Activity | Points | Item Type |
Introduction to Mobile Apps | ||
1.1 Introduction to React Native and Expo | Lesson | |
1.1.1 Introduction to React Native and Expo | 1 | Video |
1.1.2 Quiz: Introduction to React Native and Expo | 2 | Check for Understanding |
1.1.3 Why Mobile Apps? | 5 | Free Response |
1.1.4 What is React Native? | 1 | Notes |
1.1.5 React Native App Overview | 1 | Notes |
1.1.6 Running Apps on CodeHS | 1 | Notes |
1.1.7 Running Apps on Expo | 1 | Notes |
1.1.8 React Native App Example | 1 | Example |
1.1.9 React Native App Example Reflection | 5 | Free Response |
Components and the Stylesheet | ||
2.1 Introduction to Components | Lesson | |
2.1.1 Introduction to Components | 1 | Video |
2.1.2 Quiz: Introduction to Components | 2 | Check for Understanding |
2.1.3 The Parent View Component | 1 | Example |
2.1.4 Nesting Multiple Text Components | 1 | Example |
2.1.5 Customizing Text | 5 | Exercise |
2.1.6 Adding Components | 5 | Exercise |
2.1.7 Debugging Components | 5 | Debugging |
2.2 Introduction to the Stylesheet API | Lesson | |
2.2.1 Introduction to the Stylesheet API | 1 | Video |
2.2.2 Quiz: Introduction to the Stylesheet API | 3 | Check for Understanding |
2.2.3 Naming a Stylesheet ID | 1 | Example |
2.2.4 Multiple Stylesheet ID's | 1 | Example |
2.2.5 Connecting Components to the Stylesheet | 5 | Exercise |
2.2.6 Debug the Stylesheet | 5 | Debugging |
2.3 Styling View Components | Lesson | |
2.3.1 Styling View Components | 1 | Video |
2.3.2 Quiz: Styling View Components | 2 | Check for Understanding |
2.3.3 Height and Width | 1 | Example |
2.3.4 Justifying Content | 1 | Example |
2.3.5 Aligning Items | 1 | Example |
2.3.6 Rainbow Background | 5 | Exercise |
2.3.7 Flex Direction | 1 | Example |
2.3.8 Checkerboard | 1 | Example |
2.3.9 Nested Views | 5 | Exercise |
2.3.10 Andy Warhol Image | 5 | Exercise |
2.4 Styling Text Components | Lesson | |
2.4.1 Styling Text Components | 1 | Video |
2.4.2 Quiz: Styling Text Components | 2 | Check for Understanding |
2.4.3 Text Component Attributes | 1 | Example |
2.4.4 Text Component Dimensions | 1 | Example |
2.4.5 My Favorites List | 5 | Exercise |
2.4.6 News Article Styling | 5 | Exercise |
2.4.7 Google Logo | 5 | Exercise |
2.4.8 SnapChat Login Page Pt 1: Layout | 5 | Exercise |
2.4.9 Venmo Balance Transfer Page Pt 1: Layout | 5 | Exercise |
2.4.10 Stylish Mobile App Badge | 1 | Badge |
2.4.11 Mindset Survey 1 | 1 | Survey |
2.5 Challenge: Scorekeeper Pt 1 | Lesson | |
2.5.1 Scorekeeper Pt 1: Example | 1 | Example |
2.5.2 Scorekeeper Pt 1: Screen Layout | 10 | Challenge |
2.6 Components and the Stylesheet Quiz | Lesson | |
2.6.1 Components and the Stylesheet Quiz | 15 | Unit Quiz |
Buttons and Text Boxes | ||
3.1 TouchableHighlight and the onPress Function | Lesson | |
3.1.1 TouchableHighlight and the onPress Function | 1 | Video |
3.1.2 Quiz: TouchableHighlight and the onPress Function | 2 | Check for Understanding |
3.1.3 TouchableHighlight with Text Only | 1 | Example |
3.1.4 TouchableHighlight Components as Buttons | 1 | Example |
3.1.5 Adding TouchableHighlight to the News Article | 5 | Exercise |
3.1.6 SnapChat Login Page Pt 2: Buttons | 5 | Exercise |
3.1.7 Build a Homescreen | 5 | Exercise |
3.2 TextInput | Lesson | |
3.2.1 TextInput | 1 | Video |
