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Activity Points Item Type
Intro to Game Design
1.1 Intro to Games Lesson
1.1.1 Intro to Games 5 Video
1.1.2 What Games Have You Played? 5 Free Response
1.1.3 Game Design Reflection 5 Free Response
1.2 Unpacking a Game Lesson
1.2.1 Gameplay and Game Components 5 Video
1.2.2 Check Your Understanding - Gameplay and Game Components 2 Quiz
1.2.3 Game Mechanics and Elements 5 Video
1.2.4 Check Your Understanding - Game Mechanics and Elements 2 Quiz
1.2.5 Investigate a Game 5 Notes
1.2.6 Identify Game Elements 5 Free Response
1.2.7 Identify Game Components 5 Free Response
1.2.8 Identify Game Mechanics 5 Free Response
1.2.9 Describe Your Experience 5 Free Response
1.3 Categorizing Games Lesson
1.3.1 Categorizing Games 5 Notes
1.3.2 A Bird's Eye View on Perspectives 5 Article
1.3.3 Getting to Know Game Genres 5 Article
1.3.4 Pick a Few Games 5 Notes
1.3.5 Categorizing Your Games 5 Free Response
1.3.6 Game Category Reflection 5 Free Response
Programming in JavaScript
2.1 How to Think Like a Programmer Lesson
2.1.1 How to Think Like a Programmer 5 Video
2.1.2 Problem Decomposition #1 - Meal Planning 5 Free Response
2.1.3 Problem Decomposition #2 - Hobbies 5 Free Response
2.1.4 Algorithms 5 Video
2.1.5 Algorithm #1 - PB&J 5 Free Response
2.1.6 Algorithm #2 - Your Choice 5 Free Response
2.2 Intro to JavaScript Lesson
2.2.1 Hello World 1 Video
2.2.2 Hello World 5 Example
2.2.3 Introduce Yourself 5 Exercise
2.2.4 Debugging: Printing Error 5 Debugging
2.2.5 Check Your Understanding - Printing 2 Quiz
2.3 Variables Lesson
2.3.1 Variables 1 Video
2.3.2 Live Coding: Variables 5 Video
2.3.3 Exploration: Making a Purchase 5 Exercise
2.3.4 Check Your Understanding - Variables 3 Quiz
2.3.5 Debugging: Hiking App 5 Debugging
2.3.6 2020 Olympic Basketball Winners 5 Exercise
2.4 User Input Lesson
2.4.1 User Input 1 Video
2.4.2 Greetings 5 Example
2.4.3 Exploration: Guessing Game 5 Exercise
2.4.4 Check Your Understanding - Input 2 Quiz
2.4.5 Create a Story 5 Exercise
2.5 Basic Math Lesson
2.5.1 Basic Math 1 Video
2.5.2 Multiplication Practice 5 Example
2.5.3 Bookstore 5 Exercise
2.5.4 Flying Pigeon! 5 Exercise
2.5.5 Check Your Understanding - Math 3 Quiz
2.6 Basic Functions Lesson
2.6.1 Basic Functions 5 Video
2.6.2 Variables in Functions 5 Notes
2.6.3 Looking at Program Flow 5 Example
2.6.4 Debugging: Console Bear 5 Debugging
2.6.5 Check Your Understanding - Functions 3 Quiz
2.6.6 Development with Pseudocode 5 Example
2.6.7 Your Own Custom Function - Planning 5 Free Response
2.6.8 Your Own Custom Function - Development 5 Challenge
Getting to Know p5play
3.1 Introducing Libraries Lesson
3.1.1 Introducing Libraries and p5play 5 Video
3.1.2 p5play Demo - Asteroids 5 Article
3.1.3 p5play Demo - Dominoes 5 Article
3.1.4 p5play Demo - Red Remover 5 Article
3.1.5 p5play Reference Guide 5 Article
3.2 Program Structure Lesson
3.2.1 Program Structure 5 Video
3.2.2 Program Structure Reference 5 Notes
3.2.3 Bounce Bounce Revolution 5 Example
3.2.4 Exploration: The Elevator 5 Exercise
3.2.5 The Propeller 5 Exercise
3.2.6 Check Your Understanding - Structure 4 Quiz
3.3 Understanding the Canvas Lesson
