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Import Code from Assignment
Collaborate on this sandbox program!
Admin Only. Not visible to customers
A collaborative program is a program you can work on with a partner or group of people. The program shows up in all of your sandbox pages, and when any of you save code, it will save it for each person.
Current Collaborators:
Embed Your Code On an HTML Page
Want to use your CodeHS code outside of CodeHS? Use this embed code to get started.
How to Use
Version 1: On Your Computer
- Create a file called
on your desktop - Put the html below into the codehs.html file and save it
- Now double click the file to open it in a web browser
Version 2: Online
- Create a file called
on your desktop - Put the html below into the codehs.html file and save it
- Upload this file to the internet
- Visit your web page