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Standards Mapping

for Georgia Web Development


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Communicate effectively through writing, speaking, listening, reading, and interpersonal abilities.
  1. 6.1 Project: Tell a Story
  2. 13.1 Design Research Project
Demonstrate creativity by asking challenging questions and applying innovative procedures and methods.
  1. 9.3 Define
  2. 9.4 Ideate
  3. 9.5 Prototype
  4. 9.6 Test
  5. 10.1 Final Web Design Project
Exhibit critical thinking and problem solving skills to locate, analyze and apply information in career planning and employment situations.
Model work readiness traits required for success in the workplace including integrity, honesty, accountability, punctuality, time management, and respect for diversity.
  1. 9.2 Empathy
Apply the appropriate skill sets to be productive in a changing, technological, diverse workplace to be able to work independently and apply team work skills.
Present a professional image through appearance, behavior and language.
Explore the historical significance and progression of web design/development languages (e.g., HTML, CSS, HTML5, and JavaScript)
  1. 1.4 Viewing Websites
  2. 2.1 Introduction to HTML
  3. 2.2 Structure of an HTML Page
  4. 3.1 Introduction to CSS
  5. 3.5 The Cascade
  6. 5.1 Getting Started - Advanced HTML and CSS
Distinguish between CSS and HTML.
  1. 2.1 Introduction to HTML
  2. 2.2 Structure of an HTML Page
  3. 3.1 Introduction to CSS
  4. 3.5 The Cascade
  5. 5.1 Getting Started - Advanced HTML and CSS
Demonstrate knowledge of HTML5 elements.
  1. 2.2 Structure of an HTML Page
  2. 2.3 Formatting Text
  3. 2.4 Links
  4. 2.5 Images
  5. 2.7 HTML Lists
  6. 2.8 HTML Tables
  7. 2.9 HTML Styling
  8. 2.10 HTML Colors
Build a website using <div> tags rather than tables.
  1. 5.4 Divs
  2. 5.5 Spans
Evaluate various HTML and CSS frameworks (e.g., HTML5 boilerplate, Bootstrap, Foundation or others).
  1. 2.2 Structure of an HTML Page
  2. 7.1 What is Bootstrap?
  3. 7.2 Getting Started with Bootstrap
  4. 7.5 Bootstrap Components
  5. 7.6 More Bootstrap Components
  6. 7.9 Using Bootstrap Examples
Analyze pros and cons of using a HTML and CSS frameworks.
Demonstrate the difference between a class versus ID.
  1. 3.3 CSS Select by Class
  2. 3.4 CSS Select by ID
Apply selector, property, and value using HTML5.
  1. 5.6 Combining CSS Selectors
  2. 5.8 Special Selectors
Investigate the pros and cons of using inline styles.
  1. 2.9 HTML Styling
  2. 3.1 Introduction to CSS
  3. 3.5 The Cascade
  4. 5.5 Spans
  5. 5.7 The Don't Repeat Yourself Principle
Compare the pros and cons of pixels versus em.
  1. 5.12 The Box Model
Differentiate between margin and padding.
  1. 5.12 The Box Model
Apply appropriate positioning to items on a web page.
  1. 5.12 The Box Model
  2. 10.1 Final Web Design Project
Evaluate compatibility issues for browsers/browser versions and demonstrate ways to overcome those issues.
  1. 1.3 Browsers
  2. 1.4 Viewing Websites
Understand scripting in JavaScript and how it applies to web page development.
Demonstrate how JavaScript can enhance a project.
Compare the pros and cons of using various JavaScript libraries (e.g., jQuery, Prototype, MooTools).
Distinguish between variables and functions in writing JavaScript.
Explore different causes of JavaScript security, including Cross site scripting (XSS) and the problems with using eval( ).
Create code from design mockup.
  1. 9.1 Intro to Design Thinking
  2. 9.4 Ideate
  3. 9.5 Prototype
Generate HTML that incorporates major formatting tags as well as mixed media assets.
  1. 2.3 Formatting Text
  2. 2.4 Links
  3. 2.5 Images
  4. 2.9 HTML Styling
  5. 2.10 HTML Colors
  6. 5.3 Embedding iframes
Utilize CSS to achieve different visual looks for a webpage without modifying the underlying HTML.