3.3.1 Understanding the Canvas 5 Video
3.3.2 Create a Canvas 5 Exercise
3.3.3 Canvas Coordinates 5 Connection
3.3.4 Helper Function for Coordinates 5 Example
3.3.5 Refreshing the Canvas 5 Example
3.3.6 Shelving Boxes 5 Exercise
3.3.7 Check Your Understanding - Canvas 4 Quiz
3.4 Your First Sprites Lesson
3.4.1 Your First Sprites 5 Video
3.4.2 Sprite Face 5 Example
3.4.3 Exploration: Shapeshifter 5 Exercise
3.4.4 Downhill Delights 5 Exercise
3.4.5 Check Your Understanding - Sprites 4 Quiz
3.4.6 Block Mario 5 Challenge
3.5 The Physics of Sprites Lesson
3.5.1 Physics Engines and Gravity 5 Notes
3.5.2 Exploration: Gravity 5 Exercise
3.5.3 Collisions 5 Notes
3.5.4 Exploration: Collisions 5 Exercise
3.5.5 Physical Properties 5 Notes
3.5.6 Exploration: Physical Properties 5 Exercise
3.5.7 Motion 5 Notes
3.5.8 Exploration: Motion 5 Exercise
3.5.9 Sprite Physics Reflection 5 Free Response
Project: Mini Golf
4.1 Mini Golf - Setup Lesson
4.1.1 Project Design Process 5 Notes
4.1.2 Mini Golf Project Intro 5 Video
4.1.3 Project Decomposition 5 Free Response
4.1.4 A Quick Note About the Project Setup 5 Notes
4.1.5 Project - Setting Up the Canvas 5 Exercise
4.2 Mini Golf - Sprites Lesson
4.2.1 Adding Your Sprites 5 Notes
4.2.2 Project - Grass and Hole 5 Exercise
4.2.3 Project - Walls 5 Exercise
4.2.4 Project - Ball and Putter 5 Exercise
4.2.5 Project - Commenting Your Code 5 Exercise
4.3 Booleans Lesson
4.3.1 Booleans 1 Video
4.3.2 Booleans are Questions 5 Free Response
4.3.3 p5play Booleans 5 Notes
4.3.4 Boolean Examples 5 Article
4.3.5 Boolean Reflection 5 Free Response
4.3.6 Check Your Understanding - Booleans 3 Check for Understanding
4.4 If/Else Statements Lesson
4.4.1 If/Else Statements 1 Video
4.4.2 If/Else Statements with p5play 5 Article
4.4.3 Check Your Understanding - If/Else Statements 4 Check for Understanding
4.4.4 Exploration: Feline Fields 5 Exercise
4.4.5 Into the Office We Go 5 Exercise
4.5 Mini Golf - Interactions Lesson
4.5.1 Adding Interactions 5 Notes
4.5.2 Project - Dragging the Putter 5 Exercise
4.5.3 Project - Rotating the Putter 5 Exercise
4.5.4 Project - Slowing Down the Ball 5 Exercise
4.5.5 Project - Removing the Ball 5 Exercise
4.6 Mini Golf - Music and Score Display Lesson
4.6.1 Improving Playing Experience 5 Notes
4.6.2 Project - Adding Music 5 Exercise
4.6.3 Project - Displaying the Score 5 Exercise
4.6.4 Project - Updating the Score 5 Exercise
4.7 Mini Golf - Hole #2 Challenge Lesson
4.7.1 Hole #2 Intro 5 Notes
4.7.2 Planning Hole #2 5 Free Response
4.7.3 Project - Developing Hole #2 5 Challenge
4.7.4 Playtesting and Feedback 5 Free Response
4.7.5 Mini Golf Reflection 5 Free Response
Project: Projectiles
5.1 Projectiles - Setup Lesson
5.1.1 Projectiles Project Intro 5 Video
5.1.2 Project Decomposition 5 Free Response
5.1.3 A Quick Note About the Project Setup 5 Notes
5.1.4 Project - Setting Up the Canvas 5 Exercise
5.1.5 Project - Adding the Ground 5 Exercise
5.2 Projectiles - Cannon Lesson
5.2.1 Building a Cannon 5 Notes
5.2.2 Project - Pole and Cannon Sprites 5 Exercise
5.2.3 Project - Moving the Cannon 5 Exercise
5.2.4 Pseudocode for Cannon Rotation 5 Free Response
5.2.5 Project - Rotating the Cannon 5 Exercise
5.3 Groups and Tiles Lesson
