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p5play Library

p5play Reference Guide and Docs

Check out the official p5play reference guide (some pages may require an account) and p5play docs page for additional resources!

Primary Functions

// The setup() function runs once at the beginning of
// the program. Use it to initialize elements like the
// canvas and game components.
function setup() {...}

// The draw() function runs 60 times/sec by default. This
// is your primary game loop. Use it for all interactions
// and sprite changes over time.
function draw() {...}

// OPTIONAL: The preload() function can load elements
// like music and images before the setup() function is
// called.
function preload() {...}


// Create a new canvas with width 350px and height 450px
new Canvas(350, 450);

// You can remove the arguments to have it fill the window
new Canvas();

// Use an aspect ratio to have it scale to the largest
// possible size of that ratio in the window
new Canvas('3:4');

// Use pixelated mode for retro style pixel games. It
// scales the canvas to fit the screen while retaining
// its aspect ratio.
new Canvas(450, 450, 'pixelated');
// To display all sprites at integer coordinates, set:
allSprites.pixelPerfect = true;

// The variables "width" and "height" store the dimensions
// of the canvas after it is set up
new Canvas(200, 400);
console.log(width); // prints 200
console.log(height); // prints 400

// Set the background color of the canvas

// Clear the canvas for each frame


// Turn on gravity after you create your canvas
world.gravity.y = 10;

// You can change the direction and strength of gravity
// with the x and y properties
world.gravity.y = 20;
world.gravity.x = 10;


// A sprite is a graphical object with properties that
// determine how it looks and behaves on the canvas.

// Sprites are used as game components that sit on top
// of the background, like characters and objects.

// To create a new sprite and save it to a variable
let ball = new Sprite();

// Use dot notion to set the sprite properties
ball.x = 300;
ball.y = 200;
ball.radius = 20;
ball.bounciness = 0.5;
ball.mass = 3;
ball.speed = 2;
ball.direction = 30;
ball.rotationDrag = 5;
ball.color = 'purple';

// Another example with a box
let box = new Sprite();
box.width = 100;
box.height = 300;
box.friction = 3;
box.rotation = 20;
box.vel.x = 1;
box.vel.y = 2;
box.color = '#fcba03';

// Another example setting up a static ground
let ground = new Sprite();
ground.width = width; // the width of the canvas
ground.height = 30;
ground.y = height - ground.height / 2;
ground.friction = 1;
ground.layer = 0;
ground.img = loadImage('img URL'); // applies an image
ground.scale = 2; // sets the scale of the image
ground.collider = 'static';

/* Different colliders:
'dynamic': the default collider for sprites
'kinematic': can move by code, but nothing else can move it
'static': can't move
'none': doesn't collide with other sprites

// You can also quickly set up a sprite using arguments
let planet = new Sprite(x,  y,  w,  h, collider);

Check out the official p5play reference guide for a complete list of sprite properties and demos!

Boolean Expressions

// ==== Keyboard ==== //        

// This statement will be true at the moment the user presses
// the specified key.
kb.presses(key letter or name)
// This statement will be true the entire time the user is
// pressing the specified key.
kb.pressing(key letter or name)

// Examples:
kb.presses('w'); // pressed "w"
kb.pressing('space');  // pressing and holding "space"

// ==== Mouse ==== //

// This statement will be true at the moment the user clicks
// the mouse button on the sprite.
// This statement will be true the entire time the user is
// pressing the mouse button on the sprite.
// This statement will be true if the user clicked on the 
// sprite, and with the button down, is trying to drag it around.

// Examples:
tree.mouse.presses(); // clicks on sprite named "tree"
ball.mouse.dragging(); // dragging sprite named "ball"

// ==== Sprite Interaction ==== //

// This statement will be true at the moment sprite1 begins
// to overlap with sprite2.
// This statement will be true the entire time sprite1 is
// overlapping with sprite2.
// This statement will be true at the moment sprite1 collides
// with sprite2



// There are a few different ways to move your p5play sprites

// ==== Sprite Movement Properties ==== //

// Set the sprite's speed and direction properties
sprite.speed = 5;
sprite.direction = 90; // angle, clockwise from +x direction

// Set the sprite's X and Y velocities
sprite.vel.x = 3;
sprite.vel.y = 5;

// ==== Movement Methods ==== //

// Move the sprite a fixed distance
sprite.move(30, 0, 5);  // (distance, direction, speed)

// Move the sprite toward sprite, mouse, or position
sprite.moveTowards(mouse, 0.1);   // (sprite or mouse, rate)
// Or
sprite.moveTowards(100, 50, 0.1)  // (x, y, rate)

// Apply a force to a sprite in a direction
sprite.bearing = 90;    // sets the angle direction of the force
sprite.applyForce(5);   // applies a force of magnitude 5

// Make the sprite attracted to a sprite or position
sprite.attractTo(sprite2, 5);   // (sprite, magnitude)
// Or
sprite.attractTo(100, 50, 5);   // (x, y, magnitude)

// Rotate the sprite a number of degrees at a rate
sprite.rotate(5, 10)    // (angle, rotation rate)`


Click here to access a simple online HEX color picker.
// Can use color strings, HEX, or rgb to set colors
'blue'          // string
'#7cd4f7'       // HEX
124, 212, 247   // RGB

// Set the background color of the canvas

// Set the color of a sprite
spriteName.color = '#7cd4f7';

JavaScript Basics

Printing to Console

// Using the console.log() function will print the text
// to the console and create a line break 

console.log("Hello World.");
console.log("How are you?");
// prints:
// Hello World.
// How are you?