3.2.2 TextInput | 2 | Check for Understanding |
3.2.3 Adding TextInput | 1 | Example |
3.2.4 iMessage | 1 | Example |
3.2.5 Google Search Page | 5 | Exercise |
3.2.6 Feedback Form | 5 | Exercise |
3.2.7 Venmo Balance Transfer Pt 2: Buttons & Input | 5 | Exercise |
3.3 Challenge: Scorekeeper Pt 2 | Lesson | |
3.3.1 Scorekeeper Pt 2: Buttons and TextInput | 10 | Challenge |
3.4 Buttons & Text Boxes Quiz | Lesson | |
3.4.1 Buttons and Text Boxes Quiz | 15 | Unit Quiz |
Advanced Layouts and Images | ||
4.1 The Image Component | Lesson | |
4.1.1 The Image Component | 1 | Video |
4.1.2 Quiz: The Image Component | 2 | Check for Understanding |
4.1.3 Sizing Images Correctly | 1 | Example |
4.1.4 Images with Text | 1 | Example |
4.1.5 Snapchat Login Page Pt 3: Images | 5 | Exercise |
4.1.6 Music Player Interface | 5 | Exercise |
4.1.7 Google Search Page using Images | 5 | Exercise |
4.2 Setting a Background Image | Lesson | |
4.2.1 Setting a Background Image | 1 | Video |
4.2.2 Quiz: Setting a Background Image | 2 | Check for Understanding |
4.2.3 Setting a Background Image | 1 | Example |
4.2.4 Phone Background | 5 | Exercise |
4.2.5 Mobile Resume | 5 | Exercise |
4.3 Using Images as Buttons | Lesson | |
4.3.1 Using Images as Buttons | 1 | Video |
4.3.2 Quiz: Using Images as Buttons | 2 | Check for Understanding |
4.3.3 Using Images as Buttons | 1 | Example |
4.3.4 Interactive Quotes | 5 | Exercise |
4.3.5 Music Player with TouchableHighlight | 5 | Exercise |
4.3.6 Mobile Image Badge | 1 | Badge |
4.4 Flex Layouts | Lesson | |
4.4.1 Flex Layouts | 1 | Video |
4.4.2 Quiz: Flex Layouts | 2 | Check for Understanding |
4.4.3 Using Flex Ratios | 1 | Example |
4.4.4 Even Quadrants | 1 | Example |
4.4.5 Uneven Quadrants | 1 | Example |
4.4.6 Rainbow Background with Flex | 5 | Exercise |
4.4.7 Simple Flag with Flex | 5 | Exercise |
4.4.8 Advanced Flag with Flex | 5 | Exercise |
4.4.9 SnapChat Login Page Pt 4: Flex | 5 | Exercise |
4.5 Using 'Dimensions' to Control Size | Lesson | |
4.5.1 Using 'Dimensions' to Control Size | 1 | Video |
4.5.2 Quiz: Using 'Dimensions' to Control Size | 3 | Check for Understanding |
4.5.3 Even Quadrants with 'Dimensions' | 1 | Example |
4.5.4 Uneven Quadrants with 'Dimensions' | 1 | Example |
4.5.5 Using 'Dimensions' to Control Font and Image Size | 1 | Example |
4.5.6 Rainbow Background using 'Dimensions' | 5 | Exercise |
4.5.7 Simple Flag using 'Dimensions' | 5 | Exercise |
4.5.8 Advanced Flag using 'Dimensions' | 5 | Exercise |
4.5.9 SnapChat Login Page Pt 5: 'Dimensions' | 5 | Exercise |
4.6 Challenge: Scorekeeper Pt 3 | Lesson | |
4.6.1 Scorekeeper Pt 3: Images and Responsive Design | 10 | Challenge |
4.6.2 Mindset Survey 3 | 1 | Survey |
4.7 Advanced Layouts and Images Quiz | Lesson | |
4.7.1 Advanced Layouts and Images Quiz | 15 | Unit Quiz |
App Build: Recreate a Popular App | ||
5.1 Recreate a Popular App | Lesson | |
5.1.1 Choose an App | 5 | Free Response |
5.1.2 Plan Layout and Functionality | 5 | Free Response |
5.1.3 How to Upload an Image on CodeHS | 1 | Video |
5.1.4 Code Layout | 5 | Exercise |
5.1.5 Add Functionality | 10 | Challenge |
5.1.6 Reflection | 5 | Free Response |
Events and State | ||
6.1 Using State to Control Values | Lesson | |
6.1.1 Using State to Control Values | 1 | Video |
