students are introduced to the concept of data and its applications. Students will learn about different types of data, how data is collected and used in technology, and the importance of data privacy.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students are introduced to the basic operations and features of spreadsheets. Through a hands-on activity, students will explore how to use spreadsheets to organize and analyze data. They will learn about concepts such as rows, columns, cells, ranges, operations, and functions.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will learn how to sort and filter a spreadsheet.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students learn how to apply statistical measures (mean, median, and mode) to a dataset in order to gain insights.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will learn how to create visualizations based on Google Sheets data.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students are introduced to the concept of models in data analysis. Students will explore how models can simplify complex data, identify patterns, and make predictions. This lesson emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and understanding the limitations of models.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students launch their data storytelling project! They will explore how to identify questions that can be answered with data, brainstorm their research topic, and consider the types of information they’ll need.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will learn how to use data to support and add to a story. The data story will combine visuals with a compelling narrative to help audiences understand the importance of the data being explained. Students will work on collecting and analyzing data. They will also create a visualization using a spreadsheet program or a data visualization platform of their choice.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will learn how to use their data to support and add to a story. The data story will combine visuals with a compelling narrative to help audiences understand the importance of the data being explained.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students complete a summative assessment of the module’s learning objectives.