// Concatenate strings and variables using the "+" sign

console.log("Greetings " + "Earthling."); 
// prints:
// Greetings Earthling

let species = "Martian";
console.log("Greetings " + species); 
// prints: 
// Greetings Martian



// Declare a variable
let myVarName;

// Declare and initialize a variable
let myVarName = 5;

// Assign value to an existing variable
myVarName = 10;

// Print a variable
console.log("The value is: " + myValue);

// If a variable isn't going to change its value, it is
// best to use the keyword 'const'

// Variables defined with const:
//   * cannot be redeclared
//   * cannot be reassigned
//   * must be assigned a value when they are declared

// Example:
const PI = 3.141592653589793;
PI = 5;      // This will give an error

User Input

// Read a string
// Strings are a series of characters - ex) Hello World
let choice = readLine("What would you like? ");

// Read an integer
// Integers are numbers without a decimal point - ex) 3
let num = readInt("Enter a number: ");

// Read a float
// Float are numbers with a decimal point - ex) 3.14
let cost = readFloat("Enter the cost: ");

// Read a boolean
// Boolean are true/false
let workIsDone = readBoolean("Did you finish your work? ");


Asynchronous User Input

/* In addition to the blocking input methods that receive input via 
popup, there are additional asynchronous input methods. readLineAsync, 
readIntAsync, readFloatAsync, and readBooleanAsync are non-blocking 
functions that can be used in combination with the `await` keyword to 
receive input asynchronously.

let name = await readLineAsync("What's your name? ");
console.log("Nice to meet you, " + name);
To read more about asynchronous user input, see this tutorial.


/* Operators:
    +   Addition
    -   Subtraction
    *   Multiplication
    /   Division
    **  Exponentiation
    %   Modulus (Remainder)
    ()  Parentheses (For order of operations)

// Examples
let z = x + y;
let w = x * y;

// Increment (add one)

// Decrement (subtract one)

// Shortcuts
x = x + y;      x += y;
x = x - y;      x -= y;
x = x * y;      x *= y;
x = x / y;      x /= y;

// Exponentiation
let squared = 5 ** 2;
console.log(squared);   // prints out 25

// Modulus
let z = 14 % 4;     // 14 รท 4 = 3 with a remainder of 2
console.log(z);     // prints out 2

// Absolute value
let abs = Math.abs(x);

// Square root
let sqrt = Math.sqrt(x);

// Rounding
// Math.round() can be used to round numbers
const PI = 3.14;
let roundedPi = Math.round(PI);
console.log(roundedPi);     // prints out: 3

const GOLDEN_RATIO = 1.618;
let roundedGoldenRatio = Math.round(GOLDEN_RATIO);
console.log(roundedGoldenRatio);        // prints out: 2

// Floor Division
// Math.floor() can be used to perform floor
// division. With floor division, only the
// integer portion of the quotient is returned.

// For example, 5/2 is 2.5, but with floor division,
// the result is 2 and the .5 is discarded.
let result = Math.floor(5/2);
console.log(result);        // prints out: 2

// Geometry
// Note input is in radians, not degrees

Math.sin(radians); // Returns value between -1 and 1
Math.cos(radians); // Returns value between -1 and 1
Math.tan(radians); // Returns value


Random Numbers

// There are several different random methods
Randomizer.nextInt(low, high);
Randomizer.nextFloat(low, high);

// Example rolling a dice to get a random roll
let roll = Randomizer.nextInt(1, 6);



// A function is a reusable block of code that
// performs a specific task when called.

// To call a function, write the function name,
// followed by parentheses:

// To define what a function does, use the "function"
// keyword and put the task inside the {} brackets:
function printGreeting() {
    console.log("Hi there!");

// Functions can take in values, called parameters.

// The function below takes in a parameter called 
// 'name' and prints it in a greeting.
function printGreeting(name) {
    console.log("Hi there " + name);

// To call a function that has a parameter, you need
// to include a value, or arguement, when calling it:

// Functions can also return a value.

// The function below takes in a value,
// adds two to it, and returns it.
function addTwo(number) {
    return number + 2;


// str.length returns the length of a string

// Example
let str = "hello";
let len = str.length; // equals 5

// str.indexOf(search) returns the first index of the search
// or -1  if not found. It is case sensitive.

let str = "hello";
let pos1 = str.indexOf("l"); // returns 2
let pos2 = str.indexOf("H"); // returns -1

// str.substring(start) returns a substring including the
// character at start to the end of the string

let str = "hello";
let sub1 = str.substring(1); // equals "ello"
let sub2 = str.substring(3); // equals "lo"

// str.substring(start, end) returns a substring including the
// character at start, but not including the character at end

let str = "hello";
let sub1 = str.substring(0,2); // equals "he"
let sub2 = str.substring(1,4); // equals "ell"

To read more about string methods, see this tutorial.