6.1.2 Using State to Control Values | 2 | Check for Understanding |
6.1.3 Initial State | 1 | Example |
6.1.4 Setting the Location with State | 5 | Exercise |
6.1.5 Multiple State Values | 5 | Exercise |
6.2 Updating State with onPress | Lesson | |
6.2.1 Updating State with onPress | 1 | Video |
6.2.2 Updating State with onPress | 2 | Check for Understanding |
6.2.3 Updating State with onPress | 1 | Example |
6.2.4 State Updates Based on Button Press | 1 | Example |
6.2.5 Name to Nickname | 5 | Exercise |
6.2.6 SnapChat Login Page Pt 6: Using State | 5 | Exercise |
6.3 Using Mathematical Equations to Update State | Lesson | |
6.3.1 Using Mathematical Equations to Update State | 1 | Video |
6.3.2 Using Mathematical Equations to Update State | 2 | Check for Understanding |
6.3.3 Updating the Count | 1 | Example |
6.3.4 Full Counter App | 5 | Exercise |
6.3.5 Easy Calculator | 10 | Challenge |
6.4 Using Methods to Update String States | Lesson | |
6.4.1 Using Methods to Update String States | 1 | Video |
6.4.2 Using Methods to Update String States | 2 | Check for Understanding |
6.4.3 Upper and Lower | 1 | Example |
6.4.4 Updating the Mood of a String with State | 5 | Exercise |
6.4.5 Spellchecker | 5 | Exercise |
6.5 Challenge: Scorekeeper Pt 4 | Lesson | |
6.5.1 Scorekeeper Pt 4: Functionality with States | 10 | Challenge |
6.5.2 Mindset Survey 2 | 1 | Survey |
6.6 Events and State Quiz | Lesson | |
6.6.1 Events and State Quiz | 15 | Unit Quiz |
Creating Multiple Screens | ||
7.1 Creating a Navbar | Lesson | |
7.1.1 Creating a Navbar | 1 | Video |
7.1.2 Creating a Navbar | 2 | Check for Understanding |
7.1.3 Bottom Navbar | 1 | Example |
7.1.4 Top Navbar | 5 | Exercise |
7.1.5 Icon Navbar in Landscape | 5 | Exercise |
7.1.6 iPhone Call Navbar | 5 | Exercise |
7.2 Using Buttons to Navigate Screens | Lesson | |
7.2.1 Using Buttons to Navigate Screens | 1 | Video |
7.2.2 Using Buttons to Navigate Screens | 2 | Check for Understanding |
7.2.3 Two Screen App | 1 | Example |
7.2.4 Name & Image App | 5 | Exercise |
7.2.5 Mobile Biography of a Role Model | 5 | Exercise |
7.2.6 RSVP Tracker | 5 | Exercise |
7.3 Challenge: Scorekeeper Pt 5 | Lesson | |
7.3.1 Scorekeeper Pt 5: Multiple Screens | 10 | Challenge |
7.4 Creating Multiple Screens Quiz | Lesson | |
7.4.1 Creating Multiple Screens Quiz | 15 | Unit Quiz |
Working with Conditionals | ||
8.1 Conditionals and State Change | Lesson | |
8.1.1 Conditionals and State Change | 1 | Video |
8.1.2 Quiz: Conditionals and State Change | 2 | Check for Understanding |
8.1.3 Marathon Counter App | 1 | Example |
8.1.4 Savings Tracker | 5 | Exercise |
8.1.5 Venmo Balance Transfer Pt 3: Check Balance | 5 | Exercise |
8.2 Conditionals using Parameters | Lesson | |
8.2.1 Conditionals using Parameters | 1 | Video |
8.2.2 Conditionals using Parameters | 2 | Check for Understanding |
8.2.3 Parameters and Conditional Background Images | 1 | Example |
8.2.4 Traffic Light Conditionals | 1 | Example |
8.2.5 Conditional Winner! | 5 | Exercise |
8.2.6 Trivia App | 10 | Challenge |
8.3 Challenge: Scorekeeper Pt 6 | Lesson | |
8.3.1 Scorekeeper Pt 6: Add Standings Page | 10 | Challenge |
8.4 Working with Conditionals Quiz | Lesson | |
8.4.1 Working with Conditionals Quiz | 15 | Unit Quiz |
