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Karel Documentation JavaScript

Karel's Built in Commands ------------------------- move(); turnLeft(); putBall(); takeBall(); Functions --------- Writing a function is like teaching karel a new word. Naming Functions: You can name your functions whatever you want, but you can't have spaces in the function name. Remember that each open bracket `{` must match with a close bracket `}` function turnRight(){ turnLeft(); turnLeft(); turnLeft(); } function turnAround(){ turnLeft(); turnLeft(); } function yourFunctionName() { // Code that will run when you make a call to // this function. } Conditional Statements ---------------------- Remember that each open bracket `{` must match with a close bracket `}` if (condition) { //code that will run if the condition is true } if (condition) { //code that will run if the condition is true } else { //code that will run if condition is not true } Example of if statements if(frontIsClear()){ move(); } if(ballsPresent()){ takeBall(); }else{ move(); } Karel Conditions ---------------- Don't forget the `()` at the end frontIsClear() leftIsClear() rightIsClear() facingNorth() facingSouth() facingEast() facingWest() ballsPresent() frontIsBlocked() leftIsBlocked() rightIsBlocked() notFacingNorth() notFacingSouth() notFacingEast() notFacingWest() noBallsPresent() Loops ----- Remember that each open bracket `{` must match with a close bracket `}` **While Loops** while (CONDITION) { // Code that will run while the CONDITION is true. // Once the CONDITION is no longer true, // it will stop. } Example of while loops /* This moves Karel to a wall */ while(frontIsClear()){ move(); } **For Loops** for (var i=0; i < COUNT; i++) { // Code that will run 'COUNT' times } Example of for loops /* This puts down 10 balls */ for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){ putBall(); } You can have multiple statements or function calls in a for loop. /* This puts down five balls and moves after each one */ for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){ putBall(); move(); } Use for-loops when you want to repeat something a fixed number of times. Use while-loops when you want to repeat something as long as a condition is true. Comments -------- /* A multi-line comment describes your code * to someone who is reading it. */ // Use single line comments to clarify code.