Control Structures


// A boolean is either true or false
let myBoolean = true;

let anotherBoolean = false;

let result = readBoolean("Question? ");

// Not Operator
let x = !y;     // x gets the opposite of y

// And Operator
let andExp = x && y;

// Or Operator
let orExp = x || y;

// You can combine many booleans!
let boolExp = x && (y || z);

If Statements, If/Else, If/Else If/Else

    // code to execute if the experession is true

    // code to execute if the expression is true
} else {
    // code to execute if the expression is false

if (x < 0) {
    console.log("x is negative.");

if (color == "red" || color == "blue" || color == "yellow") {
    console.log("Primary color.");
} else {
    console.log("Not a primary color.");

// You can use else if you have multiple
// conditions, but only one should happen.
if (condition_1) {

} else if (condition_2) {

} else if (condition_3) {

} else {


// You can always write these using nested
// if/else. For example:
if (condition_1) {
    // code here runs if condition 1 is true
} else {
    if (condition_2) {
        // if condition 2 is true
    } else {
        // and here if condition 2 is false

Logical Operators

// Logical operators return booleans (true/false values)
x && y  // AND operator -- true if BOTH x and y are true
x || y  // OR operator -- true if x OR y are true
! x     // NOT operator -- true if x is false (and false if x is true)

// Logical operators in if statements
if (x && y) {
    console.log("x and y are both true");

if (x || y) {
    console.log("x and/or y are true");

if (!x && y) {
    console.log("x is false and y is true");

Comparison Operators

// Comparison operators return booleans (true/false values)
x == y      // is x equal to y
x != y      // is x not equal to y
x > y        // is x greater than y
x >= y       // is x greater than or equal to y
x < y        // is x less than y
x <= y       // is x less than or equal to y

// Comparison operators in if statements
if (x == y) {
    console.log("x and y are equal");

if (x > 5) {
    console.log("x is greater than 5.");

For Loops

// for loops repeat code a specific number of times

const COUNT = 5;

for (let i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
    /* Repeat code betweeen the brackets 5 times,
     * as the COUNT variable is 5. */

// Print numbers 0-9
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

While Loops

// while loops repeat until a boolean expression becomes false

while(boolean expression){
    /* Repeat code betweeen brackets while
     * 'boolean expression' is true */

// Countdown from from 15 to 10
let i = 15;
while (i > 9) {

// Use a break statement to exit out of a loop
while (true) {
    // code to repeat
    if (condition) {
        break;      // breaks out of while loop

Data Structures


// Create an empty array
let arr = [];

// Create an array with values
let arr = [1, 2, 4];

// An array can have any type of data (x is a variable)
let arr = [4, "hello", x];

// Access an element in an array with arr[index];
let firstElem = arr[0];

// Set an element in an array
arr[4] = 9;

// length of an array
let length = arr.length;

// Looping over an array
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    let cur = arr[i];
    // process cur

// Can also use for...of loops
for (let element of arr) {

// Add to an array

// Remove last element from array
let last = arr.pop();

// Finding the index of an element
let index = arr.indexOf(5);

// Remove an element at an index i


// Object literal
let obj = {
    name: "Jeremy",
    color: "blue"

// Objects have a collection of key-value pairs

// Set a value
obj["Jeremy"] = "123-4567";

// Get a value for a key
let phone = obj["Jeremy"];

// Dot notation
let phone = obj.Jeremy;

// Loop over an object
for (let key in obj) {
    let val = obj[key];
    // process key and val


// Make a new set named "newSet"
let newSet = new Set();

// Add to a set

// Does a set contain a value
newSet.contains(5); // returns a boolean

// Number of elements in the set
let count = newSet.size; // returns an integer

// Make a new set named "setA"
let setA = new Set();

// Add 2 numbers to the set

// Make a new set named "setB"
let setB = new Set();

// Add 2 numbers to the set

// Call the intersect function on "setA" and pass in "setB", store the resulting
// set in a new variable named "mutualSet"
let mutualSet = setA.intersect(setB);


// Create a grid named "newGrid"
let newGrid = new Grid(rows, cols);

// Get a value in a grid
let elem = newGrid.get(row, col);

// Set a value in a grid
newGrid.set(row, col, val);

// Getting dimensions
let rows = newGrid.numRows();
let cols = newGrid.numCols();

// Is a row, col pair inbounds
newGrid.inBounds(row, col);

// Set all values in grid to initial value
newGrid.init(0); // sets all grid values to 0

// Initialze a grid from an array
    [6, 3, 2],  // 0th row
    [2, 5, 1],  // 1st row
    [4, 3, 9],  // 2nd row
    [1, 5, 1]   // 3rd row