App Build: Currency Converter | ||
9.1 Currency Converter | Lesson | |
9.1.1 Plan Layout and Functionality | 5 | Free Response |
9.1.2 Code the Layout | 5 | Exercise |
9.1.3 Add Functionality | 10 | Challenge |
9.1.4 Reflection | 5 | Free Response |
Using Collections of Data | ||
10.1 Using Arrays and Indexing to Set State | Lesson | |
10.1.1 Using Arrays and Indexing to Set State | 1 | Video |
10.1.2 Using Arrays and Indexing to Set State | 2 | Check for Understanding |
10.1.3 Traveling to Multiple States | 1 | Example |
10.1.4 Conditional Winner Using Arrays | 1 | Example |
10.1.5 Conditional Roadtrip | 5 | Exercise |
10.1.6 Time of Day | 5 | Exercise |
10.2 Mapping Through Objects in Arrays | Lesson | |
10.2.1 Mapping Through Objects in Arrays | 1 | Video |
10.2.2 Mapping Through Objects in Arrays | 2 | Check for Understanding |
10.2.3 Guest List | 1 | Example |
10.2.4 ClassPass Pt 1: Schedule | 5 | Exercise |
10.2.5 Favorite Movies List | 5 | Exercise |
10.3 Challenge: Scorekeeper Pt 7 | Lesson | |
10.3.1 Scorekeeper Pt 7: Implement Arrays | 10 | Challenge |
10.4 Using Collections of Data Quiz | Lesson | |
10.4.1 Using Collections of Data Quiz | 15 | Unit Quiz |
Working with ScrollView | ||
11.1 Using ScrollView | Lesson | |
11.1.1 Using ScrollView | 1 | Video |
11.1.2 Using ScrollView | 2 | Check for Understanding |
11.1.3 Class Schedule ScrollView | 1 | Example |
11.1.4 Scrolling through National Parks | 1 | Example |
11.1.5 Scrollable List of BFF's | 5 | Exercise |
11.1.6 ScrollView inside ScrollView | 5 | Exercise |
11.2 ScrollView using Objects | Lesson | |
11.2.1 ScrollView using Objects | 1 | Video |
11.2.2 ScrollView using Objects | 2 | Check for Understanding |
11.2.3 Scrolling through Mapped National Parks | 1 | Example |
11.2.4 Mapping through a Class Schedule with ScrollView | 1 | Example |
11.2.5 Mapping My BFF's | 5 | Exercise |
11.2.6 ClassPass Pt 2: Add Features | 5 | Challenge |
11.2.7 Mindset Survey 4 | 0 | Survey |
11.3 Challenge: Scorekeeper Pt 8 | Lesson | |
11.3.1 Scorekeeper Pt 8: Add ScrollView | 10 | Challenge |
11.4 Working with ScrollView Quiz | Lesson | |
11.4.1 Working with ScrollView Quiz | 10 | Unit Quiz |
App Build: Image Feed App | ||
12.1 Project: Image Feed | Lesson | |
12.1.1 Plan Layout and Functionality | 5 | Free Response |
12.1.2 Code the Layout | 5 | Exercise |
12.1.3 Add Functionality | 10 | Challenge |
12.1.4 Reflection | 5 | Free Response |
12.1.5 Image Feed Badge | 0 | Badge |
Designing User Interfaces | ||
13.1 Intro to Design Thinking | Lesson | |
13.1.1 Intro to Design Thinking | 1 | Video |
13.1.2 Intro to Design Thinking | 2 | Check for Understanding |
13.1.3 User Interface Scavenger Hunt | 5 | Free Response |
13.1.4 Case Study: Helping Blind People See | 1 | Connection |
13.1.5 Case Study Responses | 5 | Free Response |
13.1.6 Crash Course: Empathize | 1 | Connection |
13.1.7 Empathize Notes | 5 | Free Response |
13.1.8 Crash Course: Define | 1 | Connection |
13.1.9 Problem Statement | 5 | Free Response |
13.1.10 Crash Course: Ideate | 1 | Connection |
13.1.11 Ideate Notes | 5 | Free Response |
13.1.12 Crash Course: Prototype and Test | 1 | Connection |
13.1.13 Testing Notes | 5 | Free Response |
13.1.14 Topic Brainstorm | 5 | Free Response |