  1. 3.1 Introduction to CSS
  2. 3.2 CSS Select by Tag
  3. 3.3 CSS Select by Class
  4. 3.4 CSS Select by ID
  5. 3.5 The Cascade
Build a styled HTML page implementing a form that incorporates JavaScript checking and interacts with the data provided.
Implement a third party JavaScript tool and explain how it works and what it does.
Write code that is compatible across a given set of web browsers and versions (most notably Internet Explorer (IE), Chrome, Firefox, and Safari).
  1. 5.11 Using the Inspector
  2. 6.1 Project: Tell a Story
  3. 10.1 Final Web Design Project
Demonstrate ability to apply security principles to HTML and JavaScript.
Evaluate the selection and use of software libraries in building client facing portions of the webpage (e.g., HTML5 Boilerplate, Bootstrap, Foundation, jQuery, Angular).
Explain the role of the web server in the development stack.
Explain the role of the database in the development stack.
Explain the role of the server side language in the development stack.
Debate the appropriate web stack for a given problem set.
Demonstrate security mitigation techniques that can be addressed at each level of the development stack.
Explore the history of common server side languages (e.g., Ruby On Rails, PHP or others).
Explain the differences in server side languages in terms of syntax and function.
Debate the merits and use of software design patterns as it relates to a dynamic web site.
  1. 13.1 Design Research Project
Build a server script demonstrating language control structures and mathematical computations.
Build a script demonstrating data storage using cookies, sessions, a database, and file storage.
Write code to perform a file upload and validate the uploaded file against given business rules.
Incorporate a third party library into a script and explain what it does and how it works.
Explain how a third party library was chosen if multiple libraries with the same purpose are available.
Install and configure a Content Management Systems (CMS).
Demonstrate ability to apply security principles to Server Side Code as it relates to data storage and display.
Explain at least one website attack vector and how to mitigate the risk of that attack.
Apply responsive design and development.
  1. 5.12 The Box Model
  2. 7.1 What is Bootstrap?
  3. 8.1 Bootstrap Project
Understand search engine crawlers, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and Baidu, in regards to crawling, indexing and ranking of webpages.
Master and apply effective use of meta-tags in HTML head of each webpage of a site (title tag, description tag, and keywords tag) and the URL file name.
  1. 2.2 Structure of an HTML Page
Understand image optimization of .jpeg, .gif and .png (compressing, <img> html tag).
  1. 2.5 Images
  2. 5.13 Image Manipulation
Plan and employ an internal link strategy of a site.
  1. 7.7 Navigation Bars
  2. 7.8 Drop Down Menus
Research search engine algorithms, how frequently they are updated, and how they impact a site’s ranking.
Comprehend and apply best practice techniques for keywords and keywords research.
Apply semantic markup to every page of a site (effectively using H1, H2, H3, paragraph, and list tags).
  1. 2.3 Formatting Text
  2. 2.7 HTML Lists
  3. 2.8 HTML Tables
  4. 2.9 HTML Styling
  5. 7.5 Bootstrap Components
Demonstrate how semantic markup impacts a site’s architecture, web coding, usability and display flexibility.
  1. 2.7 HTML Lists
  2. 5.4 Divs
Examine basic SEO tools such as Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools) Bing Webmaster Tools, and Google Analytics.
Explain the different steps of SDLC (Plan, Analyze, Design, Develop, and Implement Maintain).
Research and describe the different types of collaboration platforms used in web development (e.g., GITHub, Apache Subversion (SVN) or others).
Explain what encryption (https) is and under what circumstances it would be appropriate to implement on a website.
Research and explain a specialized web compliance practice based on a governmental or industry guideline - Payment Card Industry (PCI), Section 508, American Disability Act (ADA), etc.
  1. 9.2 Empathy
Explain how security could differ between an application on the internet vs. an intranet.
Determine the fault involved in a data breach and research types of protections pertinent for a particular website.
Explore principles of e-commerce as they apply to web development, mobile devices, banking, and government regulations.
Explain the goals, mission, and objectives of the career-technical student organization (CTSO).
Explore the impact and opportunities a student organization can develop to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.
Explore the local, state, and national opportunities available to students through participation in related student organization including but not limited to conferences, competitions, community service, philanthropy, and other CTSO activities.
Explain how participation in career and technology education student organizations can promote lifelong responsibility for community service and professional development.
Explore the competitive events related to the content of this course and the required competencies, skills, and knowledge for each related event for individual, team, and chapter competitions.