5.3.1 Introducing p5play Groups 5 Notes
5.3.2 Group of Boxes 5 Example
5.3.3 Exploration: Fountain 5 Exercise
5.3.4 Introducing p5play Tiles 5 Notes
5.3.5 Brick Man 5 Example
5.3.6 Exploration: Star Field 5 Exercise
5.4 Projectiles - Cannonballs Lesson
5.4.1 Fire the Cannons! 5 Notes
5.4.2 Project - Cannonball Group 5 Exercise
5.4.3 Project - Firing the Cannon 5 Exercise
5.5 Projectiles - Tower Lesson
5.5.1 Tower Building 101 5 Notes
5.5.2 Project - Wood and Stone Groups 5 Exercise
5.5.3 Project - Wood and Stone Tiles 5 Exercise
5.6 Projectiles - Destroying Tiles Lesson
5.6.1 Destroying Tiles 5 Notes
5.6.2 Destruction Pseudocode 5 Free Response
5.6.3 Simple Prototype 5 Exercise
5.6.4 Looping Through Groups 5 Notes
5.6.5 Project - Destroying Tiles 5 Exercise
5.6.6 Project - Limiting the Destruction 5 Exercise
5.7 Projectiles - Winning Scenario Lesson
5.7.1 How Do You Win? 5 Notes
5.7.2 Project - Creating the Target 5 Exercise
5.7.3 Project - Adding the Win Message 5 Exercise
5.7.4 Project - Checking for the Win 5 Exercise
5.8 Projectiles - Level #2 Challenge Lesson
5.8.1 Level #2 Intro 5 Notes
5.8.2 Planning Level #2 5 Free Response
5.8.3 Project - Developing Level #2 5 Challenge
5.8.4 Playtesting and Feedback 5 Free Response
5.8.5 Projectiles Reflection 5 Free Response
Project: Jumper
6.1 Jumper - Setup Lesson
6.1.1 Jumper Project Intro 5 Video
6.1.2 Project Decomposition 5 Free Response
6.1.3 A Quick Note About the Project Setup 5 Notes
6.1.4 Project - Framework and Canvas 5 Exercise
6.1.5 Project - Basic Grass Tiles 5 Exercise
6.2 Jumper - Character Prototype Lesson
6.2.1 Basic Character Functionality 5 Notes
6.2.2 Character Pseudocode 5 Free Response
6.2.3 Project - Character Sprite 5 Exercise
6.2.4 Project - Character Movement 5 Exercise
6.2.5 Project - Character Jumps 5 Exercise
6.2.6 Project - A Camera That Follows 5 Exercise
6.3 Sprite Animations Lesson
6.3.1 Sprites in Games 5 Notes
6.3.2 Intro to Spritesheets 5 Notes
6.3.3 Creating Sprite Animations 5 Notes
6.3.4 Exploration: Learning to Walk 5 Exercise
6.3.5 Born to Run 5 Exercise
6.4 Jumper - Character Animation Lesson
6.4.1 Character Animation 5 Notes
6.4.2 Project - Character Idling 5 Exercise
6.4.3 Project - Character Walking 5 Exercise
6.5 Jumper - Collecting Coins Lesson
6.5.1 Collecting Coins 5 Notes
6.5.2 Coin Decomposition 5 Free Response
6.5.3 Project - Animated Coins 5 Exercise
6.5.4 Project - Collecting the Coins 5 Exercise
6.5.5 Project - Counting the Coins 5 Exercise
6.6 Jumper - Improved Player Functionality Lesson
6.6.1 Improved Player Functionality 5 Notes
6.6.2 Project - Getting Back Up 5 Exercise
6.6.3 Jumping Mechanics 5 Notes
6.6.4 Project - Adding a Ground Sensor 5 Exercise
6.7 Jumper - End of Level Lesson
6.7.1 End of Level 5 Notes
6.7.2 Ending Event Pseudocode 5 Free Response
6.7.3 Project - The Ending Event 5 Exercise
6.7.4 Project - Game Over 5 Exercise
6.7.5 Project - Final Level Design 5 Challenge
6.8 Jumper - Level #2 Challenge Lesson
6.8.1 Level #2 Intro 5 Notes
6.8.2 Planning Level #2 5 Free Response
6.8.3 Project - Creating Level #2 5 Challenge
6.8.4 Playtesting and Feedback 5 Free Response
6.8.5 Jumper Reflection 5 Free Response