13.1.15 Narrowing Down Topics | 5 | Free Response |
13.2 Empathy | Lesson | |
13.2.1 Empathy | 1 | Video |
13.2.2 Empathy Quiz | 2 | Check for Understanding |
13.2.3 A Cafeteria Designed for Me | 1 | Connection |
13.2.4 A Cafeteria Designed for Me | 5 | Free Response |
13.2.5 Accessibility | 1 | Connection |
13.2.6 Accessibility Tips | 5 | Free Response |
13.2.7 Accessibility: Designing for ALL | 5 | Free Response |
13.2.8 How to Interview | 1 | Connection |
13.2.9 How to Interview | 5 | Free Response |
13.2.10 User Interview | 5 | Free Response |
13.3 Define | Lesson | |
13.3.1 Define | 1 | Video |
13.3.2 Define Quiz | 2 | Check for Understanding |
13.3.3 Make a Composite Character Profile | 1 | Connection |
13.3.4 Composite Character Profile | 5 | Free Response |
13.3.5 Point-of-View Statement Brainstorm | 5 | Free Response |
13.3.6 POV Statement | 5 | Free Response |
13.4 Ideate | Lesson | |
13.4.1 Ideate | 1 | Video |
13.4.2 Ideate Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
13.4.3 Stoke | 1 | Connection |
13.4.4 Get Stoked | 5 | Free Response |
13.4.5 Brainstorming Tips | 1 | Connection |
13.4.6 Ideate! | 5 | Free Response |
13.5 Prototype | Lesson | |
13.5.1 Prototype | 1 | Video |
13.5.2 Prototype Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
13.5.3 Brainstorm Selection | 1 | Connection |
13.5.4 Harvest Ideas from the Brainstorm | 5 | Free Response |
13.5.5 Wizard of Oz Prototyping | 1 | Connection |
13.5.6 Example Wizard of Oz Paper Prototype | 1 | Connection |
13.5.7 Make Your Paper Prototypes! | 5 | Free Response |
13.6 Test | Lesson | |
13.6.1 Test | 1 | Video |
13.6.2 Testing Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
13.6.3 Testing with Users | 1 | Connection |
13.6.4 Example: How to User Test | 1 | Connection |
13.6.5 How to User Test Responses | 5 | Free Response |
13.6.6 Example: How NOT to User Test | 1 | Connection |
13.6.7 How NOT to User Test Responses | 5 | Free Response |
13.6.8 Test Prototype 1 | 5 | Free Response |
13.6.9 Test Prototype 2 | 5 | Free Response |
13.6.10 Improve Your Prototype | 5 | Free Response |
13.7 Designing User Interfaces Quiz | Lesson | |
13.7.1 Designing User Interfaces Quiz | 15 | Unit Quiz |
13.7.2 Designing User Interfaces Badge | 0 | Badge |
End of Course App Build | ||
14.1 Build Your Own App | Lesson | |
14.1.1 App Planning | 5 | Free Response |
14.1.2 Planning with Pseudocode | 0 | Pseudocode |
14.1.3 Code the Layout | 10 | Challenge |
14.1.4 App Functionality | 10 | Challenge |
14.1.5 App Presentation | 0 | Presentation |
14.1.6 Custom App Badge | 0 | Badge |
Final | ||
15.1 Final Exam | Lesson | |
15.1.1 Mobile Apps Pt. 1: Multiple Choice | 30 | Midterm |
Mobile Apps Prerequisite | ||
16.1 Introduction to HTML | Lesson | |
16.1.1 Introduction to HTML | 1 | Video |
16.1.2 Introduction to HTML Quiz | 2 | Check for Understanding |
16.1.3 Our First HTML Page | 1 | Example |
16.1.4 Say Hello! | 5 | Exercise |
16.2 Structure of an HTML Page | Lesson | |
16.2.1 Structure of an HTML Page | 1 | Video |
16.2.2 Structure of an HTML Page Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
16.2.3 HTML Template | 1 | Example |
16.2.4 Hello World Page | 1 | Example |
16.2.5 The <title> Tag | 5 | Exercise |
16.2.6 Your First HTML Page | 5 | Exercise |
16.3 Formatting Text | Lesson | |
16.3.1 Formatting Text | 1 | Video |
16.3.2 Formatting Text Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
16.3.3 Dictionary | 1 | Example |
16.3.4 Word Definitions | 5 | Exercise |
16.3.5 Pet Names | 5 | Exercise |
16.3.6 Call of the Wild | 5 | Exercise |
16.3.7 Formatting Badge | 0 | Badge |
16.4 Links | Lesson | |
16.4.1 Links | 1 | Video |
16.4.2 Links Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
16.4.3 The <a> Tag | 1 | Example |
16.4.4 Bookmarks | 5 | Exercise |
16.4.5 Encyclopedias | 5 | Exercise |
16.5 Images | Lesson | |
16.5.1 Images | 1 | Video |
16.5.2 Images Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
16.5.3 The <img> Tag | 1 | Example |
16.5.4 Building the CodeHS Homepage | 1 | Example |
16.5.5 Collage on a Theme | 5 | Exercise |
16.5.6 Linking an Image | 5 | Exercise |
16.5.7 National Parks | 5 | Exercise |
16.6 HTML Lists | Lesson | |
16.6.1 HTML Lists | 1 | Video |
16.6.2 HTML Lists Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
16.6.3 Grocery Shopping | 1 | Example |
16.6.4 Class Planning | 5 | Exercise |
16.6.5 Dream Destinations | 5 | Exercise |
16.6.6 Vacation Guides | 5 | Exercise |
16.7 HTML Tables | Lesson | |
16.7.1 HTML Tables | 1 | Video |
16.7.2 HTML Tables Quiz | 3 | Check for Understanding |
16.7.3 Address Book | 1 | Example |
16.7.4 National Sports | 5 | Exercise |
16.7.5 Table of Favorites | 5 | Exercise |
16.8 HTML Styling | Lesson | |
16.8.1 HTML Styling | 1 | Video |
16.8.2 HTML Styling Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
16.8.3 Stylish Address Book | 1 | Example |
16.8.4 Background Colors | 5 | Exercise |
16.8.5 Style Your Class List | 5 | Exercise |
16.8.6 Styling Badge | 0 | Badge |
16.9 HTML Colors | Lesson | |
16.9.1 HTML Colors | 1 | Video |
16.9.2 HTML Colors Quiz | 2 | Check for Understanding |
16.9.3 HTML Colors Examples | 1 | Example |
16.9.4 Create Your Own Color | 5 | Exercise |
16.9.5 Gradients | 5 | Exercise |
16.9.6 Color Wheel | 1 | Connection |
16.9.7 Using Good Colors | 5 | Exercise |
16.10 Introduction to CSS | Lesson | |
16.10.1 Introduction to CSS | 1 | Video |
16.10.2 Introduction to CSS Quiz | 2 | Check for Understanding |
16.10.3 Styling your H1s | 1 | Example |
16.10.4 First style with CSS | 5 | Exercise |
16.10.5 List Styling | 5 | Exercise |
16.10.6 Endangered Animals: Skeleton | 5 | Exercise |
16.11 CSS Select by Tag | Lesson | |
16.11.1 CSS Select by Tag | 1 | Video |
16.11.2 CSS Select by Tag Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
16.11.3 Rainbow | 1 | Example |
16.11.4 Dog Styling | 1 | Example |
16.11.5 Set List | 5 | Exercise |
16.11.6 Your Appliance Recommendations | 5 | Exercise |
16.11.7 Endangered Animals: Style the Headers | 5 | Exercise |
16.12 CSS Select by Class | Lesson | |
16.12.1 CSS Select by Class | 1 | Video |
16.12.2 CSS Select by Class Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
16.12.3 Simple Checkerboard | 1 | Example |
16.12.4 Swim Meet | 5 | Exercise |
16.12.5 Favorite Things | 5 | Exercise |
16.12.6 Endangered Animals: Add Color Coding | 5 | Exercise |
16.13 CSS Select by ID | Lesson | |
16.13.1 CSS Select by ID | 1 | Video |
16.13.2 CSS Select by ID Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
16.13.3 Logo | 1 | Example |
16.13.4 Must Do Today! | 5 | Exercise |
16.13.5 Lomeli's Menu | 5 | Exercise |
16.13.6 Endangered Animals: Add Pictures | 5 | Exercise |
16.13.7 Selector Badge | 0 | Badge |
16.14 The Cascade | Lesson | |
16.14.1 The Cascade | 1 | Video |
16.14.2 The Cascade Quiz | 3 | Check for Understanding |
16.14.3 Using Importance | 1 | Example |
16.14.4 Order of Precedence | 1 | Example |
16.14.5 We Really Like Dairy | 5 | Exercise |
16.14.6 Style the Table | 5 | Exercise |
16.15 Variables | Lesson | |
16.15.1 Variables | 1 | Video |
16.15.2 Variables Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
16.15.3 Basic Variables | 1 | Example |
16.15.4 Daily Activities | 5 | Exercise |
16.16 Booleans | Lesson | |
16.16.1 Booleans | 1 | Video |
16.16.2 Booleans Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
16.16.3 First Boolean | 1 | Example |
16.16.4 Do You Have a Dog? | 5 | Exercise |
16.17 Logical Operators | Lesson | |
16.17.1 Logical Operators | 1 | Video |
16.17.2 Logical Operators Quiz | 3 | Check for Understanding |
16.17.3 Light Switch | 1 | Example |
16.17.4 President | 1 | Example |
16.17.5 Wasting Time | 1 | Example |
16.17.6 Can You Graduate? | 5 | Exercise |
16.17.7 School's Out | 5 | Exercise |
16.18 Comparison Operators | Lesson | |
16.18.1 Comparison Operators | 1 | Video |
16.18.2 Comparison Operators Quiz | 1 | Check for Understanding |
16.18.3 Voting Age | 1 | Example |
16.18.4 Grade Range | 1 | Example |
16.18.5 Rolling Dice | 5 | Exercise |
16.18.6 Girl Scout Designation | 5 | Exercise |
16.19 If Statements | Lesson | |
16.19.1 If Statements | 1 | Video |
16.19.2 If Statements Quiz | 3 | Check for Understanding |
16.19.3 Negative Numbers | 1 | Example |
16.19.4 Great Names | 1 | Example |
16.19.5 Even and Odd | 1 | Example |
16.19.6 Secret Password | 1 | Example |
16.19.7 Teenagers | 5 | Exercise |
16.19.8 Dietary Restrictions | 5 | Exercise |
16.19.9 Conditionals Badge | 0 | Badge |
16.19.10 Mindset Survey 2 | 0 | Survey |
App Build: Trivia App | ||
17.1 Project: Trivia App | Lesson | |
17.1.1 Plan Layout and Functionality | 5 | Free Response |
17.1.2 Code the Layout | 5 | Exercise |
17.1.3 Add Functionality | 10 | Challenge |
Challenges | ||
18.1 Mobile Apps Challenge Exercises | Lesson | |
18.1.1 Tic Tac Toe Board (5.1.10) | 5 | Exercise |
18.1.2 Instagram Feed (5.2.12) | 5 | Exercise |
18.1.3 Updating Instagram Likes (6.1.8) | 5 | Exercise |
18.1.4 Adding ScrollView and Likes to Instagram (6.2.9) | 5 | Exercise |
Midterm | ||
19.1 Midterm | Lesson | |
19.1.1 Midterm Pt 1: Multiple Choice | 25 | Final |
Additional Topics | ||
20.1 Changing Attributes Through User Interaction | Lesson | |
20.1.1 Changing Button on Click | 1 | Example |
20.1.2 Changing Button Color with Conditionals | 1 | Example |
20.1.3 Change Button Size | 5 | Exercise |
20.1.4 Update Button Appearance when Pressed | 5 | Exercise |
20.2 Linking to Outside Sources | Lesson | |
20.2.1 Linking to a Website | 5 | Example |
20.2.2 Biography of a Role Model with Link | 5 | Example |
20.2.3 Linking to an Email & Telephone Number | 5 | Example |
20.2.4 Including User Input in a Link | 5 | Example |
20.2.5 Linked News Article | 5 | Exercise |
20.2.6 Scrolling Through and Linking to National Parks | 5 | Exercise |
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